Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
The Shelby Republican
Thursday, September 26, 1878.
Thieves at Work.
On Tuesday fore-noon, thieves entered the residence of Rev. Geo. Sluter, on west Washington street, while Mrs. S. was in the house. They went up stairs, ransacked the bureaus getting $1.75 and a fine gold ring belonging to Miss Nellie Mervin. The thieves made their escape.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Republican
Thursday, April 2, 1874.
Whole No. 422. Page 1
Rev. Sluter at Knightstown.
It having been previousl published that the Rev. Sluter, of this city, would preach on last Monday in the Presbyterian Church, at Knightstown, in this State, a sermon in opposition to the "Women's Movement" in the Temperance cause, that gentleman put in his appearance punctually, and the extract we copy from a Knightstown correspondence in this morning's Daily JOURNAL will show our people how he fared at the hands of the Presbyterians of that city:
"Rev. Mr. Sluter, of Shelbyville, has inst 'done' our city. He came last Monday to instruct our people in the fearful outrage on Christian decorum the ladies are guilty of in their present temperance work. He characterized as "scandalous tinkering of the sacred word" to the defense of the claim of woman to be heard in public devotion. The authorities of his own church (Presbyterian) refused him the use of their rooms to preach in in[sic] this city, so that his discourses were only heard by a few who convened in the parors of some of his friends. He is a gentleman of large intelligence and fine culture, and he has the prayers of the ladies that he may yet be brought up as was Paul on his way to Damascus."
Served him right!
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
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