Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
The Shelby Democrat
May 31, 1894
Page 3 column 3
Mr. Allen Dewitt, who has been in Dr. Woollen's sanitarium at Indianapolis, was brought home Saturday by his wife, and Sunday taken to his mother's residence in Union township. Mr. Dewitt moved to Shelbyville a year or so ago, and had made many friends here, who will regret to learn of his unfortunate condition. He cannot recover from his affliction, which is something like spinal trouble.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Evening Democrat
August 9, 1888
Page 4 column 2
L O C A L N E W S.
Mr. Landy Dewitt, of Union township, was a caller on the Democrat to-day. Mr. Dewitt says that Union township will go Democratic this fall.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Republican
Friday Evening, July 6, 1888
For rent --- A house of three rooms on East Pennsylvania street. Inquire of F. C. Dewitt.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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