Shelby County Indiana
The Shelbyville News
Saturday, October 7, 1967
Page 4, column 2
Rites Set For Emma Amos, 86
Miss Emma Amos, 86, formerly of Shelbyville; Zionsville, past 13 years.
Burial Lewis Creek Baptist Cemetery.
Born Shelby County Oct. 3, 1881, daughter of Thomas and Elivra (Barnes) Amos. Member of the First Baptist Church.
Surviving: sister, Mrs. Edward (Elsie) Springer. Five brothers and a sister preceded in death.
Summarized by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville News
Thursday, January 21, 1965
Mrs. Rose M. Amos, 89, died Wednesday, Shelbyville. Seriously ill for the past six weeks. Resided with her daughter, Mrs. Al Bornhorst, 1650 S. Riley Hwy.
Born in Shelby Township on Jan. 17, 1876, d/o Peter and Margaret (Peters) Hirschauer.
Lifelong resident of Shelby County.
Nov. 25, 1898, married Elisha D. Amos, who preceded in death in 1956.
Surviving: daughters, Mrs. Bornhorst, Mrs. Dallas McCarty of Union Township; three grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.
Member of the St. Joseph Catholic Church and St. Anne's Altar Society.
Services at St. Joe with Rev. Bernard Burgert officiating.
Burial will be in St. Joseph Cemetery.
Murphy Mortuary after 3:30 p.m. Friday.
Contributed by Nancy Vance Glover
Summarized by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville News
Monday, December 24, 1956
Elisha D. Amos, 84, S. Riley Highway, died in a county nursing home Sunday. Failing health for 5 years; serious condition for two weeks; complication of diseases
Born November 16, 1872, in Shelby county, s/o William and Mary (Cherry) Amos. On November 23, 1898, married Rose Hirschauer.
Lifelong county resident; employed at the J. O. Parrish Lumber Co., for 30 years.
Member of the St. Joseph Catholic Church.
Survivors include the wife and two daughters, Mrs. Al Bornhorst of this city and Mrs. Dallas McCarty of Indianapolis; 3 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
A sister, Mrs. William Main preceded in death.
St. Joseph Church at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday with Rev. Bernard M. Burgert officiating.
Burial: St. Joseph cemetery.
Murphy Funeral Home.
Contributed by Nancy Vance Glover
Summarized by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville News
(Shelbyville, IN)
Monday, March 26, 1956
Last Rites Wednesday For County Native
Charles Riley Amos, 82, retired farmer and lumberman, died Sunday.
Born in Shelby township on February 21, 1874, s/o Thomas and Elvira (Barnes) Amos. December 24, 1894, married Cora Young who survives. Also surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Eva Miller, Mrs. Mary Honey, Mrs. Ella Mae Bassett, Mrs. Virginia Cory
Other survivors are two sisters, Miss Emma Amos and Mrs. Elsie Springer; one brother, Millard Amos.
Member of the First Methodist Church, Masonic lodge of Norristown.
Lewis Creek Baptist cemetery.
Submitted by Rochelle Riordan, 1906 E. Sharon Dr,
Phoenix, AZ 85022
Summarized by Phyllis Miller Fleming
"The Shelbyville Democrat"
(Shelbyville, IN)
Tuesday, June 11, 1946
"Funeral for Former County Man Will Be Wednesday
"Word has been received by Miss Emma Amos, of this city, and Millard Amos, of south of Shelbyville, of the death Monday of their brother, Fred Amos, at a hospital in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
"Mr. Amos was fifty-seven years of age. He was born in Shelby county on May 6, 1889, the son of Thomas and Elvira Barnes Amos. He moved to Florida in 1905 and followed the occupation of building contractor until his health failed a year ago.
"On July 18, 1922 (sic), he was married to Miss Gertrude Means, of Shelby county, who survives with three sons and two daughters, all of Fort Lauderdale. Other survivors with the sister and brother here are a nephew, Harry Amos, of this city; a brother, C. R. Amos, of Columbus, and a sister, Mrs. E. L. Springer, of Washington, D.C., who was at his bedside when death occurred.
"Funeral services will be held in Fort Lauderdale Wednesday."
Submitted by Rochelle Riordan
"Greensburg Daily News"
(Greensburg, IN)
Monday, February 28, 1938
"Widow, Son and Four Daughters Survive- Funeral 2 p.m. Tuesday At Sandusky
"Elijah Gregory Amos, 66, passed away at noon Sunday at the home of his son, Gordon M. Amos, 373 North Michigan avenue. He had been in declining health about a year and seriously ill for the past eight weeks.
"Mr. Amos, son of Thomas and Elvira (Barnes) Amos, was born Dec. 4, 1871, in Shelby county. He was married Oct. 25, 1891 to Mattie Thompson. They lived in Shelby county until 31 years ago. For 22 years they lived one mile north of Sandusky. The past nine years they had lived on a farm near Clarksburg.
"Surviving are the widow; five children, Mrs. Park Foster, of near Milroy; Gordon M. Amos, at whose home he passed away; Mrs. Gepford Pleak, of Rushville; Mrs. Kenneth O. Wertz, of Knightstown, and Mrs. Lowell Moore, of near Michigan City; nine grandchildren; four brothers, Jack Amos of Edinburg; Charles R. Amos, of Columbus; Millard Amos, of Shelbyville; Fred Amos, of Ft. Pierce, Fla.; two sisters, Emma Amos, of Shelbyville, and Mrs. Edward Springer, of Washington, D.C.
"Mr. Amos joined the Winchester M.E. church in childhood moving his membership to the Sandusky M.E. church when he moved to this county. He was quite active in church work all his life. He was a member of the Masonic lodge of Milroy, and the I.O.O.F. lodge at Lewis Creek, Ind.
"The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Sandusky M.E. church, the Rev. W.C. Watkins officiating. Burial will be in Kingston cemetery.
"The body will be left at the home of the son, Gordon M. Amos, 373 North Michigan avenue, until the time of funeral."
Submitted by Rochelle Riordan
The Shelbyville Republican
Wednesday April 10, 1929
Hancock County Man, Formerly
Of Shelby County, Succumbs At Home
Clinton Amos, 63 years old, a resident of Blue River Township, in
Hancock county, four miles northwest of Morristown, died suddenly at one
o’clock this morning at his home. Death
was believed to have been caused by a growth in his throat, as he had been as
well as ever when he retired for the night.
He awoke at 12:30 o’clock this morning and said that he was choking.
He died before the physician arrived.
Dr. Oscar Heller, coroner of Hancock county, was called and stated that the sudden death was caused by some physical ailment the exact nature of which could not be determined immediately.
Mr. Amos was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Amos, and was born September 3, 1866. Most of his life he had lived in Shelby county, and for many years he lived in Sugar Creek township. He was a member of the Vine Street M. P. church of Shelbyville.
Surviving him are the widow, four sons, and one daughter by a former marriage. The sons are Gilbert Amos, of Hendricks township; Roy Amos, Acton; Floyd Amos, Beech Grove, and Gerald Amos of Addison township. Mrs. Virgil Fallis of Addison township is the daughter. One brother, Tom Amos, of Greenfield, survives. Mr. Amos also leaves three stepchildren: James A. Bright and John McCune, Greenfield; Mrs. Marshall Cox, of Shelbyville.
Funeral services will be held at the Vine Street church at 10:30 o’clock Friday morning, Rev. F. E. Crider officiating. The interment will be in the family lot at the Boggstown cemetery. C. F. Fix and Son are the funeral directors.
Contributed by Barb Huff for Bob McKenzie
The Shelbyville Republican
Friday, March 26, 1920 (daily paper)
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Amos, widow of William Amos, who died at the home of her daughter, south of Shelbyville yesterday of paralysis, from which she has been suffering for some time will be conducted Saturday afternoon at 2:00, Rev. E. A. Daugherty, pastor of the West street M. E. church officiating. Burial will be made in the Jackson cemetery. The deceased was born and reared in this county and leaves a host of friends to mourn her death. Surviving she leaves four children, namely, Mrs. William Main, at whose home she died; Mrs. Ed Major, of Indianapolis; Elisha Amos, of this county and Joe Wood of this city. Two children are by a former marriage.
Contributed by Nancy Vance Glover
"The Shelbyville Democrat"
(Shelbyville, IN)
Monday, May 12, 1913
"Mrs. Thomas Amos Expired
As She Slept Early Sunday Morning
Heart Trouble and Apoplexy Assigned As Causes
of Death- Heart Had Been Weakened
By an Attack of the Grip
Funeral Services Will Be Held Tuesday
"Mrs. Elvira Amos, sixty-five years old, wife of Thomas Amos, was found dead in bed by her husband at two-thirty o'clock Sunday morning at their home on Jefferson Avenue. Her body had already began to grow cold when the discovery was made by Mr. Amos, who was sleeping by her side. It is believed that death was caused by heart disease and a stroke of apoplexy. Last winter Mrs. Amos suffered from the grip and her heart was affected. She had suffered once or twice from attacks of the heart, but her condition was not considered serious and her relatives were wholly unprepared for the shock of her death.
"Mrs. Amos seemed to be in better health than usual Saturday and in the evening she made a trip up town and also to the grocery near their home later in the evening. She made no complaint in regard to her health and retired in the best of spirits. She had even planned to attend church services on Sunday and had selected the clothing she intended to wear. Mr. and Mrs. Amos were sleeping upstairs and he was terribly shocked when he awoke and found his beloved wife cold in death, as he had no warning and had not even been awakened by her struggles, if any there were. Conditions indicated that the end had come to Mrs. Amos while she was asleep. Dr. Wells was notified of the case Sunday morning, but he stated he did not think his services were necessary, owing to the fact that Mrs. Amos had been suffering from heart trouble, and there will be no investigation by the coroner.
"Mrs. Amos was a daughter of the late Elijah and Mary Barnes and was born in Noble township, August 17, 1847, the family being one of the prominent ones in the county. She is survived by three brothers and a sister. Stephen D. and William B. Barnes, of Shelby township; Charles Barnes, of Greensburg, and Mrs. E. H. Dunn of Shelby township.
"Mr. and Mrs. Amos were married March 10, 1867, and their life together had been prosperous and happy. Thirteen children were born to the union, but five of them have preceded the mother to the life beyond. The surviving children are Ora A., of Edinburg; Charles R., near this city; Elijah G., of Decatur county; Mrs. Wiley Means and Mrs. George Robins, of this city and Emma, Millard and Fred, at home. There are also fifteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
"Mrs. Amos had spent all her life as a resident of this county and was well-known to a host of sincere friends, who esteemed her for her many womanly virtues and her strength of character. She had led the life of a Christian and had been true to her home and her family and at the same time a kind-hearted and helpful neighbor. She had been a member of the Baptist church since she was twenty years old. All of the time until two years ago her membership had been with the Lewis Creek Baptist Church of this city, and was active in the work of the church and its auxiliary organizations.
"Nearly all of the married life of the couple had been spent on the farm, their home being in Shelby township until 1902. Since then they had been living on Jefferson Avenue in this city.
"Short funeral services will be held at one o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the home, and further services will be held at two-thirty o'clock at the Lewis Creek Baptist Church, Rev. H.N. Spear, pastor of the First Baptist Church of this city, officiating. Interment will be made in the Lewis Creek cemetery in charge of Stewart & Fix. Friends may call from seven till nine o'clock Monday evening and from nine o'clock Tuesday morning till one o'clock in the afternoon."
Submitted by Rochelle Riordan
The Shelbyville Republican
Wednesday May 1, 1912
Mrs. Liena May Amos, aged forty years, seven months and thirteen days, wife of Clinton Amos, died at their home in Boggstown at four o’clock Tuesday afternoon, following a long illness. Death was due to cancer of the breast from which disease she had suffered for the past ten months, she had not been confined to her bed, however, until last Saturday. Mrs. Amos was well known in Boggstown and vicinity, that had always been her home. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Swango.
Through her kindness and true Christian life she won many friends who will be deeply grieved to hear of her death. The sadness attending her death is increased by the fact that her daughter, Mrs. Charles [Jennie] Rouse, who was one of the most highly respected residents of the community, died only last February. Mrs. Amos is survived by her husband, her father and mother and five children, all of whom reside at home. They are Gilbert, age eighteen; Ella, aged fourteen; Roy, aged eleven; Floyd, aged five and Gerald, aged two. One sister, Mrs. Harry Matthews, of Indianapolis, and two half brothers, James Swango, of Sugar Creek township, and Ed Swango, of this city, also survive her. The funeral services will be conducted at ten o’clock Friday morning at the Boggstown Methodist Episcopal church, where she was a member, the Rev. E. V. Hargitt, officiating. Interment will be made in the Boggstown cemetery under the direction of Stewart & Fix.
Contributed by Barb Huff for Bob McKenzie
"The Shelby Democrat"
(Shelbyville, Indiana)
Thursday, October 18, 1906
"The funeral services of four year old Emil Amos, who died Saturday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Amos, of Washington township, were held at the Winchester M.E. church this afternoon at two o'clock, the Rev. J.T. Bean officiating. Interment in the Winchester (sic)"
Submitted by Rochelle Riordan
A Shelbyville Newspaper
Saturday, October 13, 1906
Death of Emil Amos.
Emil Amos, the four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Amos, died at their home in Washington township, this morning, at about eleven-thirty. Death was due to lung trouble from which the child has been suffering for over nine months. The time place of the funeral will be announced later.
Monday, October 15, 1906
The funeral services for four year old Emil Amos, who died Saturday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Amos, of Washington township were held at the Winchester M. E. church this afternoon at two o'clock, the Rev. J. T. Bean officiating. Interment in the Winchester cemetery.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Friday, January 3, 1902
The funeral of ex-Commissioner William Amos was largely attended yesterday by his neighbors. Tom Campbell and William Valentine went from here to the funeral and they report it one of the largest funerals they ever attended.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Republican
Saturday, July 5, 1884
Page 4, column 3
Elizabeth J. Amos was born January 11, 1829, was united in marriage with Harrison Amos on July 30, 1849, and died on June 25, 1884, aged 58 years 5 months and 14 days. Sister Amos was a Christian, kind to the afflicted, of good deportment and respected by those who knew her. She was the mother of five children all living except one son. Her funeral was largely attended, all feeling that a good and useful member of society had passed on before. Brother Amos and family have the sympathies and well wished of all. May they be comforted.
[Buried Concord Cemetery]
Submitted by Barb Huff

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