Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
The Shelbyville RepublicanGeorge H. Dunn was nominated for commander of the Birely Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, in its meeting Wednesday evening. The election of officers is to be held October 19th.
Thursday, October 6, 1932
Page 1
Prospective New Officers of V. F. W. Post are Announced.
Other nominations reported by a committee at last night's session were: For Senior Vice-Commander, Louis Grover; for Junior Vice-Commander, Thomas E. Heck; for quartermaster, Bernard Hoban, and for chaplain, C. A. Sanders.
Other business discussed was of a minor nature. There was a good attendance.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Kokomo TribuneGeorge Dunn, of Shelbyville, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Belle Dunn.
May 16, 1930
Page 2
Contributed by Janet McColley Franklin
The Winston-Salem JournalMr. H. H. Dunn, the new live-wire secretary of the Winston-Salem Board of Trade, and Mrs. Dunn and little daughter, have arrived in this city and will reside at 519 South Main Street, Mrs. Dunn having spent two days in trying to locate a vacant house in the city, almost reaching the conclusion that "they ain't none."
Friday Morning, January 4, 1918
Page 6 column 3
Mr. H. H. Dunn Commences
Work as Secretary of Lo-
cal Board of Trade; Roa-
noke Comment
Mr. Dunn arrived Tuesday and has been spending the time "getting his hand in" at the local Board of Trade office. He was secured to take the place vacated by the resignation recently of Mr. P. O. Leak, after a thorough investigatin of him and a number of other possibilities, by a special committee appointed by President A. H. Galloway a few weeks ago.
In referring to Mr. Dunn's work in Roanoke, the Roanoke Times of Sunday has the following to say:
Herbert Hayes Dunn, for the past year assistant secretary of the Roanoke Chamber of Commerce, will leave here tomorrow for Winston-Salem where on January first he will assume the duties of secretary of the Winston-Salem Board of Trade. Through his connection with the local Chamber of Commerce and through his own personality Mr. Dunn has made during his stay here many warm friends who feel that the departure of such an energetic worker in all matters pertaining to civic welfare will result in a material loss to Roanoke.
Mr. Dunn, who by profession is a commercial and industrial engineer, was born in Shelbyville, Indiana, where he lived until about ten years ago. During the first five years of his professional career, he was in the employment of Edgar Potter of Chicago in the capacity of industrial manager. The Potter Company operates between ten and twenty gas plants located at different points in the middle West. During his association with this company, Mr. Dunn was charged with the upbuilding of these properties and had complete control over the connected commercial work except that of manufacturing.
For five years following this period Mr. Dunn was located at Wilmington Delaware, where he had charge of industrial work for the C. H. Geist Company of Philadelphia. This corporation operates the gas plants of Roanoke, Atlantic City, Lansing, Mich., Freeport, Ill., Florence, Ala., and the ten million dollar water works at Indianapolis.
Mr. Dunn was sent to Roanoke by this company several years ago. Shortly after that he was employed by the local Chamber of Commerce to make an industrial survey of the city, which was contemplated at that time. This plan was later abandoned, however, because of the fact that on account of the abnormal industrial conditions created here by the war, it was thought that such a survey would be of little permanent value. It was found that the busniess of many manufacturers in the city had coubled and tripled since the outbreak of the war and hence a survey based upon such figures as these would fall far short of showing Roanoke's actual industrial condition.
In connection with the industrial and commercial work, Mr. Dunn has written a number of articles upon these subjects which have been published in the Gas Record and in the Gas Engineering Journal. He has also delivered several addresses before national gas conferences.
Mr. Dunn is a member of the Rotary, Booster and Elks clubs.
Contributed by John Addison Ballard
A Shelbyville, Indiana, NewspaperMr. Will B. Dunn and son, Frank T. Dunn, of this city leave Sunday for Jacksonville, Florida, where they will stay for a time. Mr. Dunn has only recently returned from the State Tunberculosis Sanitarium at Rockville. Mr. Dunn feels that he has completely recovered but wants a warmer climate than Indiana for outdoor work the year around. Frank Dunn has for the past eighteen months been a collector for the Republican office. We are sorry to see him leave but wish him success in his new home.
March 22, 1912
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Saturday, July 29, 1899
Page 4
-------O-------There will be a meeting of the Lady Board of Managers of the Orphans' Home at the residence of Mrs. Houston, Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. A full attendance is desired. Business of importance is to be transacted. Mrs. G. H. Dunn, President.
Submitted by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily DemocratMr. David Gilbert was here yesterday from Dayton, Ohio. He came to spend the day with his wife who is here on a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Sue Dunn.
Monday, September 4, 1893
Page 4
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily DemocratDr. J. F. Taylor, office in new building adjoining residence of Mr. George H. Dunn, No. 13 West Franklin-st.
Shelbyville, Ind.
June 6, 1892
Page 4
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily DemocratMrs. Wm. C. Dunn and two daughters, of Boston, Mass., are expected here to-day by Mrs. G. H. Dunn.
Monday, March 7, 1887
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily DemocratGeorge Dunn, after a weeks illness, was able to be out this morning.
Monday, January 25, 1886
L O C A L N E W S.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily DemocratGeorge H. Dunn has cut out of a paper an outline of the foot of Miss Fannie Hill, of Sandusky, Ohio, taking the measurements from a paper, which are as follows: Around ball of foot, 19 inches; around instep, 19-1/2 inches; around heel, 23-1/2; around ankle, 18 inches. Miss Hill is twenty-five years of age and weighs (including feet) 135 pounds.
Saturday, January 16, 1886
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Evening DemocratMiss Fannie Cage and Miss Katie Dunn left for Indianapolis this morning where they will remain over Sunday.
Saturday, April 15, 1882
Contributed by D. Darlene Palmer
The Daily Evening DemocratThe bondsmen of W. G. Dunn, of Fairland, having declined to continue longer on his bond, he was brought to town and lodged in the cooler Saturday evening by Deputy Sheriff James Magill.
Monday, September 5, 1881
L O C A L N E W S.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby National VolunteerMEASLES---This disease is alarmingly prevalent in this city at the present time, and appears to be unusually fatal, several children having already died, and a number of others are now dangerously sick. Mr. George H. Dunn and Mr. Cox each lost a child on Monday evening. We also learn that Mrs. Richard Norris lays in a very precarious condition from black measles.
Thursday March 30, 1871
Page 3 column 2
Submitted by Barb Huff
The Shelby RepublicanBy virtue of an Execution to me directed from the Clerks office of the Shelby Common Pleas Court, I will offer for sale at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, on
January 18, 1871
Page 4 column 1
S H E R I F F ' S S A L E ,
Saturday, the 28th day of January, 1871, Between the hours of 10 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P.M. of said day, at the door of the Court House of Shelby County, Indiana, the rents and profits for a term not exceeding seven years of the following described Real Estate, to-wit:
The undivided one half of the South-east quarter of the South-east quarter of section thirty-two, (32) and the South-west quarter of the South-west quarter of section thirty-three, (33) in Township Fourteen, (14) North of Range six (6) East, containing eighty (80) acres, more or less.
And if such rents and profits will not sell for a sufficient sum to satisfy siad Judgment, interest and costs, I will, at the same time and place, offer for sale at Public Auction to the highest bidder, subject to all the incumbrances upon the same, the fee simple of said Real Estate, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment, interest and costs.
Taken as the property of William G. Dunn and George H. Dunn, at the suit of Joseph D. Lacy and James Lacey.
Said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws.ITHAMAR SPURLIN, Sheriff S. C. I.Dec. 21th, 1870.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
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