Notes from the submitter, Lynda Dyas:  Jan 5, 1853 through November 16, 1854 Shelbyville Indiana – Amelia Thatcher  and  Mary Jane Dyas  ran advertisements in the local Shelbyville papers, advertising as milliners, one paper listed Mary Jane as Miss Mary Jane Dyas.  In the 1840s  James and Susan Dyas (Colescott)  lived in Shelbyville with  William  and  Matilda Little.

National  Volunteer
Shelbyville, Indiana
Jan. 6,1853
          We continue the above business in all its various branches and most fashionable style, at the old stand on Washington Street.  We are in constant receipt of the fashions from New York, Philadelphia, and Cincinnati.  All work in our line will be done in the best order.  Trimmings of various kinds, and to suit, kept constantly on hand.
Amelia Ann Thacher
Mary Jane Dyas
Submitted by Lynda Dyas

National  Volunteer
Shelbyville, Indiana
March 24,1853
          MRS. THACHER is now in the city, and will be opening the fashions of the season, of Bonnets, Ribbons, trimmings, &c. of the best quality and at the lowest prices about next Monday.
          Millinery and Mantua-Making will be carried on in all its various Branches and most fashionable style, at the old stand on Washington Street.
          We are in the monthly receipt of the fashions from New York, Philadelphia, and Cincinnati. All work in our line will be done in the best order.
Amelia Ann Thacher
Mary Jane Dyas
Submitted by Lynda Dyas

National  Volunteer
Shelbyville, Indiana
May 29,1853
          The undersigned have on hand, and for sale of the newest fashion, - Bonnets, Ribbons, trimmings, Etc. Etc. of the best quality and lowest prices.
          Millinery and Mantua-Making will be carried on in all its various branches and most fashionable style, at the old stand on Washington Street.
          We are in the monthly receipt of the fashions from New York, Philadelphia, and Cincinnati. All work in our line will be done in the best order.
Amelia Ann Thacher
Mary Jane Dyas
Submitted by Lynda Dyas

National  Volunteer
Shelbyville, Indiana
Oct. 6, 1853
          MRS. THACHER  and  MISS DYAS  are now receiving their Fall Stock of Bonnets, Ribbons, Millenary, &c. and goods and trimmings, for Dresses &c.
Submitted by Lynda Dyas

National  Volunteer
Shelbyville, Indiana
October 25, 1854.
Ladies! Attention!
          Having just returned from Cincinnati, with the most fashionable trimmings and patterns for fall and winter, we are now preparing to any work in the Millinery and Mantua-making Buisness, which cannot be surpassed in any city.  As we do the work ourselves, we warrant it, to be superior to the slop shop work brought here by catchpenny merchants to discourage female industry!
          The latest patterns from New York and Philadelphia, for cloaks, capes, Mantillas Etc.
Amelia Ann Thacher
Mary Jane Dyas
Submitted by Lynda Dyas

28 May 1860 marriage:  David S. Watson  and  Mary J. Dyas  in Coles Co, IL, Book B:207.
The 1860 Coles Co IL census, Charleston Twp:  Watson, D.S. – 41- IN – Grocer Merchant – 2000 –1000;  Mary J. – 35 – KY;  Millard F. (listed as Mildred F in 1850)- 12 – IL;  Theodore A. –10- IL;  Amanda P. – 3 – IL;  Holbrook, Maria –68- Ireland – Domestic;  Watson, Martha J. –21- IL .

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