The Kokomo Tribune
August 8, 1964
Page 3
WASHINGTON--- The oldest daughter of Sen.
Vance Hartke, D-Ind., was listed
as improving and out of danger Friday after an 11-day struggle with
complications following the birth of her first child. A Hartke aide said
Mrs. Sandra Schott, 20, began to rally Thursday night after suffering a high
fever from an infection. She was also plagued with anemia and abdominal
problems, and had to be fed through the veins. Hartke, who interrupted his
re-election campaign last weekend, spent much of the last four days at
George Washington University Hospital, where his daughter had been listed in
poor condition. Mrs. Schott gave birth July 27 to a seven-pound daughter,
Angela Lori, by Caesarian operation. The college coed was married last
September to Larry Schott, a law student from Shelbyville, Ind.
The infant
daughter was brought home from the hospital earlier in the week and was
reported in fine condition.
Contributed by Janet McColley Franklin
The Kokomo Tribune
August 3, 1964
Page 3
Hartke Cancels Speeches To Be Near Daughter.
Falls Church, VA. -- Sen. Vance Hartke, D-Ind., has canceled campaign appearances in Indiana to
be at the bedside of his oldest daughter at Fairfax County Hospital here. The senator's daughter,
Mrs. Sharon Schott, 20, has failed to recuperate
from the Caesarian section birth of her first child last Monday. Mrs. Hartke
reported that her daughter came through the operation in poor condition and
had not shown improvement during the week. "She has not rallied," the
senator's wife said. Hartke canceled a speech at the Shelby County Fair
Sunday night to fly to Falls Church. Sharon and her husband,
Larry Schott of
Shelbyville, are students at Indiana University. Their seven-pound daughter
is reported in fine condition.
Contributed by Janet McColley Franklin
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, April 19, 1917
Page 5, weekly edition
William Burkhart and Miss Amelia Schott Married This Morning
(from Tuesday's Daily)
One of the many early spring weddings of this year was solemnized at the St. Vincent's Catholic
Church, east of this city, this morning, when Mr. William Burkhart, of Cincinnati, a son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Burkhart, of Brookville, and Miss Amelia Schott, a daughter of
Mrs. Caroline Schott, east of this city, were united in marriage. The ceremony was read by the
Rev. Fr. Frederick Ketter, pastor of the church, and was witnessed by a large company of the relatives and friends of the couple. The ceremony was
performed at 8:30 o'clock.
The couple was attended during the ceremony by Miss Anna Schott, a sister of the bride;
Ralph Burkhart, a brother of the groom; Andrew Schott, a brother of the bride, and Miss Agnes Burkhart, a sister of the groom. The wedding march was played at the organ by Miss Cecilia Hulsman, the organist, and also on the violin by Miss Thelma Hulsman, a niece of
the organist.
The bride wore a matchless creation of white chiffon trimmed in pearls and silk lace and carried a shower bouquet of white tea roses. The bridesmaids were dressed in pink satin and carried pink carnations.
Immediately following the ceremony the guests assembled at the Schott home, where an elegant wedding breakfast was served, among the out-of-town guests present being Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hulsman and Gus Burkhart, of Cincinnati; Ed Burkhart and family, Harry Burkhart, Ralph and Stanley Burkhart, of Brookville, and Miss May Stahlmaier, of Cincinnati.
Mr. and Mrs. Burkhart will leave tonight on the Knickerbocker Big Four train for Cincinnati, where
they will make their future home. Mr. Burkhart being regularly employed there. The couple has many
friends in this county who will regret to see them leave this county, but will wish them will in their new
Contributed by Mary M. Bittner and Linda Mohr
The Daily Evening Democrat
Wednesday, October 3, 1883
When you want anything in
the furniture line give Joe Schott a call. Joe has the
largest and best stock in the city.
[same page, different column]
Joe Schott
Is now filling his store on south Harrison street with new furniture, which
he will sell cheap. Give him a call.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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