Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
September 28, 1928
Ten Years Ago Today
Paintings by Royal H. Milleson, formerly of this city were on exhibition at the Chicago art gallery.
Contributed by Linda Allen
The Daily Democrat
Thursday, August 24, 1911
Page 4 column 2
Adam Bush, of New Augusta, is here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Milleson, of Shelby street.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
A Shelbyville Newspaper
August 13, 1908
Master Lowell Henley, of Carthage, is here with Millie Milleson.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Evening Democrat
Monday, September 17, 1883
Royal H. Milleson, andFlorence E. Brown were married Saturday evening by Rev. S. Tincher.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Evening Democrat
Monday, April 17, 1882
Miss Allie Gillingham of Manilla, spent the Sabbath with Miss Eva Millison.
Contributed by D. Darlene Palmer
The Shelbyville Republican
Thursday, December 12, 1872
A little son of Noah Milleson, near
this city, met with a very painful accident on Monday evening last. He was returning from School, and was
walking backwards to keep the wind from blowing in his face, when his foot struck a small bit of ice, throwing
him to the ground, breaking his arm in two places.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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