Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
The Shelby RepublicanJohn Hand, East Pennsylvania St., is father for the first time and Oscar Hand senior member of the firm of Oscar Hand & Son is grandfather for the first time. A baby boy has arrived in the home of John Hand and John grins every time he meets you on the street.
Friday, February 2, 1906
(From Thursday's Daily.)
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby DemocratMr. and Mrs. William Young and Mr. and Mrs. John Hand, of this city, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billman, east of the city.
Thursday, November 16, 1905
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily DemocratThe Indiana Washing Machine, the boss of the world, manufactured by the Hand Brothers, Shelbyville, and on exhibition in the Dorsey block, South Harrison street. This machine is positively a perfect success, cleaning clothes even more perfectly than can be done on a washboard, and positively without any perceivable wear on them. A child ten or twelve years can do the work as well as a woman, and you can wash from a pocket handerchief to twenty shirts at a time, always doing its work rapidly and well. It does four times the amount of work of any other machine made in the same time, and the quality of work is never equaled by any machine. Any one contemplating buying a machine should not fail to call and see for themselves and be convinced that what we state is true, as they can see the machine tested and see its work any day by calling at the north door of the Dorsey block.
Tuesday, December 7, 1886
Page 4
Something New That is Worth Seeing.
----------HAND BROTHERS, Proprietors.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
Publication # US363742 A; type - Grant; Filing date - Sep 13, 1886; Inventor - Townson Hand
Images from
The Shelbyville Daily DemocratLeave your laundry orders with Oscar Hand at his furniture rooms, corner of Harrison and Hendricks streets.
Saturday, January 16, 1886
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Republican BannerAssignees Notice --- The firms of H. P. Johnson and Company, and B. F. Keck and Company have assigned and conveyed to me all their property, real and personal. Elijah Hand and Daniel Keck, assignees.
November 11, 1857
Contributed by Greg Curson