The Shelbyville Republican
Thursday August 31, 1876
Page 3 column 2
Last week we gave an
account of a serious accident to Mr. David Fenn, of this township,
resulting in the loss of a leg. We are pained to announce that on last Thursday
morning at about 9 o’clock, from the effects of the injury, Mr. Fenn died.
Fenn was one of our best citizens, quiet, unassuming and honest. He was a
leading member of the Lewis Creek Baptist church. His death is mourned by all
who knew him.
Thursday August 24, 1876
Page 3 column 2
On Tuesday afternoon David Fenn, who lived near the Lewis Creek
Baptist church with his son, were engaged in digging a hole into which they
intended to roll a "nigger head." Just as they had the excavation
about completed and Mr. Fenn was almost in the act of getting out, by a strange
and mysterious providence the stone parted in the middle , one part falling into
the excavation and on Mr. Fenn’s left leg, mangling and smashing it into a
shapeless mass. Drs. Flemming and Kennedy were called, who amputated the leg
above the knee. Yesterday morning Mr. Fenn was doing as well as could be
Contributed by Barb Huff

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