The Shelby Republican
Thursday, April 18, 1918
Going Like Hotcakes in Breedlove
District, Moral Township.
The citizens of the northeast corner
of Moral township known as the Breedlove school district have
caught the true spirit for buying thrift stamps. This community embraces
territory about two miles long and that wide. A committee was named there
to look after this branch of government aid. The committee is John
R. Eck, W. H. Phares and John S. Moore. These
gentlemen know that thrift stamps can be sold if the effort is made.
Recently they disposed of stamps to the amount of $2,226.55 in that small
district and now they have given the wheel another turn for $1,000 more of the
stamps. That kind of help will spite the kaiser hip and thigh.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
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