The Shelbyville Republican
Thursday, September 16, 1920
George Broughton, Formerly
of This City Killed Himself
By Hanging
----------Mrs. Jennie McKinney of 213 East Jackson street, this morning received word that her cousin, George Broughton, of Boyd, Kentucky committed suicide last Sunday morning by hanging. No additional particulars were given.
Mr. Broughton was a former resident of Shelbyville. His home was on North Tompkins street, near the gas plant. He was a blacksmith and worked in the Burker shop on North Harrison street. He was regarded here as a good man and citizen. Two years ago his only son and child was killed by lightning. After that Mr. Broughton did not seem like his former self and it is now thought that brooding over the death of his boy caused him to take his life. Mr. Broughton was also a cousin of Jacob and Valentine Hey, both well known men of this city.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming