Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
Snider / Snyder
The Indianapolis Daily Star
July 20, 1924
Page 8
Snyder Trial Set For First Week In October.
SHELBYVILLE, Ind., July 19---- Charles Snyder of Smithland, who is held in the Shelby county jail on a charge of first degree murder in connection with the fatal shooting of John Osborne on Sunday, May 26, will be placed on trial the first week of October, Judge Harry C. Morrison announced this evening. The shooting of Osborne took place at his home near Smithland while a number of his friends were being entertained there. Osborne died the following day in an Indianapolis hospital. Snyder disappeared immediately after the shooting and remained in hiding until the day following the death of Osborne.
Contributed by Janet McColley Franklin
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday April 19, 1923
Mrs. Minnie C. Snider, of Fountaintown, was granted a divorce in the Shelby circuit court today from Jesse J. Snider, on her cross complaint to the suit for a divorce filed by Mr. Snider. She was also granted her former name of Minnie C. Wilkinson. Mr. Snider withdrew his complaint for divorce at the opening of proceedings today and the case was tried on the counter-complaint. The couple lived apart eleven years before the action was started in court.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, November 23, 1916
Page 6
J. Harvey Snider, of Fountaintown, has filed a petition thru his attorney, Chauncey Duncan, with the public service commission for a franchise to operate a gas plant at Rushville. Snider, who owns gas plants at Arlington and Morristown, owns a single well in west First street, Rushville, formerly belonging to the Caldwell estate.
[The article continues.]
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
A Shelbyville Newspaper
August 13, 1908
Charles Schneider was in the city a few hours yesterday evening from Indianapolis.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, December 26, 1905
Sunday afternoon the residence of Dr. Snider of Fairland caught fire from a defective flue. The flames were extinguished by the efficient bucket brigade of that town. The cost was about one hundred and fifty dollars.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday January 13, 1898
Page 3 column 3
Ollie Snider was Thursday granted a divorce from Ira Snider. Ollie alleged failure to provide as a cause of action. They are residents of Van Buren township. John A. Tindall represented the plaintiff.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
December 24, 1891
Page 4 Column 2
Miss Nannie Snyder, of Columbus, will be the guest to-morrow of Miss Marguerite Flaitz.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Republican
September 6, 1883
Page 1
Prof. Snyder, formerly of this city, has accepted a position as professor of languages, in the Muncie high school.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Evening Democrat
Thursday, August 9, 1883
The will of Harry L. Snyder, deceased, dated July 20, 1883, with J. W. Randall and L. C. Powell as subscribing witnesses, has been probated. In it the testator devises all his property both real and personal to his cousin, Ann Teresa Flaitz, wife of Richard D. Flaitz, of this city. The realty consists of lots No. 11 and 12 on Hendricks street in this city, and a quarter section of land in Cass county, Dacota Territoy. R. D. Flaitz is made executor and gives bond in the sum of $5,000.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, November 27, 1879
Page 3, column 1
The friends of David Snider surprised him on last Friday by giving him a sumptuous dinner at his residence near Fairland. The table was spread by Mrs. Anna Goodrich, Mrs. David Keith, Mrs. Joel Ray, Mrs. David Ray, Mrs. Mary Watts, Mrs. Eli Johnson, Mrs. Obediah Nail, Mrs. Will Goodwin, Mrs. Weaver and others. It was loaded with the substantials and delicacies of the season. About sixty persons partook of the repast and the participants enjoyed themselves until a late hour, wishing their host and hostess a long and happy life. Mr. Snider was born in Ohio, July 12, 1816, accompanied his parents to Washington county, this State, and moved to Shelby county in 1820, where he has resided ever since.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelby Democrat
May 8, 1879
SNYDER -- On the 1st day of May, 1879, to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Snyder of Manilla, a son -- weighs 7 pounds.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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