Shelby County Indiana
The Shelbyville News
July 22, 1958
Long Illness Fatal To William Barger, 81
William Barger, 81, died this morning, Shelbyville Rest Home.
Born in Shelby county April 11, 1877, s/o George and Lyda Goodrich Barger.
Married Mary E. Schwall January 30, 1902; she died March 21, 1946.
Also preceded in death by a son.
Survivors: sons, Harold Barger, Shelbyville circuit court judge, Edgar H. Barger, Florida, Maurice Barger, Illinois; daughter, Mrs. Earl Eads, Shelbyville; one half-brother, Curtis Barger, California; two half-sisters, Mrs. H. P. Williams, Shelbyville, and Mrs. Clifford Hurst, Richmond, Ky; nine grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren.
Lifelong Shelby county resident and farmer.
Member of the Fairland Methodist Church.
Sleeth Funeral Home with Rev. B. J. Renner officiating.
Burial: Forest Hill cemetery.
Summarized by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday July 8, 1946
Page 1 column 3
Former Resident of Fairland Community Dies
Funeral services for Milton Barger, 80, former resident of the Fairland community, who died Saturday at Julietta in Marion county, where he had been employed for 29 years, will be held at 2:00 p.m. today at the Ewing mortuary.
The Rev. James Cox will officiate and burial will be in the Fairland cemetery. Friends may call at the mortuary.
The son of Lot and Christa Ann Williams Barger, he was born in January 1867. Surviving are two daughters, Edna and Ruby, and two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson, of Chicago, and Mrs. Bessie McBee, of Indianapolis.
Contributed by Barb Huff for Bob McKenzie
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, March 3, 1921
Widely Known Farmer and
Stock Raiser Called -- Fu-
neral Thursday
Jefferson Barger, 73 years, two months and eleven days old, one of Shelby county's widely known farmers and stock raisers, died at his home, north of this city, Tuesday afternoon at 3:15 o'clock, following an illness of several weeks duration with asthma of the heart. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. A. F. von Tobel, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, officiating. Burila will be made in Forest Hill cemetery in charge of Ralph J. Edwards, funeral director.
Mr. Barger was born near Rushville, May 20, 1848, the son of Milton and Melvina Lightfoot, pioneer residents of Shelby county. He was educated in this city, where he moved with his parents, and was in business with his father until he reached the age of thirty years. He was united in marriage in 1878 with Jennie Morarity, of Buffalo, N. Y., who died a number of years ago. He was later married to the surviving wife, Mrs. Emma Barger. Surviving is one daughter, Mrs. Harry E. Roth, of Indianapolis.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Saturday, December 4, 1920
Mrs. Rebecca Louise Barger Passed Away
After An Illness Of Weeks
Mrs. Rebecca Louise Barger,
age seventy-six years, died Friday night at seven-thirty o'clock at her home 110
North Vine street. Mrs. Barger was the widow of George W. Barger.
Her death was caused by hardening of the arteries, and other complications, with
which she had suffered for a number of weeks.
She was the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. William McWhirter, and was born in Decatur county
on March 23, 1844. She came to this county when a young woman. On
February 2, 1874, she was married to Mr. Barger. Mrs. Barger was a member
of the Vine Street Methodist Protestant church. She is survived by one
daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Brown, at whose home she died, and one son, George E. Barger,
living northeast of town; one brother, William McWhirter, of Southern
Indiana, and two grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at the home Monday afternoon at two o'clock, the Rev. Crider, pastor of the Vine Street M. P. church, officiating. Burial will be made in Forest Hill cemetery. Charles M. Ewing in charge.
Submitted by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday, July 13, 1909
Lot K. Barger Committed Suicide
In Indianapolis Monday
On Account Of Worry
Over Financial Troubles
Lot Barger, aged about sixty-five years, died in Indianapolis last evening after a short illness. His remains will be brought to Fairland today over the Big Four and will reach there about three thirty in the afternoon. The funeral will be held in the Methodist church of Fairland on Wednesday afternoon at four, in charge of the pastor. The interment will be held in the Brandywine Cemetery*. Wilson & Son are the undertakers in charge.
An article in this morning's Indianapolis Star says: Worrying over financial losses, Lot K. Barger, sixty-eight years old, committed suicide by shooting himself through the head on the stone ledge at the north end of the Monon Bridge over Fall Creek yesterday noon. When Bicyclemen Stewart and Reidy of the Northeast Police station found him, a rope adjusted about his neck was fastened to a railroad tie just above the edge of the abutment. Dr. Knue removed his body to the undertaking establishment of Renihan & Blackwell and the coroner suggested murder. An autopsy held by Drs. Winter and Dugan and an investigation conducted by Lieut. Kinney and Detectives Simon and Coffin, however, established the cause of death.
Barger lived at 2306 Columbia Avenue, and is survived by one son and three daughters. The body will be shipped to Fairland, Indiana, for burial by Finn Brother's undertakers.
Submitted by Barb Huff
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, December 29, 1904
Page 2, column 4
A Prominent Citizen Passes Away Thursday Evening
Another prominent citizen has passed from this world of care and sorrow and entered into his eternal reward. Milton P. Barger died at his home, No. 126 Walker Street, at 12 p.m. Thursday December 22nd, after an illness of two or three weeks, aged seventy-seven years. He leaves his wife, one son, Jefferson Barger, and three grandchildren; Lizzie Brown, Jessie Barger and George Barger.
The funeral services will be held at the house at 2 p.m. Saturday, December 24th, Rev. L. F. Dimmitt, officiating. Interment in Forest Hill in charge of Edwards & Hageman. Mr. Barger was afflicted with pneumonia which he contracted about three weeks ago. He was a farmer by occupation but lived in the city and his knowledge of farming is unquestioned. As a citizen he was unexcelled for uprightness and honesty. Mr. Barger was one of the oldest residents of the county and will be greatly missed by the public in general. He was a man of some means, his estate, being the owner of 100 acres on the Michigan road north of the city, about 80 acres on Little Blue about a mile beyond the fair grounds, the Ingram property on East Washington street, and three residences in Walker street adjacent to his home. The total valuation of his property will amount to between $25,000 and $30,000, of which between $7,000 and $8,000 is property located in this city.
Submitted by Barb Huff
The Semi-Weekly Republican
Tuesday, June 23, 1896
Page 4, column 5
A week ago Mrs. Jefferson (Jane) Barger,
who lives immediately north of town, and who is known to almost everybody in
this place, stepped on a nail which penetrated her foot on the ball. It
was sore for a day or two but the sore healed up and nothing more was thought of
the matter. On Wednesday evening Mrs. Barger had some trouble with the
cows and in chasing them over the cow lot she became very warm and that night
her foot pained her considerable. Friday morning she was unable to get up
and she said to her husband she was paralyzed as she could not use her limbs.
When she was assisted to sit up her head would be drawn back as if in a
spasm and it seemed as if her spinal cord was affected its entire length.
At four o'clock Saturday Dr. Lucas was sent for and he and Dr. Jones went
to see Mrs. Barger together. They found her in a bad case of lock-jaw and
in spasms. Her death being hourly expected.
LATER--Mrs. Barger died
at a few minutes past ten o'clock after suffering untold agonies. Her
death will be deeply deplored by her wide circle of friends and by the people at
large. She was perhaps known by more citizens than any other woman in our
city and she was held in the highest esteem by all. The funeral was held
Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at her late residence, the services being
conducted by Dr. J. C. Caldwell, of the First Presbyterian church. Mrs.
Barger was 47 years old and leaves a husband and one child.
Submitted by Barb Huff
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, July 24, 1890
Page 3, column 3
Christina, the
wife of Mr. Lot K. Barger, of Brandywine township, died at one
o'clock p.m., July 16, of cancer, aged fifty-six years. The remains were
interred at three o'clock July 17 at Fairland, Rev. Jones officiating. Cummins
& Edwards funeral directors.
Brandywine Cemetery*]
Submitted by Barb Huff
* Fairland Cemetery records:
Row 13, Section 1
BARGER, Wyly S. Jan 19, 1870-Dec 26, 1889
BARGER, Christie A. Oct 11, 1834-Jul 16, 189- \ mother
BARGER, Lot K. Nov 3, 1842 - Jul 12, 1909 / father 2 on stone
BARGER, M. E. 1867-1946
If anyone has information concerning the removal/relocation of these graves,
please contact Mary Harrell Sesniak.
The Shelby Republican
Wednesday, March 9, 1870
John G. Barger,
the subject of this notice, was born in Montgomery county, Va., September 8,
1836. While yet a boy, his parents removed with him to Rush county,
Indiana. They remained there until the year 1857, when they removed to
Johnson county, Indiana, soon after which he was bereft a kind and affectionate
mother. He then joined the church, and during the remaining thirteen years
of his life he occupied the positions of leader, steward, and Sabbath-school
superintendent, all of which he filled with credit to himself and the cause he
espoused. After an illness of ten weeks with typhoid fever, during which
time he manifested a true Christian spirit at once gratifying to all true
Christians, he breathed his last on Sunday, Nov. 14, 1869. He was buried
by Greenwood Lodge, I.O.O.F., he being one of its brightest members. He
showed forth the true principles of the order, seeking as much the welfare of
others as his own, and no less by them will he be missed as a living working
member than by his neighbors, who knew him to be a high-toned citizen, noted for
sociability and kindness. After an intimate acquaintance of years--being a
partner with him in business--I feel it a duty to say I have found none who
combined more good qualities than he. None can regret the loss of one cut
off in the height of usefulness more than I. His friends and relations
scattered from the Old Dominion through the great Valley of the Mississippi, in
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas, will unite with me in
dropping a tear for the loss of a friend so kind, so amiable, so useful and
London, Shelby Co., Feb. 7, 1870
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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