Shelby  County  Indiana
Newspaper  Articles


The  Shelbyville  Republican
June 18, 1934
Page 2
Please telephone Club Announcements and other
Social News to the Society Editor, Number 36.
Of  Bloomington.
          Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Stewart,  of Bloomington, spent the week-end with  Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schoelch.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

The  Shelbyville  Republican
Monday, October 31, 1927
Page 1
          The state's evidence against  Will M. Schoelch, of Indianapolis, formerly a resident of Shelbyville, on trial in the Shelby circuit court on a charge of embezzlement was completed late this afternoon.  The hearing was opened a week ago.  The defense will call a [the article continues, but my copy ends here - pmf].
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

The  Shelbyville  Republican
Friday Afternoon, March 31, 1916
page 1, column 2
Opening Season for Water Carts in Shelbyville Begins Saturday.
          The open season for the water carts in Shelbyville will begin early Saturday morning.  The street sprinklers will make their first appearances of the year Saturday morning at an early hour, providing Jupiter Pluvius, who is about due, does not step in and spoil all the plans of the Shelbyville Street Sprinkling Association.  Frank Schoelch, who has been the collector for the company for several seasons, has resigned.  His place will be filled by Miss Stella Abele.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming

The  Shelbyville  Republican
Tuesday, November 3, 1914
          In honor of her twentieth birthday anniversary,  Miss Margaret Schoelch  was delighfully surprised Monday night by twenty of her friends, who called at her home in a body, all masked.  The party was arrainged by her father and proved a great success.
          The evening was spent in games, contests and music.  Before the returning hour came delicious refreshments were served.
Submitted by Phyllis Miller Fleming

The  Shelbyville  Republican
Monday, March 6, 1911
          John Schoelch,  Frank Schoelch,  Albert Weingarth  and  George Reickel  were in Indianapolis Sunday.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

The  Shelby  Democrat
Thursday, November 16, 1905
          Mrs. Henry Burkher  was at Acton yesterday afternoon.
Submitted by Phyllis Miller Fleming

The  Shelbyville  Daily  Democrat
Friday, September 29, 1899
          A big attraction in our dress shoes for women.  Price $2.00.  John Shelk, 47 Public Square.
[Same newspaper]
          Its curious what a connection there is between happiness and feet.  If you don't believe it, try a pair of Queen Quality shoes.  John Shelk, 47 Public Square.
[Same newspaper]
          Try a pair of Kangroo[sic] calf shoes.  For women and children best shoe o earth for winter wear.  John Shelk, 46 Public Square.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

The  Shelby  Republican
Friday, July 29, 1898
         Sheriff Schoelch, failed to apprehend  James Steele, who is supposed to be the man who stole seventeen chickens from  Mrs. Tobias Maze, of Washington township, Tuesday night.  The story was told the sheriff that Steele had gone to Indianapolis to join the regular army, but no trace of him was found.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

The  Shelbyville,  Indiana,  Daily  Democrat
Monday, September 4, 1893
Page 4
          Val. Schoelch, has received 1,000 pounds of limberger and schweitzer chesse, the finest made.  If you want something nice go and see Val.     1 d6t
          A telegram was received here yesterday by Mr. John Shelk from his son, Louie, at Cheboygan, Mich., stating that his jewelry store had been broken into and a large amount of goods taken Saturday night.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming

The  Daily  Republican
April 20, 1888
          The young friends of  Will Chapman  gave him a surprise party last night to show their high regard for him in view of his departure in a few days for the South, where he will locate.  Will came home about 10 o'clock and was greatly surprised on entering to find the house crowded with his friends.  The shock was so great that he fainted and only rallied after a lapse of twenty minutes.  Splendid refreshments were served during the evening.  In addition to sixteen members of the Military Band the following were present:  Misses Emma Shelk,  Rosa Newton,  Laura McGuire,  Laura Robins,  Grace James,  Lena Spicer,  Susie Sleeth,  Gertie Clark,  Fannie Ensley,  May Jones,  Georgia Blanchard,  "Chat" Lacy,  Aurilla Jeffers  and Messrs. Harry Russell,  Leu Webb,  Cary Gordon,  Rob Buxton, Charlie Milleson,  Harry Shelk,  Jim Clark,  Will Roberts,  Harry Goodrich,  Sam Muchmore,  Horace Girard,  John Milleson  and  Sam Kennedy.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming

The  Daily  Evening  Democrat
Shelbyville, Indiana
Thursday, September 1, 1881
L O C A L       N E W S.
          J. W. Sherwood,  Superintendent of the C.,I.,St.L, & C. Road, arrived home yesterday from a trip over the western division. - Indianapolis Times.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

The  Shelbyville  Republican
February 15, 1871
Page 3

B U R K H E R   &   S H E L K,

Announce that they will continue the man-
ufacture of Brick the ensuing season at their
Brick Yard East of


On the Michigan Road, just East of the Dis-
tillery.  They guarantee to furnish a first class
article of Brick, full size and thoroughly

M R.  S H E L K

Has had a long experience in the Brick
making business, and understands it thor-
oughly.  A call is solicited and satisfaction
is guaranteed.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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