The  Shelbyville  Republican
Monday Afternoon, October 25, 1926
Page 1  column 3
Shelbyville Sunday Schools Well
Represented at Convention
Rev. J. C. Todd Would Not Have
Bible Taught in Public
          Shelbyville forged to the front in organized Sunday school work in an unexpected flash Sunday afternoon when representatives of fourteen of the city Sunday school gathered in convention at the First Baptist church in numbers so great that the seating capacit of the church auditorium was taxed almost to its capacity.
          Leaders of the Shelby County Council of Religious Education were overjoyed, for it has long been their dream to see the city schools as active in the associational work as the country schools.  Beyond question Shelbyville takes the lead in the size of its convention this fall, though some of the township conventions have run it a close second.  J. H. Meloy,  as vice-president of the Shelbyville Countil, acting on account of the illness of the president,  J. Edward Briggeman,  had charge of the convention.  He was showered with congratulations at the close of the meeting because of the success attained, and in recognition of his ability as an organizer in the work he was given the post of president for the coming year.
          Considering the wintry rain that was falling, the crowd was remarkably large, and but for the weather it might have been much greater as many of the Sunday school workers over the county, who had planned to attend the meeting, gave it up in the face of such inclement weather.  It was recognized by many that the interest of the Shelbyville schools in the organized work had been increased by the demonstration put on here last Thursday afternoon in the form of a parade by the schools of the out-townships.  Hendricks township, Jackson township and the Sugar Creek-Brandywine district were represented Sunday afternoon by the presidents, each of whom, surrounded by a small crowd of loyal helpers, stood for roll call at the convention.
          The roll call showed the Shelbyville schools represented by delegates as follows:  First Baptist, 21; Calvary Baptist, 2; First Christian, 34; First Evangelical, 11; First M.E., 53; Main Street M.E., 11; First M.E., 53; Main Street M.E., 11; West Street M.E., 30; Vine Street M.P., 19; Nazarene, 27; Wesleyan Methodist, 1; Pentecost, 5; First Presbyterian, 7; Salvation Army, 29; Second Baptist, 3.  There were twelve ministers and nine of the Sunday school superintendents in the audience.  The total of the delegates weas 253, and the number of visitors was such that the crowd was easily more than three hundred.
(Continued on Page 8)
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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