Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
The Shelbyville Republican
Thursday, October 14, 1937.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cherry Shelbyville rural route 4, are the parents of a five-pound and eight-ounce boy, born at the Major hospital at 8:20 Thursday morning. The infant has been named George Elliott.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
August 3, 1936
Page 3 column 1
Frances Phares, Society Editor
The fifteen annual reunion of the Cherry family was held Sunday at Riley park, in Greenfield with seventy-seven members of the family present.
The day's activities were opened with a Sunday school hour with Gordon Thurston, of Shelbyville, conducting the lesson. At the noon hour a pitch-in dinner was enjoyed. Claude C. Cherry, of southwest of Shelbyville, asking the blessing.
During the afternoon business session, in charge of Norman Thurston, of Shelbyville, president, it was decided to hold the 1937 convention the first Sunday in August, at the Laura Morrison park in Shelbyville.
Officers next year will be Russell Cherry, of Jackson township, Shelby county, president; Miss Minta Cherry, Fountaintown, vice-president; George Cherry, Fountaintown, secretary, and Mrs. Gordon Thurston, Shelbyville, treasurer. Mrs. Claude Cherry and Mrs Sally Cherry were appointed on the program committee for next year.
The afternoon program consisted of readings by Mrs. Squire Parker, Minta Cherry, Miriam Rose Parker, Mrs. Russell Cherry and Paula Cherry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cherry, of Indianapolis.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Republican
Thursday March 20, 1924
Omer A. Cherry of this city, has filed a complaint for a divorce against Mrs. Ardie L. Cherry, in the Shelby Circuit Court. He also asks for the custody of their daughter, Pansy L. Cherry. Cheney and Tolen are attorneys for the plaintiff.
The couple was married April 8, 1917, and separated November 24, 1923. Mr. Cherry charges that his wife lost all affection for him, and told him that she did not care for him. He alleges that she nagged and quarreled with him because other women had finer clothing that he was able to provide for her.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Daily Democrat
Monday October 30, 1905
Alonzo Cherry has filed suit in the circuit court asking for divorce from Mary E. Cherry. The parties reside in Hanover township.
It is alleged in the complaint that the defendant abandoned the plaintiff without cause, that she has formed the habit of associating with men of lascivious character, and that she is guilty of acts of an unnatural and inhuman nature.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Monday, September 25, 1905
Page 1
The Fairland Regulars
will play to Shelbyville Grays in this city next Sunday. Manager Cherry
has chartered a special car to leave [this paragraph continues, but my copy ends
here - pmf]
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Democrat
Friday, August 15, 1902
Hester Cherry entered suit for divorce from her hsuband, John Cherry, at Indianapolis yesterday. Mrs. Cherry, in her petition for divorce says they were married in Shelbyville on Dec. 26, 1886, and that he failed to buy her necessary wearing apparel. She alleges that he is a morphine fiend and has used the drug until his mind became affected and he was unable to do manual labor.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday, October 4, 1898
If the townships of Washington, Liberty
and Union had not succeeded in sustaining the suits they brought to prevent the
payment of enormous bills for alleged school supplies shipped into the
townships, the townships would have been bankrupted. The individual who
sold the school supplies now says he is the controlling power of the Democratic
party in Shelby county; that he sways the board of county commissioners and that
he will control Cherry and Barnes if they
are elected.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
July 28, 1894
Page 4 column 1
All members of Dumont Post No. 18, are requested to meet at Post Headquarters at 1 o'clock sharp Sunday, July 29th, to attend the funeral f comrade Oliver P.Cherry.
T. Wilkes, Commander
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
December 31, 1891
Page 3
Trustee James Cherry of Hendricks township, was up to see his
friends in the Democrat office Wednesday.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Republican
Monday, July 21, 1884
Marriage license have been issued to the following persons since our last report: Hugh T. Graham and Phoebe L. Cherry; James R. Harbrough and Mattie Gwynne.
Contributed by Marcia Stinson

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