Shelby County Indiana
The Franklin Democrat
Johnson County, Indiana
Friday, October 6, 1899
Volume XL, Number 13
Page 5, column 2
Mrs. Myrtle Bright was burned to death by the explosion of a gasoline stove at Fairland Saturday morning. Her clothing was entirely burned off, and her body and flesh were roasted. She was alone at the time of the mishap. She had been having domestic trouble, and had threatened to commit suicide. Some of her friends think she chose this as a means for taking her life. She was thirty-three years old and the mother of one child. Mrs. Bright was the daughter of J. B. Plymate, a leading citizen of Fairland.
Notes: Shelby County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1856 - 1920 Inclusive Vol, W. P. A. Original Record Located: County Clerk's O; Book: 16; Page: 39 shows Albert Bright married Myrtle Plymate on 13 Mar 1899 in Shelby Co.
Date of birth, About 1866. Date of death, 30 Sep 1899 – Shelby Co Indiana
Contributed by Mark McCrady and Cathea Curry

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