Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
The Shelbyville News
Wednesday, August 24, 1955
Page 2
[Picture of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Nay]
The 66th anniversary of their wedding will be observed Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Nay at their home in Jackson township, one and one-half miles west of Mt. Auburn. No special event has been planned for the occasion but a family gathering will be held at the home during the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Nay were married in Johnson count yon August 28, 1889. A short time later they moved to Shelby county and have since resided in Jackson township. Both are 86 years of age and in good health. They maintain a keen interest in today's affairs, take part in numerous activities in their community and have been active members of the Mt. Auburn Christian Church for more than a half-century.
Mr. and Mrs. Nay are parents of three children, Mrs. Homer Snepp and Travis Nay of Jackson township and M. O. Nay of this city. They have five grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
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