The Shelbyville Republican
April 13, 1942
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Kelley
and Mrs. Leo C. Theobald of Union Township, have recently
returned from Urbana, Ill., where they visited Mrs. Theobald's aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Al Brown and her brother, Capt. V. H. Brown and
family. While there they visited Chanute Field at Rantool, Ill., where
Capt V. H. Brown is stationed.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, December 26, 1905
George Theobald,
one of Union township's prominent democratic leaders, was a welcome caller on
the Democrat, Saturday.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Democrat
Monday, September 4, 1893
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Miller and daughter,
are here from Bucyrus, Ohio, on a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Will Theobald.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Republican
Thursday, March 2, 1893
Of the Marriage of Henry Weingarth and Miss Julia Theobold.
On Washington's birthday, February 22, 1893, was celebrated in Union township at their home, the twenty-fifth anniversary of the marriage of Henry Weingarth and Julia Theobold. About sixty guests filled the handsomely decorated parlors and offered them hearty congratulations. The older folks sat down to a fine six o'clock dinner and had an elegant time, but the young folks had fun when their turn came. With Dr. Charles Winters, of Cincinnati, as host, and Miss Katie Weingarth, as hostess, laughter and merriment were the presiding divinities. The tables were fairly loaded down with good things to please the eye and tickle the palate. On adjourning to the parlors everybody joined in the old fashioned but always enjoyable country games. The presents were many and valuable and when at last the time for separation came to the merry company, many were the kind wishes for happy returns to Mr. and Mrs. Weingarth, and the Republican asks to extend its good wishes to them also.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
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