The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday, December 30, 1941
Funeral services for Miss Irene
Girton, who died in California last Thursday, will be held at the Hisey
& Titus mortuary in Indianapolis Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Burial will
be made in the Norristown cemetery at 12:00 o'clock noon. Short services
will be held at the grave and the casket will be opened.
Saturday, September 27, 1941
Miss Irene Girton, age fifty-two,
resident of Indianapolis and former resident of Shelbyville, died Thursday at
the home of friends whom she was visiting in San Diego, Cal.
Miss Girton was born in
Washington township, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Girton. She resided in this city for a number of years and at one time
served as local city school nurse. She was assistant nurse at the L. S.
Ayers & Co. store in Indianapolis for several years.
She is survived by a
cousin, Allen Girton, of Flat Rock.
The body is en route to
Indianapolis where funeral services will be held and burial will be made in the
Norristown cemetery. Time of the last rites will be announced later.
Contributed by Barb Huff for Nancy
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday Afternoon, November 16, 1931
Page 1
Former County Highway Superintendent
Died At Hospital This Morning.
Jacob W. Girton, well-known county
resident, former county highway superintendent, died at the Major hospital in
this city at four o'clock Monday morning at the age of 63 years. A
complication of diseases which followed an operation for intestinal trouble
was the cause of death.
The deceased was born
in Marion township on November 20, 1867, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Girton. He was married a number of years ago to Miss Carrie
Fately and the two sons born to the couple survive. They
are Fred and Allen Girton, of Washington
township. His second marriage was to Mrs. Jeannett Tincher,
who survives. Mr. Girton also leaves four grandchidren and two sisters, Mrs.
Hattie Ryder, of Indianapolis, and Mrs. Flora Scott, of
Haines City, Fla.
Girton had served as highway superintendent for four ears and had also been a
member of the Washington advisory board for several years. The deceased
was a member of the I.O.O.F. at Lewis Creek and the local encampment of Odd
Fellows; the Flat Rock Knights of Pythias; the local Order of Eagles and Red
Men; the Haymakers and Pocahontas order here and the old Norristown Grange
lodge. Mr. Girton had donated the large Christmas tree, placed on the
Public Square, for several years.
Funeral arrangements
weill be announced later by Charles M. Ewing, funeral director in charge,
pending word from a sister, Mrs. Scott, and A. E. Dudley, of
Contributed by Barb Huff for Nancy
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday, November 16, 1931
Page 1
Complications Arising from Recent Operation
Fatal to Well Known Man Monday Morning.
many friends of Jacob W. Girton were shocked to hear of his
death, which occurred at four o'clock this morning and was due to complications
arising following an operation for intestinal trouble. At the time of his
passing, Mr. Girton was sixty-three years old. The deceased was born in
Marion township, Shelby county, on November 20, 1867, and was the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Adam Girton.
He was twice
married. His first wife was Miss Carrie Fateley and to
this union were born two sons, Fred, of Washington, Ind., and Ed
Allen Girton, who lives on the old home place in Washington township, Shelby
county. His second marriage was with Mrs. Jeanette Tincher,
who also survives. There were no children born. He also leaves four
grandchildren and two sisters, Mrs. Hattie Ryder, of Indianapolis,
and Mrs. Flora Scott, of Haines City, Fla.
Mr. Girton was a member
of the Odd Fellows lodge at Lewis Creek, and a charter member of the K. of P.
lodge at Flat Rock. He was also affiliated with the Eagles, Red Men,
Haymakers, Pocahontas, Wheat Sheaf Council, here, and the Odd Fellows Encampment
of Shelbyville, and was a member of the old Norristown Grange lodge. The
deceased was superintendent of Shelby county highways for four years and for
four years was a member of the Washington township advisory board. He was
one of the most prominent, outstanding men in the community and his death is a
great loss.
Arrangements for funeral
services will be announced later, pending word from the sister in Florida.
Charges M. Ewing is the undertaker in charge.
Contributed by Barb Huff for Nancy
The Shelbyville Republican
Wednesday, December 19, 1928
Death of Well Known Man Occurs in Flat Rock Today.
Arthur Girton, age
69 years, well known resident, died this afternoon at one o'clock at the home of
his sister, Mrs. Pam Scott, of Flat Rock. Mr. Girton had been in
poor health for the past two years but death was unexpected. Death was due
to complication of diseases.
The deceased was born in
Washington township and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Addison Girton.
A number of years ago he was united in marriage with Miss Amie
Winterrowd and to this union one son and daughter were born. The
wife and son, Carl, preceded him in death.
Mr. Girton was county
commissioner a number of years ago and was street commissioner for ten years,
resigning two years ago because of failing health. He is president of
State Street Commissioners and Road Builders Association. He had been city
truant officer here also. He is a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge at Lewis
Surviving are one
daughter, Miss Irene Girton, who is head of a hospital in Kentucky; one
brother, Jacob, of this city; the sister at whose home he died; and one
Funeral arrangements will
be announced later.
Thursday, December 20, 1928
Funeral services for Arthur Girton who died
Wednesday at Flat Rock Will be conducted at one o'clock Saturday afternoon at
the Norristown church.
Contributed by Barb Huff for Nancy
The Shelbyville Republican
July 5, 1924
Heart Disease Caused Death
of Carl Girton at Home in Bloomington
Carl Girton, age
30 years, the son of Arthur Girton, well-known in this community,
died suddenly at three o'clock Friday morning at his home, in Bloomington,
Indiana. Heart trouble was the cause of his death.
Mr. Girton was born in
Washington township, Shelby county on April 8, 1894. He was the son
of Arthur and the late Amy Girton, and resided
here continuously until a few months ago when he moved to Bloomington.
Two years ago, Carl
Girton was married to Miss Leora Hickum. To this union
one son was born now two months old. He is survived by widow, Leora Girton,
by his father, Arthur Girton, and one sister, Miss Irene Girton
of Indianapolis.
Mr. Girton was a graduate
of the local high school and also of the University of Indiana at Bloomington,
Indiana, and for sometime past was engaged in work for the endowment fund of the
university at Bloomington. He was a member of Shelby lodge of Masons.
The body will arrive here
this evening and will be taken to the C. F. Fix & Son funeral home.
Friends may call Saturday evening from 7 to 9 o'clock and on Sunday up to the
time of the funeral.
Funeral services will be
held in the Fix funeral parlors on Sunday afternoon at four o'clock. Rev.
Mr. Wilson of the First Christian church officiating. Interment will take
place in the family lot in Morristown [Norristown-pmf] cemetery.
Contributed by Barb Huff for Nancy
The Shelbyville Republican
July 25, 1922
Passed Away at Her Home in This City
After Illness of Several Months.
Mrs. Amie I. Girton,
age fifty-four years, wife of Arthur A. Girton, died Tuesday
morning at 12:15 o'clock at their home, No. 166 West Washington street.
Her death followed an illness which covered a period of several months.
She was attacked with influenza on February 2, 1922, and later pneumonia
developed. She had been operated on twice and had spent five and one-half
weeks at the Methodist hospital in Indianapolis. Mrs. Girton was brought
to her home here about one week ago.
She was the daughter
of Norris and Martha Winterrowd and was born in
Shelby county on January 27, 1868. On February 15, 1888 she was married to
Mr. Girton. They had made their home in Shelbyville for a number of
years. Mrs. Girton was well acquainted through the city and in the couth
part of the county, and numbered her friends by the score. She was a
member of the Christian church here.
Mrs. Girton is survived
by her husband, one daughter, Miss Irene Girton, at home, one son, Carl
Girton, at home, her aged mother, Mrs. Martha Winterrowd, of
Indianapolis, one brother, Harry Winterrowd, of Indianapolis, and one
sister, Mrs. Cynthia Carpenter, of Kansas.
Funeral services will be
held at the home Thursday afternoon at two thirty o'clock, the Rev. Owen
Livengood, pastro fo the Christian church, officiating. Burial will be
made in the Norristown cemetery. C. F. Fix and Son in charge.
Contributed by Barb Huff for Nancy
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday June 15, 1914
Page 1 column 3
Was Speaking to Son Saturday evening When Fatally Stricken
Funeral Will Be Held Tuesday Afternoon At Late Home
Mrs. Carrie F. Girton, aged forty-four years, died very suddenly Saturday evening at six-thirty o’clock at her home south of this city in Washington township.
Her death was caused by apoplexy. Mrs. Girton was the wife of Jacob W. Girton.
She had not been ill during the day as far as any of the members of the family knew.
She had been in Hope during the day and in the evening had planned to go to Flat Rock with
Mrs. Lewis Blades, a neighbor woman, to attend a meeting of the Pythian Sisters.
About six-thirty o’clock Saturday evening she went from her home into the barnyard, where her son was milking the cows.
She told him that he failed to strip one of the cows dry and went to finish the work when she was stricken.
Mrs. Girton reeled but was caught by her son before she had fallen. She was taken to the house and
Dr. Walter Wertz was called. She was dead several minutes before the physician arrived.
Mrs. Girton was born July 16, 1869, and at the time of her death was aged forty-four years, ten months and twenty-nine days.
She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Fately. Mr. and Mrs. Girton were married December 24, 1890.
She was well known throughout the district in which she resided and the news of her death came as a great shock to her many friends.
She was a member of Honor Temple, No. 3288 Pythian Sisters, of Sulphur Hill, and of Norristown Grange, No. 668, P. of H.
She was the Past Lady Assistant Stewart of the Indiana State Grange.
She is survived by her husband, two sons,
Fred and Allen, both at home; her aged mother, Mrs. Abigail Fately; two brothers,
Warren Fately, who resides near Flat Rock in this county, and Worth Fately, of Johnson county.
The funeral services will be held at the late home Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock. Burial will be made in the Norristown cemetery in charge of Hendrickson and
Contributed by Barb Huff for Nancy
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, August 9, 1900
Page 3 column 6
Passing Away of an Aged
and Honored Resident of Shelby County
Christopher Girton died at his home in Flat
Rock at 12:00 p.m. August 2nd, after an illness of ten days, aged seventy-five years and eighteen days. The deceased
was born in Butler county, Ohio, in 1825, where he grew to manhood and was married to Miss Malinda Bake
on March 4th, 1849. They came to this county in 1851, locating near Flat Rock. He engaged in the milling
and grain business, which he conducted for several years with considerable profit. In 1872 he removed to Shelbyville,
where he built and operated a grain elevator for some years, after which, having acquired quite a competency, he
returned to his farm, which he improved extensively and where he resided until his death. Officially, he had held
offices of township trustee, of county commissioner and as Representative in 1876, being an uncompromising democrat.
His wife having died some two years ago, his two daughters only survive him, they are Mrs. Lewis Blades,
of Hope, and Mrs. Melissa Babb, of Flat Rock. Deceased was a warm friend of The Democrat and had
been its patron from the first publication. The bereaved relatives have our sympathy in their loss. The funeral
was from the Norristown church at 2 p.m. Sunday, August 5, by Elder Clark, the interment was under auspices of
Farmer Lodge No. 147, F. and A.M. of Winterrowd. Cortege will leave the house at 1 p.m.
Submitted by Barb Huff
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday October 13, 1898
Page 4 column 1
Girton, wife of Christopher Girton, died at her home near Flat Rock, in Washington Township, at seven o’clock a.m. Sunday, October 9th, aged seventy-three years.
She leaves a husband and two daughters, Mrs. Lewis [Laura] Blades, of Hope, Indiana, and
Miss Mellissa Girton, who lives at home. The funeral services were held at Norristown, at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, October 11, Rev. J. L. Perry, officiating.
Interment in the Norristown cemetery. Funeral in charge of Edwards &
Contributed by Barb Huff for Nancy
The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday, October 11, 1898
Mrs. Malinda, wife
of Christopher Girton, died at her home near Flatrock at seven
o'clock a.m., Sunday, October 9, age 73 years. She leaves a husband and
two daughters, Mrs. Blades, of Hope, Indiana, and Miss Melissa
Girton. Funeral services will be held at Norristown at 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, October 11, Rev. J. L. Perry officiating. Interment in the
Norristown cemetery. Funeral in charge of Edwards & Hageman.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday August 22, 1895
Page 1 column 7
His Death Occurred Yesterday in Chicago
His Remains Taken to Washington Township,
This Morning, For Burial
(From Daily Democrat, Thursday, August 13th }
The friends of James D. Girton were shocked here yesterday evening to learn that he had died yesterday in Chicago, where he had been residing with his wife several months.
Four weeks ago deceased was taken sick and his ailment developing into typhoid fever, he grew constantly worse until death relieved his suffering yesterday morning.
His father, Hon. Chris Girton, of Washington township, had been summoned to his bedside several days ago, and was with his only son when the grim destroyer claimed his child.
There is nothing we could say regarding deceased that would add to his reputation as a gentleman.
“Jimmy” Girton was a man who stood well among the people in this community from the time he entered it until his death, and
The Democrat mourns with his relatives in his untimely taking off yesterday morning.
He came to Shelbyville in the year 1877 and entered the merchant tailoring business with
J. L. Martz, in the old building, which stood on the northwest corner of the Square.
He was a candidate on the Democratic ticket for City Clerk in 1879, but was defeated; in 1881 he was elected Councilman from the Second Ward, defeating
Sidney Robertson; he was nominated for Trustee of Addison township in 1882 and was defeated by
John Shelk; in 1880 he was engaged in the agricultural business, the firm being
Ellis & Girton; the firm sold out, in the spring of 1883, to Hoban &
Major. After this deceased went South, remaining one year, returning home sick.
After recovering he was appointed Deputy County Clerk in 1886, which position he resigned in July, 1887, and embarked in the school supply business, which he was engaged in up to the time of his death, and had traveled over the entire west and extreme northern States, in this business.
He had interests in silver mines in the west, and made his home in Spokane, Washington Territory, for about three years prior to his death.
The cortege will leave Christopher Girton’s home, at nine o’clock tomorrow morning and the funeral will occur at Norristown at ten o’clock.
A committee from the I.O.O.F. Lodge here will attend the funeral, deceased being a member of that Order.
Norristown Cemetery Washington Township
James D. Girton December 5, 1855 – August 14, 1895
Contributed by Barb Huff for Nancy
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday August 13, 1891
Page 3 column 1
Mr. Adam Girton, aged about sixty years, died Thursday afternoon at the family residence in Washington township, of dropsical affliction.
His funeral occurred Saturday morning at ten o’clock, the services to be conducted by the Grange, of which organization he was an esteemed and valued member.
Norristown Cemetery Washington Township
Adam Girton Died August 6, 1891
aged 58 years, 10 months 28 days
Adaline P. Girton wife died April 19, 1868
aged 34 years
Contributed by Barb Huff for Nancy
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday September 9, 1883
Page 3 column 1
Mrs. [Susannah]
Girton, aged eighty-three years, mother of Christopher Girton, of this city, died at Flat Rock Sunday.
The remains were interred at Norristown at two o’clock Tuesday afternoon.
Norristown Cemetery Washington Township
Susannah Girton died September 2, 1883
Aged 83 years
Jacob Girton died February 17, 1872
aged 72 years 11 months
Contributed by Barb Huff for Nancy

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