Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
The Shelby Democrat
November 9, 1893
Mrs. Charles E. Knight, of Waldron, Thursday
evening presented her husband with a nice little daughter. Mrs. K. will be remembered as Miss Lizzie McBride,
duaghter of Mr. and Mrs. John McBride, of this city.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
July 24, 1890
Page 3
Officer Ritchey Tuesday went to Waldron and arrested Charles Knight and Dud Avery, who are charged with assault and battery on Otto Smith, said to have been committed on Sunday night. They are also accused of stoning and breaking the windows in the residence of Ben Smith, of Middletown. The cases will be heard by Squire Ellis on next Wednesday.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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