Shelby County Indiana
The Shelbyville News
Tuesday July 26, 1949
Funeral Rite Thursday for Shelby County Native
George S. Jaco, age 84, died at his home, 151 Elizabeth street, at
6:00 o’clock last night of a heart ailment. He had been ill for several years.
The Shelby county native, who would have lived at the late residence on Elizabeth street 50 years tomorrow, was born in Addison township March 19, 1865. He was the son of William and Sarah (Drake) Jaco. For 35 years he was a poultry buyer in the county.
He married Miss Alice M. Marietta April 30, 1890, and she survives with a foster daughter, Mrs. Clyde Smith of Morristown, a granddaughter, Mrs. Ruth Raymond of Shelbyville, three great grandchildren, one sister, Mrs. Ada Burns of Shelbyville and several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be held Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at the Murphy Mortuary with Rev. N. I. Schoolfield in charge. Burial will be made in Forest Hill cemetery.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday January 4, 1932
Death of James E. Jaco, 70,
Occurred Sunday Morning at Son’s
James E. Jaco, age 70 years, whose wife died one week ago yesterday, December 26, succumbed at ten o’clock Sunday morning at the home of a son, Virgil Jaco, of 558 East Broadway. Paralysis was the cause of death.
Mr. Jaco is survived by five daughters and seven sons. They are: Mrs. Hazel Gullo, Mrs. Pearl Holmes and Miss Gladys Jaco, of this city;
Mrs. Margaret Cutter, of Pennsylvania; Mrs. Ethel Wood, of Indianapolis; Henry Jaco, of Wisconsin; Orla Jaco, of Lawrenceburg; Virgil,
James, John, Clyde and Chester Jaco, of this county.
The deceased also leaves
fourteen grandchildren, one brother, George Jaco of this city, and three
sisters, Jennie Bishop, Mrs. Ada Burns, and Mrs. Fannie Davisson, of
Funeral services will be held on Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock at the Mt. Pisgah Baptist church, of which Mr. Jaco was a member. The Rev. Josephine Huffer will read the service. Burial will be made in the church cemetery, in charge of Charles M. Ewing.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Democrat
Monday, December 12, 1931
Complications of Diseases Fatal to
Mrs. James Jaco -- Funeral Ser-
vices to Be Tuesday.
Mrs. Ellen D. Jaco, wife of James Jaco, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hazel Gullo, of 321 Walker street, at four o'clock Sunday morning. At the time of her passing, which was caused by a complication of diseases following a paralytic stroke about eight weeks ago, Mrs. Jaco was fifty-seven years old. She was one of the most highly respected women of the community, and her passing is deeply mourned by her hundreds of friends.
The deceased was born in Scott county, Ky., on December 28, 1874, and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Drake. She was a resident of Shelby county for the past thirty years. Beisdes the husband she leaves twelve children. They are: Harry, of Wisconsin; Orlie, of Lawrenceburg, Ind.; Virgil, James O., John B., Clyde R., and Chester, all of Shelby County; Mrs. Hazel Gullor, of this city; Mrs. Ethel Wood, of Indianapolis; Mrs. Margaret Cutter, of Pennsylvania; Mrs. Pearl Holmes, of this city; Gladys, at home; and two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Green, of Kentucky, and Mrs. Pernelopy Jones, of Marion, Ind. Four brothers, George Drake, of Anderson; Henry, of Marion; Dennis and Thomas Drake, both of Kentucky, also survive. Mrs. Jaco leaves thirteen grandchildren.
She was a member of the Baptist church in Kentucky. Funeral services will be conducted at Mt. Pisgah church at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. Josephine Huffer, pastor of the Trinity M.E. church officiating. Burial will be in Mt. Pisgah cemetery, in charge of Charles M. Ewing.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday December 2, 1924
Page 1 column 3
Aged Resident Passed Away At Home
This Morning In Elizabeth Street
Mrs. Sarah M. [Drake]
Jaco, and aged and highly esteemed resident of this city, died at her home,
249 Elizabeth street, at nine o’clock this morning. The deceased was
eighty-eight years, nine months and ten days of age. Death was caused from a
complication of diseases.
Mrs. Jaco was born in Kentucky on February 22, 1836, and was united in marriage with William E. Jaco, who passed away about twenty-six years ago. To this union were born eleven children, six of whom are living. They are James, of Shelby county; George, of this city; Mrs. William [Berdella] Fagel, of Waldron; Mrs. Joseph [Jennie] Bishop, east of Shelbyville; Mrs. Ada Barnes, of this city, and Mrs. Fannie Davisson, at home. She also leaves twenty-one grandchildren and twenty great grandchildren. Mrs. Jaco was a member of the Mt. Pisgah Baptist church from where funeral services will be conducted on Thursday afternoon at two o’clock, the Rev. John Reece officiating. Interment will be made in the Mt. Pisgah cemetery.
Contributed by Barb Huff for Marianne Spencer
The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday, September 13, 1898
William Edward Jaco died at his residence three miles east of this city at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 9, after an illiness of ten days from a stroke of paralysis, aged seventy-two years and seven months. The remains were buried Sunday, Sept. 11. Services at the Mount Pisgah church at 10:30 a.m., Rev. Harvey officiating. Interment in the Mount Pisgah cemetery. Deceased leaves besides a wife nine children, six daughters and three sons. D. B. Wilson & Son, funeral directors.
Contributed by Lorraine Llewellyn

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