Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
The Shelbyville Republican
Friday April 7, 1911
Page 1 column 1
Also Struck Him With a Fork and Cursed Him
And Now Edward Swango Brings Suit For a Divorce
And Also "Wished He Would Leave
And Never Come Back"
Swango is Also Accused of Being Untrue
Just because Dora Swango showed her love for her husband by striking
him with a fork, throwing a plate at him and cursing him, Edward Swango now comes into Superior Court through his Attorneys Tindall & Tindall and asks for a divorce.
It is alleged in the complaint, which was filed today, that the defendant is of a vile and ungovernable temper and that she has cursed her husband many times. He says in the complaint that she said she "wished he was dead" and that she "wished he would leave and never come back." She is also accused of taking the name of the Lord in vain and in presence of other people. The plaintiff is also accused of being untrue to his wife, these accusations being made in the presence of other persons, and that she is insanely jealous, and without cause.
They were united in marriage and lived together until February 16, 1911, with
the exception of a short time last summer.
Johnson County, Indiana Marriages
Edward Swango & Dora German
April 5, 1904
Book 10 page 8
Contributed by Barb Huff
A Shelby County, Indiana, Newspaper
Friday, January 22, 1897
Mrs. Angie Swango Attempts to Leave
This Earth by the Morphine Route.
There was a commotion occasioned on South Pike street at two o'clock Monday afternoon, when the discovery was made that Mrs. Angie Swango had attempted to leave the cares, trials and tribulations of this life behind her in seeking flight to another world over the morphine route. Happily she missed connection and in place of getting on a through train she had a ticket over a short route that failed to get her beyond the confines of this existence. Mrs. Swango lives on South Pike street. Her life has not been a continuous ray of sunshine, but instead has witnessed more rain. She has had some trouble recently with her husband, it is said, and it was on account of this that she cared no longer to live. In a short time there will be born into the world a little Swango and this also prayed on her mind. It was near ten o'clock in the morning when she swallowed an over dose of morphine and laid herself down to die. A lady residing on South Harrison street called at the home of Mrs. Swango at near noon for the purpose of getting her to do some washing and had it not been for this the dose would have been deadly. As it was a physician was called and by the use of the common processes Mrs. Swango was relieved of a large portion of the drug and placed on her feet. Her husband being informed of what had happened he went to her and spent the evening walking her up and down the sidewalk. It was a close call for Mrs. Swango but she will now get well, and
if she is not, she should be thankful that she is still on earth.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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