Shelby  County  Indiana
Newspaper  Articles


The  Shelbyville  Democrat
Tuesday, June 8, 1909
Page 1
Andrew H. Yount, of Chica-
go, Filed Suit This Morn-
ing To Set Aside Instru-
ment Executed By His
Wife---Four Grounds On
Which Suit is Based. ----------
          Andrew H. Yount,  of Chicago, this morning, thru his attorneys, Hord & Adams, filed suit in the circuit court to set aside the will of his wife, the late  Mary S. Yount,  who died at the Methodist hospital in Indianapolis on April 27. The will of Mrs. Yount was executed April 21.
          The title of the suit filed today is:  Andrew H. Yount  vs.  Isaac Carter,  executor of the will of  Mrs. Mary S. Yount,  Mary J. Brown,  Eva Talbert Roub,  Marie Rogers,  Lawrence Rogers,  Robert Rogers,  Mary Wright Orebaugh,  John A. Wright,  Gertrude Wright,  Alsie B. Dole,  Mary Perrine,  Nancy H. Wright,  the Methodist Episcopal hospital and Deaconess Home, and the Preachers' Aid Society of the Indiana conference of the Methodist Episcopal church.
          The complaint sets out that the testatrix died without children or their descendants, and without father and mother, and that the plaintiff, except for the execution of the pretended will, is entitled to inherit all the property of the deceased, the property being of the probable value of $30,000.
          The complaint alleges that the will is invalid for the reason that Mrs. Yount at the time of making the will was a person of unsound mind, that the instrument was unduly executed, that it was executed under duress, and that it was obtained by fraud.
          Under the will  Mary J. Brown  was to received the sum of fifty dollars,  Eva Talbert Raub  a set of spoons and some furniture,  Marie Rogers  furniture,  Lawrence Rogers  the sum of two hundred dollars,  Robert Rogers  two hundred dollars,  Mary W. Orebaugh  a gold necklace and a piano,  John A. Wright  one hundred dollars,  Gertrude Wright  one hundred dollars,  Alsie B. Dole  one hundred dollars,  Mary Perrine  one hundred dollars, and  Nancy H. Wright  fifteen hundred dollars in trust.  An addition was to be built to the Methodist hospital and the residue after paying these bequests and building the hospital addition was to go to the Preachers' Aid Socety[sic]. Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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