Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
The Shelby Republican
Thursday March 29, 1923
Mrs. Lula A. Sexton,
of West Franklin street, has filed a complaint
for a divorce in the Shelby circuit court against Enoch E. (Bert) Sexton.
Ed K. Adams represents the plaintiff, and George H. Meiks is the attorney for
the defendant, who is now living in Ohio. Mrs. Sexton says that her husband
abandoned her, and that he has failed to provide for her. The couple have two
children, both more than twenty-one years old. The complaint states that the
couple was married October 14, 1886, and separated July 13, 1916.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Indianapolis Star
November 28, 1915
Page 71 Column 7
Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Sexton spent the early part of last week at Evansville.
Contributed by Virginia Latta Curulla
The Shelby Republican
July 1, 1915
Page 1 Column 2
Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Sexton, of Rushville, spent Tuesday night here with Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Sexton. They left this morning in their automobile on their first lap of a trip which will take them to California and return. They will go to Salt Lake City where they will visit with their daughter, for some time. At Friant, Cal., Dr. Sexton will visit with a brother and will also see Horatio Sexton, of this city, who is spending several weeks there. They will visit the exposition at San Francisco before returning home.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Democrat
July 1, 1911
Mrs. Belle Melcher returned to Vevay today after spending the week here the guest of Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Sexton.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, October 5, 1905
Page 1, column 6
One of Fairland's Most Beautiful Girls
Wedded to Ohio Man
Fairland, October 4 -- The crowning social event of the season occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harrell of this place. It was the marriage of their daughter, Gertrude, to Mr. William A. Sexton, of Columbus, Ohio, Rev. F. A. Guthrie, of Morristown officiating. The bride-elect was handsomely attired in Brussels net over white tiffany.
There were 150 guests present, most those from a distance were Patrolman Landacre, Mr. and Mrs. Peck, of Columbus, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. McClellan and daughter, of Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Tindall, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yarling, Misses Hulda Bass and Marie Ensminger, of Shelbyville; Dr. Sam Harrell and wife, of Noblesville.
Mrs. Sexton was formerly a successful teacher in our public schools and an acknowledged leader in society circles, possessing those charms characteristic of the true type of lady that inspires admiration and love for her sex.
The groom is a trusted and valued member of the police department of Columbus, Ohio, and a son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sexton, of VanBuren township, representative people of the community.
Many handsome and valued presents were received by the happy pair. Refreshments were served in two courses and at a late hour each guest retired to his home wishing the happy twain a successful and prosperous voyage over the bounding billows on the matrimonial sea.
Mr. and Mrs. Sexton will be at home to their friends at 621 Lexington Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, after November 1, 1905.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Friday, September 22, 1899
My endeavor is not to do the cheapest work but to do the best in every operation. I devote my earnest efforts to make an artistic serviceable, and permanent place of work. H. C. Sexton, dentist.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville, Indiana, Daily Democrat
Tuesday, July 18, 1899
My endeavor is not to do the cheapest work but to do the best. In every operation I devote my earnest efforts to make an artistic, serviceable, and permanent piece of work. H. C. Sexton, dentist.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
May 31, 1894
Page 3 column 1
About a month ago Miss Sexton, a daughter of Oliver Sexton, of Van Buren township, gave birth to an illegitimate child. The child lived but a short while. The grand jury, at the present term, found an indictment against Dr. M. M. Hess, of Morristown, charging him with having procured an abortion on the girl. He was here Tuesday and was placed under arrest.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville, Indiana, Daily Democrat
Monday, September 4, 1893
Page 4
Dr. Sexton, sole licentiate for the Hale method of painless filling and extracting of teeth. Office south side of Public Square. Aug. 12 tf
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Democrat
Shelbyville, Ind.
June 6, 1892
Page 4
Laughing gas administered by Dr. Sexton, and teeth extracted painlessly. Artificial teeth without plates. All work guaranteed. Office over Shelk's shoe store.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Republican
Friday, July 18, 1884
Mr. Greenup Sexson, formerly of this county, but late of Franklin, has now located at Frankfort in this State, and will practice law in that city. Mr. Sexson is a talented young man, has fine social qualities, besides being a moral and upright gentleman, His many friends in this city and county wish him success. We understand that our genial friend, Frank Moore, also goes to Frankfort with Mr. Sexson and that the two will continue in partnership. Greenup is a Republican and Frank a Democrat, and if they can keep from quarreling over the respective merits of the "Plumed Knight" and "Old Bach Cleveland," there are hopes that perfect harmony will prevail in the Sexson-Moore household.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Evening Democrat
Monday, March 26, 1883
Ol Sexton and Dr. Charles Robinson, of Van Buren township, are in the city.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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