The  Daily  Democrat
Tuesday, January 5, 1892
          The funeral of the late  Z. B. Wallar  was largely attended yesterday afternoon, despite the intense cold.  The Knight's Templar and Blue Lodge Masons, of which he was an honored member, attended largely, and many old friends, neighbors and attaches of fine furniture manufactories were present also.  Music was furnished by a quartette consisting of  Misses Morris  and  Michelsen  and  Messrs. J. R. Clayton  and  Robert Morris.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

The  Shelby  Republican
Thursday, July 27, 1876
Page 3   column 2
          Mrs. Z. B. Waller  has been lying at the point of death for the past week and as we go to press, Wednesday evening, it is thought she can hardly survive until morning.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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