The Shelbyville Republican
Thursday, February 8, 1917
Page 1
Former Resident Who Died in St. Louis
To Be Buried Here
The body of Frederick Holly, 72 years old, a former resident of this city, who died at 9:30 o'clock Tuesday night at his home in St. Louis, will arrive
here on the Knickerbocker at 6:55 o'clock and will be taken immediately to the home of Val Schoelch,
407 South West street, where the funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon. Burial will be made
in the City cemetery in charge of Wilson & Ewing. Friends wishing to view the remains may call
at the Schoelch home after 7:30 o'clock this evening and from 8:00 o'clock Friday morning until the hour of the
funeral. The remains will be brought to this city by Ed Holly, a son who with three sisters, Mrs.
Will Miller, Misses Etta and Nora Holly survive the father. The three daughters arrived here this
morning. Mr. Holly died on his birthday and was an old soldier through the civil war.
Submitted by Barb Huff

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