Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
Bruner / Brunner
The Washington PostIn a ceremony last night at Temple Baptist Church, Miss Irene Burch, niece of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Burch of Washington, became the bride of Lieut. Donald Brunner, U.S. Army Air Corps.
July 30, 1943
Given in marriage by her uncle, the former Miss Burch wore a princess-style gown with a finger-tip veil and carried a white leather-covered prayer-book with an orchid and streamers. Her sister, Mrs. Elsie Herron, matronof honor, and Mrs. John W. Dortzbach of Arlington was the other bridal attendant. Lieut. Linwood Cox was best mand and Lieut. Philo Otis was usher. Following the ceremony there was a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burch.
Mrs. Brunner, who attended Maryland schools, is a member of Beta Sigma Phi. Lieutenant Brunner, the son of Mrs. Frances Brunner of Shelbyville, Ind., attended Hanover College in Indiana and is a member of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. He is now stationed with the Air Transort Command at the National Airport. After a short wedding trip the couple will make their home in Washington.
Contributed by John Addison Ballard
The Shelby DemocratThe city's "official family" for the coming four years was complete today as Mayor-elect James Pierce announced seven major appointments which will take effect January 1.
Thursday, December 10, 1942
Page 1
All Appointments Are Completed
by Mayor-Elect Pierce
Emerson Brunner and Clyde R. Yater, Named
As Attorney and Engineer, Become Members
of City Borad of Works and Safety,
and Dr. Fred Inlow, Named Health
Board Secretary, Will Become
Hospital Superintendent -- Chester Moore,
Walter Wintin, Al Banschbach and
Lee B. Hoop are Other Appointees.![]()
Emerson Brunner
Appointments announced by Pierce, who was elected as the Democratic candidate for mayor in November, were as follows:
City Attorney -- Emerson Brunner.
City Engineer -- Clyde R. Yater.
Health Board Secretary -- Dr. Fred Inlow.
Street Commissioner -- Chester Moore.
Police Chief -- Walter Wintin.
Weights and Measures and Sanitation Inspector -- Lee B. Hoop.
Brunner and Yater, by virtue of their appointments as attorney and engineer, automatically will become memebers of the important board of public works and safety, which is headed by the mayor himself with the city clerk-treasurer, Ralph S. Scofield, as an ex-officio secretary without vote.
Dr. Inlow, as secretary of the city board of health, also will automatically become superintendent of the Major hospital, succeeding Dr. Paul R. Tindall.
With announcement of the major appointments, it was also announced that other members of the city board of health will be Dr. Frank Scott and J. P. Barnard.
With the exception of Barnard, all f the new appointees are Democrats, thus bringing about a complete change-over in the political complexion of the city administration, under a Republican regime for years. The law requires that one member of the health board be of the political faith opposite that of the controlling party.
Brunner, the new city attorney, is a former county prosecutor and has practiced law here for several years. He will succeed George L. Stubbs, Republican.
Yater, appointed as engineer, will thus return to a post which he held under the administration of Republican Mayor L. E. Webb. Yater is head of the Shelby Construction Company here. He succeeds Keith C. Cawood.
Moore, the new street commissioner, is now connected with the Phillips Petroleum Company as a route salesman. He has been active in Democratic political affairs for several years. He will succeed Everett Rhodes.
Wintin, the new police chief, is a veteran member of the polic department. He will succeed Maurice Moberly. Selection of an assistant chief has not yet been announced.
Banschbach, to become the new fire department chief, is also a veteran member of his department, having served the city as a [the article continued but my copy ends here - PMF].
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
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