Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
The Shelbyville Democrat
Wednesday, June 23, 1909
Sheriff John Butler
and wife were at Smithland yesterday visiting Mrs. Butler's brother, James
H. Harrell, of Oklahoma, who is at the home of John Harrell.
The sheriff and the Oklahoman took a trip to Edinburg in the sheriff's
automobile. Mr. Harrell is suffering from a cancer and today he went to
Indianapolis to consult a specialist.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Wednesday December 12, 1906
John W. Butler, the well known fish dealer of this city, has
brought suit for divorce from his wife, Emma A. Butler. The complaint
alleges that the parties were married in 1892 and that in 1898 the defendant
abandoned the plaintiff. Mr. Butler also asks the custody of the daughter, Myrtle,
thirteen years of age.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday January 25, 1906
Page 8 column 3
Butler, eighty-three years of age, father of John H. Butler, has come to reside with his son in this city.
Mr. Butler came from Kentucky with his parents at the age of nine years and located in what is now Shelby township, where he has continuously resided for seventy-four years with the exception of about one year when he was out West.
John has taken the old man into his home to provide him with the comforts of life in his declining years.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Muncie Morning Star
December 17, 1904
(By Associated Press)
Shelbyville, Ind., Dec. 16.- John Butler's livery and feed barn was destroyed by fire today. Loss $5,000. Charles Watkins, a fireman, was fatally injured by falling timbers.
Transcribed by DJ Faust, contact for info about copies
The Shelbyville Republican
Friday, October 7, 1898
Mr. John Butler, who
has been bill clerk at the Pennsylvania office in this city for a number of
years, was on Monday made agent of the Pennsylvania lines at Rushville and has
been transferred to that point. The Republican can assure the people and
the business men of Rushville that they will find Mr. Bulter[sic] a perfect
gentleman in all respects and worthy [of] their full confidence. While his
friends here are sorry to see him leave they are happy on account of his
advancement. Mr. Will Wray, of North Madison, takes Mr. Butler's
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Wednesday, January 27, 1886
L O C A L N E W S.
Mrs. W. O. Butler
went to Hancock county yesterday to see her father, Greensberry Golden,
who is seriously ill.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Banner
Jennings County, Indiana
July 2, 1863
A Family Re-Union
One of the largest gatherings of one family ever held in the State,
certainly the largest we ever witnessed anywhere, came off at the
residence of Ovid Butler, Esq., just north of the city, near the North
Western Christian University, on Thursday last. The day was one of the
most beautiful and pleasant of the summer; a gentle breeze brought with
it the odor of sweet flowers and a kindly bidding from Nature to toss
care aside and be merry. The mandate was promptly obeyed. Children
played on the lawn, in front of the family residence, among the flowers,
while groups of older folks, some of whom are approaching near to the
even-tide of life, collected here and there to discuss the news and
relate snatches of personal history, and experience of months and years
of separation. The harmony which pervaded the assemblage found
expression in patriotic songs and songs of the heart, in which young and
old participated or gave a listing ear.
The families and parts of families present numbered in all ninety six persons, about sixty of whom were adults. In the meeting every eye was lit up with joy, and health seemed to be imprinted on every countenance; more than all, every one, in heart and word and deed, is loyal---true to the Government which their ancestors fought to establish, the same Government which members of the family are now gloriously fighting to maintain.
The head of the present family and branches, Mr. Chancy Butler, was born in Vermont. A good portion of his life was spent as a farmer in the State
of New York, thence he came to this State in 1817, shortly after it was
admitted to the Union.-- Little is now known of the family antecedants
prior to the age of Joel Butler, who was the father of the elder Chancy
Butler. He, Joel Butler, was a Baptist Preacher and spent much of his
life in the calling in New England, and the State of New York. He died
in this State in the year 1822.
Chancy Butler, the elder, died in this city in 1840, in the 65th year of
his age. He was, in the latter part of his life, a Christian preacher
and was at the time of his death, Pastor of the Christian Congregation
in this city. The following are the names of the brothers and sisters
(children of Chancy Butler) and their companions:
Mabel Pabody and her husband Dr. Ezra F. Pabody; Ovid Butler and his
wife E. Anna Butler; Polly Knapp,widow of Amos Knapp; Sally Thayer wife
of Spencer Thayer; Chancy Butler and his wife Jeannette Butler; Demia
Todd and husband Dr. Levi W. Todd; William M. Butler and his wife Mary
1. Branches of the family of D.F. Pabody and wife of Vernon, Indiana:
H. C. Newcomb, wife and family of this city; Mrs. Sarrah Butler wife of
Dr. Levi Butler of Mineapolis, Minnesota; Mrs. Frost, and family of
Seymour, Indiana; Rob't Leavitt, wife and family of Vernon, Indiana;
J. B. Smith, and family of Jennings Co., Ind.; Dr. Robt Carlton, wife and
family of Madison, Indiana; also two unmarried children, Julia and Ezra
F. Pabody Jr. In all 27 persons.
2. Branches of the family of Ovid Butler, of Forest Home, near this city:
William Wallace, wife and family of this city; Dr. P. H. Jameson, wife
and family of this city; Ovid Butler, Jr., wife and family of this city;
also five unmarried children. In all 23 persons present.
3. Branches of the family of Mrs. Polly Knapp of Vernon, Indiana:
Elijah W. Knapp, wife and family of Queensville, Indiana; Marion D. Todd
and wife of Vernon, Indiana; also two children of deceased daughter of
said Polly Knapp. In all 13 persons present.
4. Branches of the family of Spencer Thayer and wife of Shelby county, Indiana:
Sidney Thayer, wife and family of Shelby co., Ind.; John Toner, wife and
family of Shelby Co., Ind; William M Thrasher and wife of Lafayette Co.,
Ind.; also one unmarried daughter. In all 10 persons present.
5. Branches of the family of Chancy Butler of Shelby co., Indiana:
Albert Butler and wife and family of Shelby co., Ind. In all 5 persons
6. Branches of the family of Dr. Levi Todd and wife of Vernon, Indiana:
Mrs. Jane Treisback (wife of Mr. Treisback) and family of Vernon, Ind.;
David G. Vawter, wife and family of Franklin, Ind.; Ovid B. Todd and
wife of Jennings co., Ind.; also four unmarried children. In all 14
persons present.
7. William M. Butler, wife and one child of Green Lake co., Wisconsin. In all 3 persons present.
Besides these there were the two families of the deceased daughters of
Chancy Butler, to-wit: Mrs. Eunice Wilkinson and Mrs. Irena Knowlton,
unrepresented at the family meeting except by one daughter of Mrs. Knowlton.
In all there were 96 persons present -- 12 of the first generation -- 47 of
the second and 37 of the third.
In the afternoon all the relatives collected on the lawn beneath the
trees and arranged for a picture, which was taken by the well known
Potographic artists, Messrs. Cox and Miller, of this city. The scene was
of real Arcadian beauty, and one that will be long remembered by every
one present. --- Ind. Daily Gazette.

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