Shelby  County  Indiana
Newspaper  Articles


The  Shelbyville  Volunteer
Thursday, March 21, 1878
          News was recently received by his friends in this county, that Sylvester Monroney, of Casey, Illinois, had committed suicide by cutting his throat. Deceased was formerly a resident of Marion Township, and removed to Illinois, about twenty years ago, where he engaged in farming.  At the time of his death he was about fifty-five years old, and leaves a wife and several children.  He was a brother of  Mrs. Clarissa Bennefield,  also of the wives of  Oliver,  Jonah  and  Sylvester Bassett  and father of  Mrs. Melvin Bowman.  We are not informed as to the cause of this act of self-destruction.
State of Illinois, Jasper County
          An inquest taken for the people of the State of Illinois at the house of  Sylvester J. Monroney  in Grandville township in said county of Jasper.  On the 9th day of March 1878 before Louis S. Ryan a Justice of the Peace of said County upon the view of the body of Sylvester J. Monroney then and there lying dead upon the Oaths of  J. T. Peck,  S. Boyd, M. Miller,  S. Jarett,  Loyd Baily,  Thos. Cox,  Wm. Eyers,  Norman Jarred,  J. M. Jarred,  P. P. Cramer,  Julius Boyd,  Wm. O. Denman  good and lawful men of said County being duly sworn to inquire on the part of the people of the State of Illinois into all the circumstances attending the death of said Sylvester J. Monroney and by whom the same was produced and in what manner and when and where the said Sylvester J. Monroney came to his death do say upon their oaths as aforesaid that the said Sylvester J. Monroney did on the 9th day of March 1878 at his own barn in Grandville township in said County of Jasper volunterily while labouring under mentel derangement inflict a mortal wound in and upon the right side of the neck of the said Sylvester J. Monroney entirely severing the right jugular vein and carotid artery of which said mortal wound the said Sylvester J. Monroney then and there instantly died and so the jurors aforesaid upon their oaths aforesaid say that the said Sylvester J. Monroney did then and there in manner aforesaid and at the place aforesaid volunterly and of his own malice aforethought kill and murder himself the said Sylvester J. Monroney against the Peace of the people of this State and their dignity.
          In witness whereof the said jurors have hereunto set their hand this 9th day of March 1878.
S. Boyd, J. T. Peck, Samuel Jarrett, Lloyd Bailey, M. Miller, Thomas Cox, Norman Jared, Israel I. Cramer, William Eyers, Julius M. Boyd, J. M. Jaret, W. O. Denman
          The above virdict was made up signed and delivered to me this 9th day of March 1878
L. S. Ryan, J. P.
State of Illinois, Jasper County
Thereby certify that after holding the writtin inquest over the body of the said Sylvester J. Monroney at the request of his friends I delivered the said body to his friends for buriel.
Witness my hand this 9th day of March 1878
L. S. Ryan, J. P.

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