Shelby County Indiana
The Shelbyville News
September 7, 1953
Russell Blankenbaker,
54, Succumbs at Home
Russell Blankenbaker, 54, veteran of World War I, was found dead at his home, 150 Elizabeth St., at 7:00 o'clock Sunday evening. Death attributed to a complication of diseases by the county coroner, Dr. Roger Whitcomb, apparently had occurred five or six hours earlier. Mr. Blankenbaker was born in 1898, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Blankenbaker. His wife, Mattie Mae Blankenbaker, preceded him in death on June 13 of this year.
Surviving are seven step-children, Mrs. Zella May Cordray, Mrs. Maxine Adams, Orville and Bert Shepherd and Elmer and Samuel Spencer, all of this city, and Mrs. Audrey Swazay of New Orleans.
Funeral services will be announced by the Murphy Mortuary.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Wednesday, December 23, 1942
Page 1, column 2
Mrs. Zora Blankenbaker, age seventy-one, widow of the late William Blankenbaker, died at her home 29 Walker street, Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. She had been in failing health for the past four years, but her condition became critical only in the past four weeks. Death was due to complications.
Mrs. Blankenbaker was born in Shelby county, February 16, 1871, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bassett. She was 71 years, 10 months and six days old at the time of her death.
A resident of Shelby county all her life, she had resided in the city for the past 22 years, and was one of the county's most highly esteemed ladies.
On December 25, 1890, she was married to William Blankenbaker, who preceded her in death September 23, 1939. To this union two children were born, a daughter and a son. The daughter, Lou Anna died August 21, 1897. Surviving with the son, Russell, at home, are one sister, Mrs. Sidney Sanders, of Kokomo, three half-brothers and several nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Blankenbaker was a devoted member of the First Methodist church here.
Funeral services will be held at the late home, 29 Walker street, at 2:00 o'clock Thursday afternoon, with Dr. J.W. McFall, pastor of the First Methodist church, officiating. Interment will be in the family lot in the Boggstown cemetery in charge of C.F. Fix & Son, funeral directors. Friends may call at the late home after 2:00 p.m. today.
Submitted by Barb Huff for Philip Naff
The Shelbyville Republican
Friday, September 22, 1939
Page 1, column 3
William Blankenbaker, 72, Passes Away at Home;
Funeral Saturday
William Blankenbaker, 72 years old, well known Shelbyville man, died at 5:10 p.m. Thursday in his home, 29 Walker street, after a long illness.
Mr. Blankenbaker was born in Boone County, Kentucky, December 3, 1866; a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Blankenbaker. At the age of 17 he came to Shelby county and for many years he was a farmer in Sugar Creek township. He had resided in Shelbyville for the last 20 years.
Forty-eight years ago he married Miss Zora Bassett. One son and one daughter were born to then, the daughter having passed away at the age of six years. The son, Russell Blankenbaker, of this city, and the widow survive.
Mr. Blankenbaker also leaves two half-sisters, Miss Fay Blankenbaker and Mrs. Elizabeth Burgess, of Indianapolis; a nephew, Howard Blankenbaker, of Shelbyville; one grand-niece and one grand-nephew. A brother, Claude Blankenbaker, died June 20 of last year.
The funeral service will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in the late home, with J.W. McFall officiating. Burial will be in the family lot in the Boggstown cemetery, in charge of C.F. Fix & Son, funeral directors. Friends may call at the late home after 4:00 p.m. today.
Submitted by Barb Huff for Philip Naff
The Shelbyville Republican
Thursday, April 27, 1939
Page 1, column 4
Mrs. Loucetta Blankenbaker, 87,
Dies of Illness in Indianapolis
Loucetta Blankenbaker, widow of Jasper Blankenbaker, died at her home, 2540 Broadway, Indianapolis at 12:15 Wednesday morning, after a three weeks illness due to complications. Mrs. Blankenbaker formerly lived near this city.
She was born in Shelby County on April 20, 1852, the daughter of Allen and Elizabeth (Stafford) Crigler, being at the time of death eighty-seven years old. She was married to Jasper Blankenbaker on October 28, 1878, and to this union were born three children, two of whom survive. They are Miss Faye Blankenbaker and Mrs. O. R. Burgess, both at home. Another daughter, Farnie Lemar, preceded her in death. Mr. Blankenbaker died several years ago.
Other survivors are a step-son, William Blankenbaker, of this city. The late Claude Blankenbaker, of this city, was also a step-son. Mrs. Blankenbaker was the last member of her family. She had been a resident of Indianapolis for the last nineteen years, moving there from New Castle. She was a charter member of the New Castle Baptist church.
Funeral services will be held at the late home Friday at 9:00 a.m., the Rev. William F. Rothenberger, Indianapolis Christian church pastor, officiating. Burial in South Mound cemetery at New Castle, will be in charge of Charles M. Ewing.
Submitted by Barb Huff for Philip Naff
The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday, June 21, 1938
Page 1, column 2
Claude Blankenbaker Dies at Hospital; Rites Wednesday
Claude Blankenbaker, age 66, of 535 South Miller street, died at the Major Hospital at 4:45 p.m. Monday, after an illness of five days due to uremic coma.
He was born in Boone county, Kentucky, January 5, 1872, and was the son of Jasper and Laura Blankenbaker, pioneer residents of Shelby county. When he was seven years old he moved with his parents to Sugar Creek township. He attended the Sugar Creek township schools. In 1904 he married Mabel Viola Rush, and four sons were born. Survivors beside the widow are one son, Howard Blankenbaker, of this city; two grandchildren, Rolland and Carol Sue Blankenbaker; one brother, William Blankenbaker, of Shelbyville; two half-sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Burgess and Miss Faye Blankenbaker, and the step-mother, Mrs. Lou Blankenbaker, all of Indianapolis. The deceased was a member of the Modern Woodmen lodge and of the First M. E. church of this city.
Funeral services will be held at the home 535 South Miller street at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, with Dr.
J. W. McFall, pastor of the First M. E. church, officiating. Interment will be in Forest Hill cemetery, in charge of C. F. Fix and Son, funeral directors. Friends may call at the home any time after 4 p.m. today.
Submitted by Barb Huff for Philip Naff
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, June 20, 1918
Jasper Blankenbaker, Father of Mrs.
Bert Lemar, Died Sunday at His
Home in Henry County.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lemar, of this city, were called to New Castle, Sunday, by the death of Mrs. Lemar's father, Jasper Blankenbaker, a former well known and prominent resident of Sugar Creek township and well remembered by the residents of that locality. He was seventy-six years of age last April.
Mr. Blankenbaker resided in Sugar Creek township for over thir-five years, coming direct to this county from his home in Kentucky, where he was born. He was one of the substantial citizens of this county and a man well thought of by his associates.
He is survived by his widow, two daughters and two sons, who are Mrs. Lemar, of this city, Mrs. Burgess, of New Castle; William Blankenbaker and Claude Blankenbaker, of Assumption, Ill. He also leaves one sister in Kentucky.
The funeral services will be held at the late home Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock and burial will be made in New Castle.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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