The Shelbyville News
Friday, April 09, 2004
John Joe “Jody” Kehl, 82, of Connersville, died Thursday, April 8, 2004,
Born Feb. 4, 1922, in Connersville, s/o Joseph H. and Bertha (Eckerle)
Married Dorothy M. Hanna Fellinger on June 5, 1959.
Survivors: spouse; daughter, Janet L. (husband, Robert) Stamm of Connersville;
sons, John Joseph Kehl Jr. and Stephen C. (wife, Susan)
Kehl, both of Shelbyville; one sister, Jean Bever of Connersville;
seven grandchildren, Christopher (wife, Carol) Kehl, Nathan Kehl
and Jimmy (wife, Paula) Kehl, both of Shelbyville, Michael Stamm
of Richmond, Matthew Stamm (wife, Wendy) of Newark, Del., Christopher (wife, Shaunna) Stamm of Union City, and
Timothy Stamm of Noblesville; and nine great-grandchildren, Gil
Stamm, Andrew Stamm, Jacob Stamm, Hanna Stamm, Paul
Stamm, Wil Stamm, Ethan August Kehl, Trinity Kehl and
Shelby R. Chatham.
Preceded in death by an infant son, Jeffrey Kehl, and one brother-in-law,
Keith Bever.
Lifelong Connersville resident and lived for the last two years at Lincoln Center Assisted Living.
Draftsman at Roots-Blower Division, where he helped design projects.
Graduated in 1941 from Connersville High School and attended Indiana University.
U.S. Navy veteran of World War II, earning the rank of third class petty officer.
Member of St. Gabriel Catholic Church, American Legion, Knights of Columbus, AMVETS, Elks Club and longtime member of the former Singing Knights.
Miller, Moster, Robbins Funeral Home, 1704 N. Grand Ave. in Connersville.
Funeral at St. Gabriel Catholic Church, on Ninth Street in Connersville, with the Rev. Stanley J. Herber officiating.
Burial: Dale Cemetery, in Connersville, with military rites.
Memorial contributions may be made to St. Gabriel Catholic School Endowment
Summarized by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville News
Monday, January 23, 1989
Stella [Marie] Drager Kehl, 90, Shelbyville, died Sunday at Heritage House Convalescent Center
Homemaker; lived in Shelbyville most of her life; member of the former Fenns Christian Church.
Lived in Indianapolis from 1942-1979.
D/o Jacob and Mary (Cherry) Drager, she was born July 17, 1898,
in Shelby County.
Married April 3, 1918, Russell Kehl, who preceded her in death.
Surviving: daughters, Mae L. Kehl and Mary DePrez, both
Shelbyville; a son, Marion R. Kehl, Indianapolis; 7 grandchildren;
5 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great grandchildren.
A son and a sister preceded her in death.
Carmony-Ewing Harrison Street Funeral Home with the Rev. Ralph Hill officiating.
Burial: Forest Hill Cemetery.
Contributions: American Cancer Society.
Contributed by Nancy
Vance Glover
Summarized by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville News
Monday January 3, 1977
\ Services were held at Murphy Mortuary for Mrs. Grace Kehl,
88, formerly of Shelby county.
Died Saturday at Cardinal Care Nursing Home
in Westfield.
Burial was in Forest Hill Cemetery.
Native of Shelby county, born August 8, 1888, to George and Amanda (Kaster) Shepple.
Married Valentine Kehl,
who died in 1959.
Surviving are two children , Mrs. Ernest (Grace) Cutter, Shelbyville,
and Omer H. Kehl, Indianapolis; 18 grandchildren and 16 great
Retired employe of the former Shelby Manufacturing Co.
Member of the West Street United Methodist Church, Order of Eastern Star
and Pocahontas Lodge.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville News
Monday June 29, 1959
Two-Year Illness is Fatal to Local Man
Valentine E. Kehl. 86, retired cabinetmaker and former furniture
repair shop operator, died at his home, 731 S. West Street, Saturday at 1:30
p.m. following an illness of two years.
A resident of this city most of his life, Mr. Kehl was a son of
George and Sarah Kehl and was born in Ripley county October 11, 1872.
He was a member
of the West Street Methodist Church, the Pocahontas Lodge and was a past officer
of the former Shelbyville Red Men’s Lodge.
He was married September 12, 1925 to
Grace (Shepple) Rainey who
survives with five children by a former marriage. Mrs. Ernest Cutter
this city, Mrs. Arthur Spurgeon, Mrs. Gus Ford and
Omer H. and Fred Kehl,
all of Indianapolis. Two sons preceded in death. Also surviving are 18
grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren.
Funeral rites will be held at the Murphy Mortuary Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. with
the Rev. B.J. Renner in charge. Burial will be in Forest Hill cemetery.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Republican
Thursday March 27, 1947
Page 1 column 6
Relatives here have received word of the death of Mrs. Mae Kehl, wife
of Fred Kehl, former Shelbyville resident, which occurred Tuesday at her
home in Indianapolis.
Surviving are the husband, four children and her parents.
She was a
daughter-in-law of Valentine Kehl and a sister-in-law of
Mrs. Ernest
Cutter, both of Shelbyville.
Funeral arrangements had not been made last night.
Friday March 28, 1947
Page 1 column 2
F uneral services for Mrs. Mae Kehl, wife of Fred Kehl, former
resident of Shelbyville, who died Tuesday at her home in Indianapolis, will be
held at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Walsh, 2854 N. Capitol
Avenue, Indianapolis at 8:30 a.m. Saturday followed by services at 9:30 a.m. at
the Holy Angels Church. Burial will be made at Holy Cross cemetery.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Republican
Saturday January 17, 1914
Page 2 column 2
Mrs. Sarah Ellen Kehl, aged sixty-one years, died suddenly at
ten-thirty o’clock this morning. Death occurred at the home of Mrs.
Jefferson Eberhart, of West Hendricks street, where she had been working.
Her death was caused by heart trouble. Mrs. Kehl had been making pies early in
the morning. Mrs. Eberhart, about ten o’clock went to the kitchen and there
found Mrs. Kehl seated in a chair with her head and arms on a table. She was
unable to speak. Dr. B. G. Keeney was called but was unable to relieve the
stricken woman. Dr. McFadden was also called. Mrs. Kehl lived for about fifteen
minutes after being found.
She was the widow of the late George Kehl, who fell dead about four
years ago in the barnlot.
Mrs. Kehl was a member of the west Street M. E. church and of the Kiowa Tribe
Degree of Pocahontas.
She leaves one son,
Valentine Kehl, of McKinney street; one daughter, Mrs.
Alfred Monroe, of near Waldron; three sisters, Mrs. Louisa Patterson,
of Waldron; Mrs. Susie Hewitt, Waldron; Mrs. Mary Henry, of this
city; six brothers, Tobias, Joseph, George, James,
Charles and John Worland,
all residents of this county. She also leaves fourteen grandchildren and five
great grandchildren.
The funeral services will be held at 10:30 o’clock Tuesday morning at the
West Street M. E. church, Rev. S. J. Cross officiating. Burial will be made in
Forest Hill cemetery in charge of Stewart & Fix.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday March 15, 1910
Page 1 column 2
George Kehl, Well Known Farmer of Near Prescott
Dies Suddenly On Tuesday Morning at 7:30
Which Were Fighting - Was Subject to Heart Attacks -
Was Former Resident of
This City
While chasing two old roosters engaged in a fight Tuesday morning about 7:30
o’clock, George Kehl, a well known farmer of near Prescott, and a
former resident of this city, was seized with an attack of heart trouble and
fell to the ground. He expired before he could be carried into the house. Mr.
Kehl had been a sufferer from heart trouble for several years, and within the
past few months he has been subject to severe attacks.
Mr. Kehl had been feeling badly for several days and Tuesday morning he
complained considerably to his wife. He walked out into his barnyard, however
and seeing two old roosters fighting he started to run them. The excitement and
strain caused by the strenuous exercise proved too much for his weakened heart
and after a short time he was seen to fall to the ground. Mrs. Kehl who saw him
fall, called to Roscoe and Paul Zoble, two neighbor boys who were working
in a field directly back of the Kehl barnlot. The boys had noticed Mr. Kehl
running the roosters but had not seen him fall. They immediately sprang over the
fence and ran to the afflicted man’s assistance. They found him lying
prostrate on the ground gasping feebly for breath. They picked him up and
carried him toward the house, but on the way Mr. Kehl expired and when he was
laid on the bed in his home it was seen that he was dead. Dr. Sammons of this
city, was called, but too late to do anything but pronounce death.
Deceased was aged about sixty years and leaves besides his wife, two children—Valentine
Kehl, who lives near Prescott, and Mrs. Alfred Monroe, who resides
near Geneva. He also is survived by an aged mother over ninety years old, who is
lying at the point of death at the present time at her home in Cincinnati.
was not notified of the death of her son.
Mr. Kehl resided on the farmed owned by his brother-in-law,
Tobe Worland,
and removed there last September from Rayville, this city.
The funeral will be held at the home Friday morning at ten o’clock, the
Rev. Guthrie of Waldron officiating. Interment in Forest Hill cemetery.
& Fix, funeral directors in charge.
Contributed by Barb Huff

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