Shelby County Indiana
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, May 1, 1930
Page 6
Oscar Hand, for many years a resident of Shelbyville and Shelby county, died at his home in
Orlando, Fla., this morning, according to telegrams received here today. Mr. Hand, at one time one of the most prominent merchants
in Shelbyville, was known to many of the older residents of the city, [the article continues].
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday April 29, 1930
Former Resident Succumbs at Home in Orlando, Florida
Oscar Hand, formerly of this city, died this morning at his home in Orlando, Florida, at the age of 80 years.
Mr. Hand had been away from Shelbyville for about twenty years. During his residence here, her and his son,
John Hand, operated a furniture store in East Washington street. He is survived by the son
John, and three grandchildren.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Republican
Saturday January 30, 1915
Body Will Be Brought To This City Some Time Tuesday
Word was received here today by
John Cheney of the death of Elijah Hand, aged sixty years, at his home in Orlando, Florida.
Mr. Hand died Friday afternoon at four-ten o’clock. Death was caused by a complication of diseases with which he had suffered for more than a year.
During that time he had been treated at a number of the best sanitariums in the country, but without results.
Mr. Hand formerly lived here and was well known in the county.
He left for the south about twenty-five years ago and was engaged in the furniture and undertaking business in that city.
Mrs. Hand is a sister of Mr. Omer Doran and Mrs. Charles
Cheney, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Cheney were at the bedside of Mr. Hand when he died.
He leaves a wife, two sons,
Harry and Carey Hand, of Orlando, by a former marriage, two brothers, Oscar
and Thomas Hand, and one sister, Mrs. (Armilda) Woodard, all of Orlando.
The body will be shipped from Orlando Sunday midnight and will arrive here Tuesday.
It will be taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Omer Doran, where funeral services will be held at a time to be announced later.
Stewart & Fix in charge.
Monday February 1, 1915
Funeral services for the late
Elijah Hand, who died at his home in Orlando, Florida, will be held Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Doran, No. 168 West Broadway. The Rev. Earl R. North, pastor of the First Baptist church, will officiate.
Burial will be made in Forest Hill cemetery in charge of Stewart & Fix.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday July 12, 1910
John Hand, Sr., aged eighty-five years, died at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. E. Woodard, in this city, on Tuesday morning at 8:35 o’clock.
The result of kidney trouble. Deceased had been ill with this complaint off and on for the past few years.
He is survived by three sons, Elijah, of Orlando, Florida; Townsend, of Seattle, Washington, and
Oscar, of this city; also one daughter, Mrs. [Millie] Woodard, of this city.
Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Wednesday July 13, 1910
The funeral services of the late John Hand will occur tomorrow, Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the residence of his daughter,
Mrs. Woodard, corner of Franklin and Tompkins streets. Interment in Forest Hill cemetery.
Forest Hill Cemetery
John Hand: March 17, 1825 – July 12, 1910
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday June 24, 1880
Page 3 column 1
Elijah Hand, a former resident of West Hendricks township, died Friday.
His funeral occurred Saturday at the Second Mt. Pleasant church.
Second Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
Johnson County, Indiana
December 2, 1798 –June18, 1880
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelby Union
Thursday November 22, 1866
Gideon Hand of Shelbyville became sick on the noon train Friday while returning from a few days in Cincinnati.
He died at home at eight o’clock that evening and his physician pronounced his disease as cholera.
Contributed by Barb Huff

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