Shelby County Indiana
Inter Ocean Illinois
January 8, 1890
Page 3
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., July 30.--Special Tele- gram.-- Colonel John A. Bridgeland, prominent in politics in this State, died at his farm, Fairland, Tuesday night, the immediate cause of death being apoplexy . He was born at Lexington, Va., eighty-four years ago. When scarcely more than a boy he came to Richmond and engaged in the tobacco business. He became a warm friend of Oliver P. Morton and when the "War Governor" began his efforts to put Indiana in the front rank of defenders of the Union he called Colonel Bridgeland to his assistance. The Colonel accomplished good work in enlisting equipping and mounting Cavalry regiments. He was given command of the Second Indiana Cavalry. After a year, however, ill health influenced him to resign. He was appointed an inspector of internal revenue in Texas and was afterwards under Grant's two administrations Consul to Havre. He was always an earnest Republican. A daughter, Mrs. Tripolli, of Seville, Spain, survives him.
Contributed anonymously

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