Mrs. [Permelia]Howe was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peek, pioneers of Shelby county, therefore it was quite appropriate and extremely delightful that the annual reunion of the Peek family this year should be featured by the golden wedding anniversary. The occasion was also in the nature of an open house to which the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Howe for miles around came to extend congratulations and good wishes to the happy couple. Seated in the yard at their ome at noon were more than 100 relatives and friends enjoying the great anniversary and reunion dinner that was served, many of the older residents recalling the changes of time, the different surroundings and contrasting circumstances from the day that the couple was married.
The Shelbyville Daily DemocratFifty years of living is a good long time, it will be admitted, but when each of those years is a succession of happiness between two persons of mutual interests, the time slips by on wheels that are geared to go the speed limit. That is the feeling of Mr. and Mrs. George Howe, of Noble township, who celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary last week and on Sunday observed the event at the annual reunion of the Peek family, which was held at their home.
Monday, August 25, 1924
Page 2, col 1-4
Annual Meeting of Peek Family
At Home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Howe, Sunday.
There is one outstanding feature in connection with the golden wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Howe have lived thru the entire fifty years on the farm where they now reside and where the celebration was held Sunday. They went to housekeeping in a small combination log and frame house, where they lived for ten years. Their home today is one of the most attractive country homes in the county and represents the success which the two have attained by working together and making their toil bring the reward they deserve.
Mr. and Mrs. Howe were married at the home of her parents on Aug. 19, 1874, in a quiet, pretty ceremony that was performed by the Rev. John Healing, of the Separate Baptist church. They went to housekeeping at once, their home situated in the center of a field and almost entirly surrounded by growing crips. Mrs. Howe says she yet recollects the scene of nothing but crops on all sides of the house and of her happiness when they built their home near the road. Mr. Howe has always farmed and his success commands the respect of the best agriculturalists in the community.
The couple has four children, all of Shelby county. The sons are James R. Howe, of Washington township, and Arra C. Howe, of Noble township, and the daughters, Mrs. Bertha E. Chesser, of Noble township, and Miss Stella Howe, at home. There are six grandchildren.
No finer couple than Mr. and Mrs. Howe may be found in the community and at this occasion in their lives they glow with pleasure at the numberless expressions of good wishes and good feeling shown them by scores of friends in every part of the county. That feeling is borne out in the number of handsome gifts presented to them at the celebration Sunday. The officers elected by the Peek family for the 1925 reunion are Mrs. Minnie Thompson, president, and Lola Howe, vice president.
Families present at the gathering Sunday were: William Thompson and family, J. R. Howe and family, J. R. Peek and family, Mrs. Nancy Tindall, Gertrude Peek, Presley Peek and wife, Louis Boger and wife, Carl Peek and family, George Chesser and family, Othor Klipple and family, Mrs. Nellie Klipple, Edgar Russ, A. C. Howe and family, Charles Howe and wife, Jesse Howe and wife, Jesse Kelley and family, George Monroe, John Montgomery, Frank Cralix, of Shelby county; J. Henry and family, Thomas Reed and family, and Charles Mingle, of Rush county; Mrs. Laura Cain, of Lebanon..
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby DemocratAt his office Saturday evening, Squire James Webb united in marriage David A. Whittshire and Miss Lizzie Howe. The groom is a business man of Indianapolis. The bride is a sister-in-law of Dennis Howard, of this city, and has numerous friends throughout Shelby county, Mr. and Mrs. Whittshire will reside at the capital.
Thursday, November 16, 1905
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville RepublicanGeorge Howe, of Noble township, is drilling a gas well on his home farm. There will be others commence drilling in that locality very soon.
Tuesday, August 29, 1899
Page 2, column 2
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming