Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
The Shelbyville DemocratSHELBYVILLE -- After fifty-nine years of continuous service in the printing business, John J. Wingate has retired and has sold his stock in the News Publishing Company here. His son, Will L. Wingate, also sold his stock to Glendon Hackney and Emil and Joseph F. Luetgenau. These three now own half the stock of the company and the rest is held by Louis Holtman, who has been connected with the company since 1901. Publication of the Morning and Weekly News will be continued. The new stockholders are all employes of the company. Mr. Wingate intends to travel extensively.
April 14, 1915
Page 4 Column 3
Contributed by Virginia Latta Curulla
The Daily RepublicanMiss Lalla Wingate has returned home from Lancaster, Ohio.
Friday Evening, July 6, 1888
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily DemocratJ. J. Wingate and son Will, went to Cincinnati this afternoon, where the latter has secured a position in the composing room of the Cincinnati Type Foundry. The Democrat wishes Will success.
Saturday, March 12, 1887
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily RepublicanWilliam Wingate, one of the attaches of this establishment, reached the seventeenth year of his age to-day and celebrated the event by handing round the cigars and doing an extra large amount of type setting. He has the congratulations and well-wishes of many friends, young and old.
Friday, July 18, 1884
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Evening DemocratMiss Eva Wingate will return to Terre Haute, where she attends Normal school, Saturday.
Thursday, August 20, 1883
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby RepublicanMisses Belle Wingate and Nora Lacy have ben added to the force of clerks at Morris' store.
Shelbyville, Indiana
December 19, 1878
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
February 15, 1871
page 3We learn that Laubaugh & Wingate intend soon moving their establishment into Hamilton's building, corner of Washington street and Public Square.
Contributed by Greg Curson
The Republican BannerMarried --- On the 30th inst. near Columbus, Indiana, by the Rev. Mr. Pritchard, Mr. Smith Wingate of this place and Elizabeth Erwin, of the former place.
November 27, 1856
Contributed by Greg Curson.
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