Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
Rice / Ryse
The Shelbyville News
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Author's work was unappreciated in his hometown.
Ron Hamilton, Columnist
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archives. *Picture included.
The Shelbyville News
August 23, 1955
Page 2
Marilyn Mohler
Is Feted With
Personal Shower
Mrs. Carl K. Meloy and Mrs. George Beal entertained with a personal shower Sunday afternoon honoring Miss Marily Mohler, bride-elect of William Rice, at the Meloy home on North Riley Highway.
Decorations and appointments were in the bride-elect's chosen colors of lavendar and white. Piano selections were presented by Miss Carolyn Rigsbee and Miss Virginia Hites sang two songs from "Show Boat," during the evening and Mr. Vincent Evans spoke on points of interest in San Francisco, Calif., the future home of Miss Mohler.
Guests for the occasion were Mesdames [?] Ralph Mohler, Harold Laird, Robert Duckworth, Floyd Coers, O. W. Cushman, Louis King, Manuel Moulton, Harold Meloy, Earl Hites, Harry Sherritt, Fleming Kennedy, David Hester, Ralph Stuart, Emerson Rigsbee, David Pearce, Russell Branson and Glenn Hubler.
Other guests were the Misses Marian Miller, Joyce Ann Duckworth, Karen Duckworth, Patricia Branson, Nancy Hester, Kay Johler, Jan Sherritt, Patricia Kennedy, Virginia Hites and Joyce Free.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Indianapolis
Sunday Star
February 14, 1923
Page 11
poem by Alonzo L. Rice, Shelbyville, Ind.
It seemed I knew the way my loved one chose;
I knew by some dim prescience undefined:
Nor could I err; the sweetness of the rose
Is herald of its beauty to the blind.
The knowledge of her charming presence came.
A fair revealment to me, like the thought
Of haunting music; turning we hear the same
Sweet melody along the breezes brought.
---------- |
Contributed by Janet McColley Franklin
The Atlanta Constitution
November 21, 1909.
How brief the stay, as beautiful as fleeting.
The time that baby came with us to dwell;
Just long enough to give a happy greeting.
Just long enough to bid us all farewell.
Death travels down the thickly settled highway,
At shining marks they say he loves to aim;
How did he find far down our lonely by-way,
Our little girl who died without a name?
She seemed so like a tender bird whose winglets,
Are broken by the stress of rain and storm.
With loving care we pressed the golden ringlets,
And wondered could there be so fair a form;
For death had chiseled without pause or falter
Each feature that the sunny tresses frame;
No change of scene nor length of time can alter
Our little girl who died without a name.
We do not know the fond endearment spoken
To which she listened when she fell asleep.
And so, beside a column that was broken,
We laid her to her slumber calm and deep.
We traced upon the stone with loving fingers
These simple words, affection's tear to claim:
"In dreams, beyond all earthly sorrow, lingers
Our little girl without a name.
Close folded there within the Bible hidden,
A flower fades that withered on her breast;
Upon the page where such as she are bidden
To seek the circle of His arms for rest.
"Of such a kingdom," comes to us as sweetly,
Those little ones without a touch of blame;
We know He shelters in His love completely,
Our little girl who died without a name.
She sleeps serene where fragrant mossy willows
In sweet and workless tunes forever wave
And summer seas in long and grassy billows
Break into bloom around her lonely grave.
In memory's hall now many heroes slumber,
We gild their deed upon the scroll of fame;
We treasure far above this mighty number
Our little girl who died without a name.
----- Alonzo Rice.
Contributed by Michael Kirley
The Shelbyville Republican
Friday, October, 22, 1909.
Lon Rice went to Indianapolis Friday morning.
Submitted by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily
Thursday, October 21, 1909
Page 5 Column 2
Alonzo Rice, Shelby County's Illustrious Bard,
Won Signal Honors a Few Days Ago,
When Selection from His Pen Was
Under "Point and Pleasantry."
Alonzo Rice,
the poet laureate of Shelby county, won signal honors a few days ago, when the publishers of the Success Magazine accepted a contribution from his facile pen.
The title of the selection was "Autumn Flowers" and was written in Mr. Rice's characteristic good style.
The poem was placed under the heading of "Point and Pleasantry," and the author will receive payment at the rate of ten cents a word.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, December 26, 1905
Alonzo Rice,
Shelby county's versatile poet, placed the Democrat under renewed obligations to
his honored self Saturday.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, November 16, 1905
Mrs. John Rice and Mrs. Frances Westerfield, of Manilla, were in Shelbyville, Saturday.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
A Shelbyville Newspaper
Tuesday, December 9, 1902
In the District Court of the United States. For the District of Indiana.
In the matter of
Augustus Ryse; Bankrupt No. 1150, in Bankruptcy.
To the creditors of Augustus Ryse, of near Shelbyville, in the county of Shelby and District aforesaid, a Bankrupt.
Notice is hereby given, that on the 1st day of December, A. D. 1902, the said Augustus Ryse, was duly adjudicated a Bankrupt; and that the first meeting of the creditors will be held at the court house in the city of Shelbyville, Indiana, on the 19th day of December, A.D. 1902, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the Bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting.
Claims duly proved, under Section 57, of the Acts of 1895, may be filed with or mailed to the undersigned prior to said date.
The Liabilities Scheduled are $3106.00
The Assets Scheduled are 60.00
Dated at New Castle, Indiana, on the 5th day of December, 1902.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Bennett & Davidson, Attorneys for Bankrupt.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The New York Times
August 31, 1901
Q U E R I E S.
ALONZO RICE, Waldron, Ind.: "Where can I procure 'Pepys's Diary' complete and cheap? I have Boccaccio's 'Decameron' containing the suppressed tales. Where can I dispose of it?"
Two recent editions of Pepys's "Diary," complete and published at a reasonable prices, are: Bohn Library edition, edited by Wheatley, nine volumes, each $1.50, (the Macmillan Co.,) and Lord Braybrooke's edition, with additional notes by the Rev. M. Bright, ten volumes, $10, (Dodd, Mead & Co.) Our correspondent gives too brief a description of his copy of the "Decameron." There are many editions of the book and the majority have little value.
Contributed by Michael Kirley
The New York Times
August 31, 1901
Q U E R I E S.
ALONZO RICE, Ray's Crossing, Ind.: "Where can I get the 'Decameron' at a small cost and unabridged?"
A complete translation cannot be had in cheap form. J. B. Lippincott publish an unabridged version in four volumes at $4.
Contributed by Michael Kirley
The Washington Post
August 13, 1899
The Work of Mr. Alonzo Leora Rice Attracts Attention.
Helen Gray, in Saturday Review.
A poet of growing fame whose name has appeared on the Review pages, is
Mr. Alonzo Leora Rice, editor of the department of poetry in the Sunny South.
Mr. Rice's literary work, in the words of
Frank Stanton, "is fast gaining a national reputation for him>"
Such journals as the Atlanta Constitution, Boston Transcript, &c., have been pleased to open their columns to him.
Personally, Mr. Rice is a young Indianian of about thirty years. His father was a Kentuckian, and his mother a North Carolinian.
He is devoted to his home, and seldom cares to leave it. He must be agreeable, for, says the Indianapolis News, "Whenever Mr.
Rice is in a crowd, there will be sunshine there." His chief delight is his library, with its eight hundred volumes of splendidly bound books, but he loves to wander out into the
woodlands, and, as some one remarks, "under some towering oak" indite his
verses . "I am a great lover of nature," he says, "and find my greatest delight in the works of those authors that follow in her footsteps.
Byron is my favorite. Among our own poets I prefer Bryant. I never read prose when I can find poetry, but among those writers I consider Victor Hugo master."
The Boston Literary World pronounces Mr. Rice's "Sonnet to a Dead Bee" as a beautiful example of his work:
Within the golden lily's scented bell
The bold freebooter lies. No royal King
Has couch more splendid; folded is his wing
From further conquest down the sunny dell;
His shining shield beside him where he fell,
Reflects no more the glint of tourneying.
No more among the roses will he sing.
Nor in the meadowlands at noontide dwell.
He's dead -- this is the only thing we say,
And profitless his busy, summer task;
A million others fill the sun's fair ray,
And though he's dead, do any stop to ask?
So when I, too, have toiled and passed away
Will nature smile behind her tearless mask?
Here is what Charles Major, the author of that most beautiful book, "When
Knighthood Was in Flower," says of Mr. Rice: "He is tasteful and poetic, and above all, in my opinion, has the artistic termperament highly developed. His own work is finished and true, and I
predict that a day of great recognition is in store for him."
Contributed by Michael Kirley
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Saturday, July 29, 1899
Page 4
A. L. Rice yesterday received twenty-five
cents a line for a poem used by the "Judge," of New York City.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming, Jan 2001
The Shelbyville, Indiana,
Daily Democrat
Tuesday, July 18, 1899
The Sunny South is printing some remarkable sonnets these days. Some of them would do credit even to Mr. Aldrick, and the very best of them are written by Mr. A. L. Rice, of Indiana. --- Frank L. Stanton, in Atlanta Constitution.
This is a high and deserved compliment on "our poet," and coming from such a gifted genius as Frank Stanton, should cause Mr. Rice to feel proud and no doubt he does.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday November 17, 1898
Page 1 column 3
(Fairland, Indiana November 10, 1898)
Comrades Charles Rice and
Archibald Treon have made application
for admission to the soldiers home at Lafayette. Comrade Rice was a late member
of the 3rd Indiana Battery whole Mr. Treon is a veteran of the Mexican war.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, December 27, 1894
Page 3 column 2
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ryse and children are here from Burney, Decatur county, with the former's father, William J. Ryse.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Democrat
Shelbyville, Ind.
June 6, 1892
Page 4
Richard Ryse was in the city to day.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday December 18, 1884
Page 3 column 1
Mr. Richard Ryse, formerly of this city, and
Miss Lelpha A. Duley,
were married at three o’clock Saturday afternoon, December 14th 1884, at the
residence of Mr. A. C. Dodge, in Millbank, Dakota. The Democrat extends
its congratulations and best wishes for their future happiness.
The Shelby Republican
Shelbyville, Indiana
Sim. J. Thompson Editor
April 13, 1882
Rice VS Rice is the title of a cause ready for final, disposition. In 1835 John Rice of Union township, an old man, died leaving a young wife by a second marriage. She lived from 1835 to 1878. During this time the children of Rice by his first wife scattered until they and their descendants lived in almost every state. There are over 300 heirs.
Typed by Barb Huff; article from Bob Gordon
The Daily Evening Democrat
Monday, April 10, 1882
Cas. Rice moved into his new house on East Mechanic street this morning.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, March 13, 1879
Page 5, column 6
In the Shelby Circuit Court, March Term, 1879, James C. Rice, William Rice, John Rice, Robert Rice, George Rice, Joseph Rice, David Rice, Andrew Rice, Dulcena Burke, Roenna Hill, Sarah Baker, Dusky Bennefield and Riley Bennefield, her husband, Mary Farrow, Elizabeth Moseley and James L. Moseley, her husband, Catharine Taylor, William White, Willis B. Smith, George W. Smith, Richard J. Smith, Milton C. Smith, Lucy A. Rarick, Mary C. Hoover, Thomas J. Smith, Aaron C. Smith, Coleman Smith, John Smith, Mary A. Wallace, George H. Smith, Eva Hunter, James L. Hobbs, Mary M. Shouse, Lucresha Gilchrist, Cassander Farthing, Jackson H. Hobbs, Noah E. Hobbs, Lucy Whitecotton, Martha Farris, Enoch R. Smith, Martha Harp, Sarah Wallace, Margaret Hart, Lucy Weikles, William Smith, Enoch Smith, Rebecca Smith, Sarah Wilson, Robert Smith, Wallace Smith, Martha Sargent, Sarah Belle Bartholomew, Lindsley Childers, Charles C. Sidener, William Sidener, James Sidener, Janette Robinson, Mary Wilhite, Lucy Wilson, Ann Buffington, John R. Keller, James M. Keller, Elizabeth Wymore and William H. Wymore, her husband, Thomas J. Carson, Eliza J. Thomason, Zadie Bradley, Amanda Bradley, Eva Madding, and James H. Madding, her husband, John K. Keller, Nancy K. Craven and E. T. Craven, her husband, Adda Keller, Sarah E. Johnson and Joseph Johnson, her husband, John D. Keller, Sarah F. Smith and Asa Smith, her husband, Eliza J. Kirtley and P. K. Kirtley, her husband, Martha A. Smith and T. R. Smith, her husband, Nancy Thomas, Andrew Woods, Merritt Woods, Morton Woods, John Woods, Inez Young, Hessie Young, John R. Young, Annie E. Young, Andrew J. Young, Minnie M. Young, Jonathan A. Funk, Morton Funk, Jacob A. Funk, Henry C. Funk, Elizabeth Vince, Lucy Duncan, and Mary Lyne, plaintiffs,
David C. Rice, Newton White, Elizabeth Dunn, Martha Roher, Henry Smith, Madison Smith, George Smith, Stephen W. Smith, Benjamin M. Smith, Melvina Melone, Sarah E. Crask, Martha Smith, Dulcena Burgen, Susan E. Fredrick, John W. Fredrick, Robert Fredrick, the unknown heirs of John Smith, deceased, George D. Cooley, and the unknown heirs of Lucy Cooley, deceased, Elizabeth Smith, Benjamin F. Smith, David Smith, John Smith, John Sidener, David Sidener, Thomas K. Bradley, John H. Bradley, Joseph F. Bradley, James Bradley, Jefferson P. Bradley, William A. Bradley, Leland A. Bradley, Sarah C. Hayes, George Keller, Jefferson Keller, Samuel Hayes, Mary Jane Middleton, Ann Eliza Hayes, Rice Chriswell, Nancy Taylor, Mary A. St.Anthony, and the other unknown heirs of Elizabeth Chriswell, deceased, and William Zike, defendants.
Typed by Barb Huff; article from Bob Gordon

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