Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday Afternoon, October 25, 1926
Page 1 column 4
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Conrey of East Mechanic street left today on a trip to Chicago.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
December 24, 1891
Page 4 Column 3
Misses Marie Irvin, of Greencastle, and
Ruby Martin, of Greenfield, will arrive in the city on Saturday, for a few weeks stay with
Misses Mary and Carrie Conrey.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Tuesday, January 26, 1886
Misses Mary Conrey
and Millie Bookwalter leave tomorrow for Cincinnati, to
attend the College of Music.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Union Banner
February 18, 1864
Page 3 col 1
(Successors to Jameson & Conrey)
Again the Grand Army of the Potomac is reported
as about advancing, but not so with us in the prices of our large and incomparable stock of
Furniture and Chairs,
Which will actually be sold at a reduction from
10 to 25 per cent, on former prices, the truth of which will be readily apparent to all who will take the trouble
to call and examine for themselves. The stock is full in every department, consisting of
Plain and Upholstered Work,
All manufactured from the best of material and by
experienced workmen. BUREAUS, STANDS,
Office, Kitchen, Cane, Flag Bottomed,
Upholstered and Rocking
C H A I R S ,
In endless variety, of the various styles and at all prices.
We have Fisk's Iron Burial Case, warranted air and water tight. Also, Wood Coffins always on hand or made to
order in every style now in use. We also have a splendid 14pt
Hearse to attend Funerals, charging for the
team only. Sales Rooms East side of Harrison st., South of Public Square,
Shelbyville, Ind.
july 50-1y

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