The Indianapolis Star
September 26, 1915
Page 54 Column 4
Lewis E.
Goodrich and Miss Mary Schmoe were married Thursday
evening at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Charles B. Harrison,
the ceremony being performed by Dr. John S. Ward, pastor of
the First M. E. Church. Mrs. Goodrich is a sister of Charles
Schmoe, manufacturer of furniture here. Mr. Goodrich is general
bookkeeper at the First National Bank.
Contributed by Virginia Latta Curulla
The Indianapolis Star
19, 1915
Page 43 Column 2
Mrs. Charles B.
Harrison gave a party Tuesday evening, announcing the engagement of
her sister, Miss Mary M. Schmoe, and Lewis E.
Goodrich, and the date for the wedding Thursday, Sept. 23. Miss
Schmoe is a sister of Charles F. Schmoe, a manufacturer, and
Mr. Goodrich is a bookkeeper at the First National Bank.
Contributed by Virginia Latta Curulla

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