Shelby  County  Indiana
Newspaper  Articles


The  Shelbyville  Republican
Tuesday, October 21, 1921
          Notice is hereby given to the creditors, heirs and legatees of  James Guile,  deceased, to appear in the Shelby Circuit Court, held in Shelbyville, Indiana, on the 11th day of November 1902, and show cause, if any why the final settlement accounts with the estate of said decedent should not be approved; and said heirs are notified to then and there make proof of heirship, and receive their distributive shares.
          Witness, the Clerk of said Court, this 20th day of October, 1902.
Clerk Shelby Circuit Court      
HORD  &  ADAMS,  Attys.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

The  Shelby  Democrat
June 16, 1898
Page 3   column 2
          Miss Grace Haymond  has gone to Washington township, where she will reside with her mother,  Mrs. Jacob Guile.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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