Shelby County Indiana
The Shelbyville News
Tuesday August 29, 1950
Mrs. Thomas Bone, former Shelby county resident and a sister-in-law of Mrs. J. J. Stewart of this city died in Jacksonville Sunday.
Mrs. Bone was the former Myrtle Irene (Sutton) Ensminger of Shelby county, was born at Fairland and was the last of her family.
Resided in Florida for many years.
Survivors: husband and sister-in-law.
Funeral services were held today in Jacksonville, Florida.
[Buried Forest Hill Cemetery]
Contributed by Barb Huff for Bob McKenzie
Summarized by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, February 12, 1925
Mrs. Sarah A. Bone, widow of Thomas T. Bone and widely known aged woman of this city, died at 10 o'clock Friday evening at the Major Hospital where she was taken Tuesday to undergo treatment for a fractured hip, which she received Monday evening. Her condition had been serious since the accident and the announcement of her death is a distinct shock to her many friends here. Funeral services will be held from the late residence at 319 South Miller street at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon with the Rev. T. S. Wilson, pastor of the First Christian church, officiating. Burial will be made in the City Cemetery in charge of Morris H. Sleeth, funeral director. Friends may call at the late home any time until the hour of the funeral service Sunday. Mrs. Bone was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Johns and was born near Old Vernon, Indiana, April 8, 1841, being at the time of her death eighty-three years, nine months and twenty-eight days. February 17, 1871, she was united in marriage to Thomas T. Bone, whose death occured in 1920. To this union six children were born, three of whom survive, two daughters died in infancy and a third, Mrs. P.G. Trees died in 1911. She had been a member of the Cave Mills Christian church for many years and had spent a great part of her lifetime on a farm in Washington township. For the past several years she had resided in this city. For a few years Miss Mary Kelley had resided with the aged woman. She is survived by a daughter Mrs. J. J. Stewart of Franklin, Indiana, two sons John Bone of Indianapolis and Thomas Bone of Washington township; five step-children, Mrs. Hester Johnson of Michigan, Mrs. William Sipes and Mrs. Commodore Alley of this city, William A. Bone of Norristown and Ora E. Bone of Southport.
Submitted by Barb Huff
The Shelby Democrat
January 23, 1896
Page 3 column 2
Mrs. Kittie Bone, wife of Orie Bone, died at her home, near Wellington, Kas., last Friday, of pneumonia. The remains were interred Sunday at that place. Mr. Bone will be remembered as a son of Thomas Bone, of Washington township. Orie has many friends in this county, who will be grieved to hear of his bereavement.
Contributed by Phyllis Fleming
The Daily Evening Democrat
Saturday, January 31, 1885
Page 4
He "Lived to See His Children's Children,
and Peace Upon Israel"
Once more the shadow of death hovered over our little city, and another of our pioneer citizens, an honorable man, a Christian gentleman, kind parent and a fond husband, W. E. Bone, has paid the last debt of nature. Of a quiet and retiring disposition, his many qualities were known only to the select few who gathered about him. None knew him but to respect, none neared him but to love.
Born in Warren county Ohio, September 2, 1810, he moved to Shelby county in 1825, when but a lad of fifteen years, he saw the home of his adoption grow from a wilderness to one of wealth, civilization, and a populous district. Twice married, seven children, three boys and two girls survive him, among whom one is present postmaster.
He was an active and consistent member of the Christian Church where his funeral services will be held on Sunday, at 2 p.m., by Rev. J. H. Edwards, assisted by Rev. J. M. Land, of Harrison, Ohio. He was also an honored member of Shelby Lodge No. 28 F. and A.M., and his remains will be attended by that body to the cemetery.
Lodge Notice.
There will be a called meeting of Shelby Lodge No. 28 F. & A.M., at their lodge room this evening.(31st) at 7 o'clock to make arrangements to attend the funeral of our deceased brother, William E. Bone. A full attendance is requested.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Republican
Thursday, April 2, 1874.
Whole No. 422. Page 1
DIED, on the 19th of March, 1874, at his residence in Washington Township, Shelby County, Indiana, or Typhoid Pneumonia, Mr. Elijah Bone, in the 57th year of his age. Mr. Bone was an old and much respected citizen. His funeral sermon was preached at Norristown by Rev. James Lathrop of Indianapolis, which was largely attended.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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