The  Shelbyville  Daily  Democrat
Thursday, February 22, 1906
Page 1
          The marriage of  Thomas Smith  and  Miss Nellie Reinhardt, daughter of  Mr. and Mrs. George Reinhardt, took place last evening at the home of the bride's parents, 107 north Noble street.  About thirty relatives and friends were present at the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. G. M. Smith, of the First M. E. church.  Miss Irene Milleson  played the Mendelssohn wedding mrach[sic].  The bride entered unattended.  She wore a beautiful gown of white crepe decline with lace trimmings and carried a shower boquet[sic] of white carnations.
          In the dining room a color scheme of pink and green was carried out with pink carnations in a setting of ferns and foliage.  Mr. and Mrs. Smith will be at home to their friends on north Pike street after March 1.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

The  Daily  Evening  Democrat
Monday, September 5, 1881
L O C A L         N E W S.
          A surprise dinner was given to  Mrs. John ,  of Hendricks township, on Saturday, it being the occasion of her twenty-seventh birthday.  Nearly a hundred friends and relatives were present, and a good time was enjoyed.  She was the recipient of a large number of beautiful presents.  We return thanks for some of the finest cake ever received at this office.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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