Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Tuesday July 24, 1906
Mrs. Nora Jones-Washburn has brought suit in the Shelby circuit court
for a divorce from her husband Scott R. Washburn.
The complaint alleges that they were married on January 3, 1903, and lived
together until January 25, 1904. Since that time, defendant has failed to
provide for plaintiff. Abandonment is also charged in the complaint.
The Omaha World Herald
14 Oct 1895
A Strange Spot Discovered by a
(Indianapolis News)
Henry Washburn and Ray Haymond, two young men of Waldron, Ind., made quite a discovery today while in bathing about an old mill dam near that place.
On one side of this favorite resort of the small boy in the summer time is a high almost perpendicular bluff; on the other a wooded valley making it a very desirable place for bathing and it is visited often by a majority of the male population of the town, both young and old. The water in "swimmin' hole" is from three to ten feet deep.
From several places in the bed of the river comes forth springs of almost ice-cold water that causes one to catch his breath as he swims over them. This makes it fascinating and gives one any kind of temperature desired.
While they were enjoying themselves there, swimming, splashing and diving, Washburn made an unusual dive. After an absence of several minutes Haymond became alarmed and began a serach for his friend. At first he thought it was only a trick to frighten him, and that Washburn would come up at the last moment for some of the numerous secret receases that the place abounds in. But as the moments flew by and Washburn did not appear, Haymond became more frightened, rushed to the shore, made his toilet in a time that beats the record, and started to town at a bicycle speed. Just as he was climbing the railroad embankment that would give him the opportunity of signalling the town for aid he heard Washburn calling him. Turning about he saw him, perfectly nude, running along the bank of the river. He seemed to be dazed and did not come to himself for an hour or more. Then he told Ray that when he made his last dive he became fastened in one of the crevices near the bluff, and in trying to extricate himslef he passed through, and when he came to the surface he was surprised to find himself in a strange place. The lifht was dim and it took several minutes to become used to it. He then saw a sight that made his blood run cold. Sitting, standing and reclining in all positions were skeletons of animals long since extinct. The light by which he viewed the weird objects was accumulated, phosphorus. He had no idea as to the size of the cavity he was in. The last thing he remembers is that as his nerve and self-command returned to him he reached out his hand to possess himslef of a wonderful specimen when a huge pile of bones tumbled onto him, burying him beneath the water and forcing him back out through the opening he had accidentally discovered. He remembers no more until he came to himself on the bank of the river.
The experience passed through by these young men has caused much excitement, and the place has been visited by hundreds of people. An effort will be made to explore the mysterious cave.
Contributed by John Addison Ballard
The Shelby Democrat
December 17, 1891
Page 3
Dr. R. R. Washburne, of Waldron, was
in the city Monday.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, September 11, 1879
Page 3, column 4
MARLOW - WASHBURN -- On Thursday the 4th day of September, 1879, at Waldron, by Rev. Gullett, Mr. Allie Marlow to Miss Addie Washburn.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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