Shelby County, Indiana
Newspaper Articles
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday June 14, 1923
(From Fridays; Daily)
Charges that her husband is an habitual loafer and has made no provisions for
his family in the last five years, are made by Mrs. Augusta Cooper, of
Jackson township, in a complaint against Charles Cooper, for a divorce,
the custody of four children and payment of support, which has been filed in the
Shelby circuit court. Mrs. Cooper is represented by Cheney & Tolen,
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were married in December, 1905, and separated May 18,
1923. Mrs. Cooper charges that the defendant has loafed in stores and places in
Mt. Auburn for five years, only returning to his home at meal time, and that she
has done extra work at home and elsewhere in order to obtain money for the
support of the family. She also alleges that Mr. Cooper would become intoxicated
and in that condition, struck, beat, and threatened her and the children. At the
time of the separation, she alleges her husband was intoxicated, that he
threatened the plaintiff and the four children, then said he was going to leave
and never return. He has not been back since, she asserts.
Mrs. Cooper owns a house and one acre of ground in Jackson township.
She asks
the court to name a sum for the defendant to pay each week for the support of
the family.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Indianapolis Star
September 26, 1915
Page 54 Column 4
Mrs. I. N. Cooper
has returned from Robinson, Ill., where she visited relatives for a few weeks.
Contributed by Virginia Latta Curulla
The Shelby Republican
July 1, 1915
Page 1 Column 5
Cooper Sentenced to Thirty Days on
the Penal Farm Today.
Thomas Cooper, one of the men charged with rout in the affidavit filed in the city court on Tuesday night by Patrolman Elmer Marks, was arrested Tuesday evening, charged with drunkenness. He was brought before Mayor Schoelch this morning and plead guilty to the charge. He was given a five dollar fine and thirty days on the state penal farm in Putnam county. Cooper told the court that he believed he would appeal the case. In the meantime he is in jail.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday July 19, 1906
Page 7 column 5
Edmund Cooper, of Des Moines, Iowa, is here visiting relatives. Ed was reared in Shelbyville and has many friends. The present visit is the first he has made here since he went West six years ago. Mrs. Cooper has been here a week visiting her father, George Kinsley, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper will return to their Western home in about a week.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Tuesday, September 26, 1899
Mr. I. N. Cooper to-day reached his forty-eighth birthday and nine years ago to-day he enteed[sic] the First National Bank where he has become a valued fixture.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
Picture of the home of I. N. Cooper from Boetcker's Picturesque
Shelbyville, 1909. |
The Daily Democrat
Shelbyville, Indiana
Tuesday, July 18, 1899
Marshal Cooper and Deputy Moore this morning escorted Jane Fisher to the J.,M.&I. depot and assisted the unfortunate woman on the train, with the understanding that should she return to this city she will be given thirty days in jail on old charges. She will reside in Columbus.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday September 14, 1897
Page 1
Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper Have
Kissed and Made Up and Are Happy Again
On the sixth day of last July
Mrs. William Cooper, of
Hendricks township filed suit for divorce from her husband asking for $5,000
alimony and the right to change her name. The complaint charged William with
about every evil under the shining sun and a few not down in the calendar for
cloudy days. Cooper is the son of the late James Cooper
and lives on
the old home place near the Franklin bridge. When the complaint was filed Mrs.
Cooper came to town to reside and has been living in the upstairs rooms of one
of Mrs. Padricks’s houses, on West Franklin street. For some time past Mr.
Cooper has been trying to induce his wife to come back to him. He has called
on her several times but without success. Finally on Saturday evening when
Cooper called, his wife relented and went home with him and they are now
living together again. This action will call for the dismissal of the law suit
now pending and the wiping out of all old scores.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelby Democrat
March 28, 1895
Page 3
The will case of Cooper vs. Cooper has been sent on change of venue to Johnson county and will come up there at the next term of court.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville, Indiana, Daily Democrat
Monday, September 4, 1893
Page 4
Mr. I. N. Cooper Saturday bought Mr. C. W. Culbertson's property on Shelby-st. The price paid was $1,800 and Mr. Cooper will move into the same Thursday.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
January 24, 1889
Nancy Cooper, George Cooper and others have filed proceedings in court for the partition of real estate.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Wednesday, January 27, 1886
L O C A L N E W S.
The motion for a new trial in the twice tried case of William H. Cooper vs. James
E. Smith, is being argued before Judge Hord this afternoon.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Saturday, January 23, 1886
A motion for a new trial in the case of William H. Cooper vs. James Smith has been filed. The case had been tried twice and each time the verdict was for the defendant.
I. N. Cooper and John W. Cushing were admitted to the Patriarchal and advanced to the Golden Rule degree by the I.O.O.F. Encampment last night.
Hon. Edmund Cooper to-day received a letter from his friend Mr. Buxton, who is out in Iowa. Mr. B. writes that the snow is eighteen inches deep in that country.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Evening Democrat
Saturday, January 31, 1885
Page 4, Column 1
Billy Buxton
and Squire Cooper came up from Noble township yesterday
morning in a sleigh. They shipped the sleigh home this morning on a
freight train and they will follow this morning on the express.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Evening Democrat
Shelbyville, Indiana
Thursday, October 5, 1882
Miss Carrie C. Cooper, the handsome daughter of the Hon. Edmond Cooper, of Noble township, was married at two o'clock yesterday afternoon to
Mr. Walter S. Lowe, at the home of her parents, by Rev. W. T. Jolly. The Democrat wishes the young couple a long and happy married life.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
Indiana Journal
Indianapolis, Indiana
Wednesday, June 16, 1830
Issue 373 Column B
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration were granted to the undersigned at the last March term of the Shelby Probate Court on the estate of James Cooper deceased, late of Shelby county, Indiana. All persons having any demands against said estate are hereby requested to present them within one year from this date, and all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment. The estate is solvent.
May 24, 1830} 371
Contributed anonymously

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