Shelby County Indiana
A Shelbyville Newspaper
Monday, Feb. 6, 1922
James R. Duty, 80 years, 5 months and 21 days old, an aged an highly respected resident of Liberty township, died at the home of Miss Alice Lowden, in Middletown, Sunday at 9 a.m., death being caused from a complication of diseases from which he had suffered for some time. Mr. Duty had been confined at the home of Miss Lowden, who is a relative, for a number of weeks. Funeral services will be held at the Lowden home, Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, the Rev. R. O. Pearson, officiating. The burial will be made in the Middletown cemetery, in charge of Charles M. Ewing, funeral director.
Mr. Duty was born in Kentucky and came to this county with his parents when about 12 years old, and located at Waldron, where he had spent practically all of his life. Mr. Duty, thru his thoughtfulness for others, caused him to have many friends who will be saddened to learn of his death. He was a man of excellent character and was one of Liberty township's most highly respected citizens. He is survived by one brother, John Duty, of Charlottesville, Hancock county, and a number of nephews and nieces.
For 21 years he was agent for the Big Four railroad company and also served as agent at the Waldron traction station for a number of years.
Contributed by Carolyn Hoffman
The Shelby Democrat
November 2, 1911
Page 6
(From Saturday's Daily.)
Mrs. Emma Duty, aged 53 years, formerly of Waldron, died this morning at the home of her sister,&bsp;
Mrs. Emaline Stoup, at Indianapolis, where she had been living for the past few years. She was the wife of James Duty
, of Waldron, and is also survived by another sister, Mrs. Liberty Seely, of Blue Ridge. The Democrat was not
able to learn anything definite this afternoon regarding the funeral arrangements.
Contributed by Carolyn Hoffman
The Shelbyville Republican
Saturday, October 28, 1911
Page 1, column 1
Word was received this afternoon by relatives that Emma Duty, a sister of Mrs. Frank Coyle, had died at Indianapolis this morning. No particulars were given. The funeral will be held Monday.
Monday, October 30, 1911
Page 1, column 7
Mrs. Emma Duty, aged fifty-three years, formerly of Waldron, died Saturday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Emeline Stroup, at Indianapolis, where she had been living for the past few years. She was the wife of James Duty, of Waldron, and is also survived by another sister, Mrs. Libby Seely, of Blue Ridge. The funeral services were held this afternoon at the home of Mrs. McCain in Indianapolis.
Contributed by Barb Huff for Carolyn Hoffman
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, June 16, 1904
Page 3, column 3
Miss Stella Duty, the sixteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Duty of Hancock county, died at the home of the parents yesterday. Mrs. William Everson left on the evening train for the home of the bereaved parents, she being the daughter of Mr. Duty. John Duty was for many years a resident of Noble township in this county.
Submitted by Barb Huff

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