Shelby County Indiana
Kelley - Kelly
The Shelbyville News
Monday, December 01, 2003
Larry Dale “Tim” Kelley, 69, of Hope, died Friday, Nov. 28, 2003, Columbus.
Born Oct. 18, 1934, in Shelby County, s/o Charles Hibben and
Sallie (Goodwin) Kelley.
Married Flora L. Holloman on Sept. 2, 1956, and she survives.
Other survivors include three sons, Allen Dale Kelley of Hope, Larry Dean Kelley
of North Vernon and Chuck Kelley of Clifford; four daughters,
Maona Smith and Sallie Kelley, both of Columbus, Angie Calender
and Omega Holley, both of Clifford; 19 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren.
Preceded in death by two brothers, Raymond Kelley and Norman
Kelley; and two sisters, Bessie Woodruff and Inez Israel.
Employed at Cummins Engine Co. for 42-1/2 years, retiring in January of 1999.
Played the steel guitar in several bands.
Member of House of Faith Church in Dayton, Ohio; Indy Steel Guitar Club; and Diesel Workers Union.
Attended Midway Assembly of God.
Norman Funeral Home, 604 Main St. in Hope, Revs. Michael Severt and Virl Murray officiating.
Burial: Pleasant Grove Cemetery in Shelby County.
Contributions may be made to National Parkinson’s Foundation, Post Office Box 450, Huntington Valley, PA 19006; or American Diabetes Association, Post Office Box 2680, North Canton, OH 44720.
Summarized by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville News
Wednesday, May 8, 1991
Paul Edwin Kelley
Paul Edwin Kelley, 63, Osceola, Ind., died Sunday, Biloxi, Mississippi.
Born June 9, 1927, in Shelbyville, s/o Forrest and Mary L. Kelley.
Retired maintenance supervisor and
was a veteran of World War II, the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam War. Survivors include his mother,
L. Kelley, Shelbyville; two daughters, Lisa Lou Smith, Osceola, and Sherri Michella Kelley,
Orlando, Florida; three sons, Michael Kelley and Gary Kelley, both of Shelbyville, and Thomas
Kelley, Greenfield; a sister, Nancy Graham, San Jose, California; a brother, Harold Kelley,
Fort Wayne; 10 grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.
Marion V.A.
Medical Center Protestant Chapel, Marion, Indiana.
Burial with full military honors: Marion National
Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home, Biloxi.
Submitted by Kathy Kelley
Summarized by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville News
Wednesday, April 13, 1966
Forrest Kelley Dies in Hospital
Rites Friday for County Native, 63
Forrest P. Kelley, 63, 605 S. Miller St.,
died today at 3:10 a.m. at Major Hospital, where he had been a patient for one week. He had been in failing
health for two years.
Mr. Kelley had retired two years ago after being employed
for 10 years with the Paramount Hardware Manufacturing Corp. of Indianapolis. He was a member of the First
Baptist Church where he had served as a deacon. He had spent most of his life in Shelby County. The
son of William and Sadie (Pile) Kelley, Mr. Kelley was born in this county on April 26, 1902. On Sept. 2,
1923, he married Mary L. Kuhn, who survives with his mother, both of the Miller St. address.
Also surviving are two sons and a daughter, Paul E.
Kelley and Harold E. Kelley of Fort Wayne and Mrs. Nancy Graham, San Jose, California, 12 grandchildren;
two step-grandchildren; a brother and sister, Raymond Kelley, Shelbyville, and Mrs. Marie Fuller,
Naples, Florida; and three half-brothers and one half-sister of Martinsville. A brother, Earl Kelley,
preceded him in death.
Services will be held Friday at 2:00 p.m. at the First
Baptist Church, with the Rev. Jack E. Jones officiating. Burial will be in the Lewis Creek Cemetery. Friends
may call at the Carmony Funeral Home in Shelbyville from 2:00 until 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 until 9:00 p.m. Thursday
and at the church on Friday after 12:30 p.m.
Submitted by Kathy Kelley
Edinburgh [Indiana] Newspaper
June 1, 1963
Funeral Services of Leo Kelley's
Brother Yesterday
Funeral services were held yesterday morning for
James Henry (Edward) Kelley, brother of Leo Kelley of here, who died Tuesday. Services
were at the St. Andrew's Catholic Church in Richmond and were conducted by the assistant pastor, Father Lawrence
Moran who formerly was at the Edinurgh Holy Trinity Catholic Church.
Addendum: James E. Kelley
"Jim" Kelley, formerly of Shelbyville
and one of the top-notch bowlers in the St. Joseph Athletic Club league, has been selected by the owners of the
Leland Hotel Alleys at Richmond, Ind., as manager and has already taken up his duties there. He us well suited
for the position, being a consistent bowler and he is popular with bowling enthusiasts of the Quaker city.
During his reisdence in Shelbyville, "Jim" got share of the big scores and finished last season with
a high average. News clip circa 1927.
Submitted by Kathy Kelley
The Indianapolis Newspaper
Oct. 1953
Thomas Andrew Kelley,
Retired Farmer, Dies
Funeral services for Thomas A. Kelley, 80
years old, a retired farmer, who died Friday at his home, 1848 Sugar Grove Avenue, will be held at 10am Monday
at Shirley Brothers, Central Chapel. Burial will be at Shelbyville. Born in Bartholomew Co, near Columbus,
Mr. Kelley moved to Indianapolis after he retired nearly 27 years ago. Survivors are six sons, Randolph
Kelley, Frank Kelley, Ray Kelley, William Kelley, Lawrence Kelley and
George Kelley, and a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Henderson, all of Indianapolis and 11 grandchildren.
Submitted by Kathy Kelley
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday, July 22, 1940
Page 1, column 2
Mrs. J. Albert Kelley, 44 Years Old,
Leaves Husband, Six Children
Mrs. Valeria Ethel Kelley, 44 years old, wife of James Albert Kelley, died at 1:30 Sunday afternoon in her home in Middletown, Liberty township, after a long illness.
She was born in Shelby county on September 20, 1898, the daughter of William and Lillie Underwood Gregory. On December 31, 1914, she was married to Mr. Kelley.
Survivors besides the husband, are six children, Mrs. Norbert Rosenfeld, of Shelby county; Reba, Paul E.; Robert, William and Bonnie Kelley, all at home; the mother, Mrs. Lillie Smith, of Middletown; a brother, Delbert Gregory, of Shelby county; two half brothers, Earl Smith, of Shelby county, and Harry Smith, of Indianapolis, and one grandchild, Janet Rosenfeld.
Mrs. Kelley had been a resident of Shelby county all her life. She was a member of the Waldron Baptist church where funeral services will be held at 2:00 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The Rev. D.P. Rowlette, pastor of the church, will officiate. Burial will be in the Ogden cemetery, in charge of Charles M. Ewing, funeral directors.
Submitted by Barb Huff for Dennis Smith
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday May 2, 1935
Page 2
Hundreds Mourn Passing of Widely Known Resident
- Death Due To
Alonzo N. Kelley, one of Shelby County’s best loved residents, passed away at his home in Geneva at midnight Saturday, April 27, at the age of eighty-one years, eight months and seventeen days. His death, which is the cause of deepest sorrow to hundreds, was due to complications.
Mr. Kelley was born in Shelby county, Indiana on August 6, 1853, the son of William and Adeline Ross Kelley. On October 8, 1874, he was united in marriage to Augusta Marsh, and to this union were born eleven children, ten of whom survive with the widow. They are, Mrs. J. B. Haymond, Noble township; Miss Dola Kelley, at home; Mrs. Flora Stier, of Greensburg; William, of Clinton township, Decatur county; Edgar, of Bartholomew county; Albert, Noble township; Charles, Noble township; Jesse, Liberty township; George of this city, and Fred of Greensburg, Indiana. Twenty four grandchildren and nine great grandchildren also survive with one brother, Orlando Kelley, and one sister, Mrs. Mollie Wasson, both of Noble township.
The deceased was a staunch Democrat and was active and interested in community affairs. His death is a great loss to the county. He was a member of the Pleasant Grove Baptist church and last rites will be held there Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, the Rev. Clarence Hager, of Columbus, Indiana officiating. Charles M. Ewing is in charge of burial, which will be in Pleasant Grove Cemetery.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday, November 1, 1932
Mrs. Emma Kelley, Age 77, Former Local Resident,
Dies In Frankfort
Leaves Daughter, Son
Mrs. Sarah Emma Kelley, a resident of this city for many years until last May, died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. H. O. Meikel, of Frankfort, on Monday. Mrs. Kelley moved to Frankfort on account of her failing health.
The deceased was born near Flat Rock Cave in this county on October 17, 1855, the daughter of Ben and Caroline Bone Maple. At the time of death she was 77 years of age. Her marriage to Marion Kelley took place on November 18, 1875 and three children were born to the couple. A son, Earnest, passed away when a young man.
Besides the daughter, Mrs. Kelley leaves one son, Ben H. Kelley, of Davenport, Iowa; a sister, Mrs. Fannie E. Carter, of Jacksonville, Florida and a brother, Hamilton Maple, of Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Carter was expected to arrive in Frankfort this afternoon.
Mrs. Kelley was held in high esteem in this community and was an active worker in the First Christian Church. She was a member of the Rebekah lodge. Her body will be brought to the church here at one o'clock Wednesday afternoon, one hour before the funeral service. Friends may view the remains at that time. Rev. Paul E. Million will read the funeral service and interment will be in the City cemetery. The casket will not be open after the funeral services, it is announced.
Submitted by Barb Huff for Connie O'Haver
The Daily Democrat
Shelbyville, Indiana
Wednesday, August 2, 1927
Thomas Kelley Died Tuesday of Senility
Widely Known Resident of Shelbyville,
Passes Away at His Son's House
Mr. Kelley, a resident of Shelby County for many
years, died at 5:10 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the home of his son, George Kelley, three miles north of
Shelbyville, on the Morristown Road. Mr. Kelley's death was caused by complications arising from senility.
He had been seriously ill for the past nine days.
During the past nine years, Mr. Kelley had resided
on East Taylor Street in this city, coming here from Jackson Township. He had been at the home of his son
for only a short time.
Funeral services will be conducted at 9 o'clock Friday
morning from the St. Joseph Catholic Church, with the Rev. John C. Rager, pastor of the church officiating.
Burial will be in the St. Joseph Cemetery, with Morris H. Sleeth, funeral director in charge. The body will
be taken to the late home at 222 East Taylor Street this evening.
Mr. Kelley was born in Jennings County, at the town
of Old Vernon, December 8, 1850, being at the time of his death, seventy-six years, seven months and twenty-three
days old. Fifty-one years ago, he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Donahue, whose death occurred in
January, 1926.
He had been a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church
in this city for many years and during his residence here had made many friends who receive the announcement of
his death with deep and sincere regret.
He is survived by six children: Mrs. Frank
Gallagher of Johnson County, James Kelley of this city, William Kelley of Martinsville,
George Kelley at whose home he died, Mrs. Maggie Rafferty of Johnson County, and Leo Kelley, also
of Johnson County. He also leaves twenty-eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Submitted by Kathy Kelley
Unidentified Shelbyville Newspaper
Wednesday, January 13, 1926
Mrs. Sarah Kelley Passes Away Tuesday
Widely Known Aged Woman Died
After Three Weeks Illness Due to Pneumonia
Mrs. Sarah E. Kelley, wife of Thomas Kelley, one of the best known aged women of this community, passed away at 5:45 o'clock Tuesday evening at her home, 222 East Taylor Street, after a serious illness of three weeks, caused by pneumonia. During the past few days her condition had become extremely critical and little hope was held for her recovery.
Funeral services will be conducted at 9:30 o'clock Friday morning from St. Joseph Catholic Church with the Rev. John C. Rager, pastor of the church officiation. Burial will be at St. Joseph Cemetery in charge of Morris H. Sleeth, funeral director.
Mrs. Kelley, the former Miss Sarah A. Donahue, was born March 6, 1851, in Old Vernon, Ind., being at the time of death seventy-four years, ten months and six days old. On November 23, 1875, she was united in marriage with Thomas Kelley, the couple recently celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. She was the mother of six children: two daughters, Mrs. Frank Gallagher and Mrs. Harna Rafferty, of Johnson County, and four sons, James Kelley of Richmond, William Kelley of Martinsville, George Kelley of Shelby County, and Leo Kelley of Greensburg. She also is survived by two sisters, Mrs. William Donahue of Indianapolis, and Mrs. George Shepard, of this county; one brother Martin Donahue, of Indianapolis, and one half-brother, of Edinburg. She also leaves twenty-nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Mrs. Kelley came to Shelbyville for residence from
Jackson Township seven years ago. She was a member of the St. Joseph Catholic Church and had always been
very active in church social affairs.
Submitted by Kathy Kelley
A Shelbyville Newspaper
Monday, November 12, 1906
Mrs. Elizabeth Kelley, wife of John Kelley, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Pence, of west South street, of dropsy, on Sunday morning, November 11, at 4 o'clock, aged seventy-four years, five months and eighteen days.
She leaves a husband and five daughters, Mrs. Al Pence, Mrs. R. T. Stewart, Mrs. Sam Long of Anderson, Mrs. Harry Winchel of Indianapolis, Mrs. Chester Moore of Fayetteville, and one son, Frank Kelley, of Indianapolis.
Mrs. Kelley was born in Preble county, Ohio, and came to Rush county when she was five years old. Deceased was a daughter of Absolam and Susan Slifer and was married to John T. Kelley forty-nine years ago. She was a niece of Mrs. Mahalia Apple.
Mrs. Kelley was a devoted member of the First M. E. church. Funeral services will be held in Moscow on Tuesday, November 13, at 11 a.m., the Rev. Mr. Scull, of Flat Rock, officiating. Interment in Moscow cemetery. Stewart & Fix in charge.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday April 26, 1906
Page 1 column 3
George W. Kelly, of St. Paul, died this morning at ten-thirty. His death was due to heart trouble. The attack which resulted in death came night before last. Mr. Kelly was seventy-two years of age. He was born in New York City and later moved to Ohio. He served through the war of the Rebellion in Company A of the 5th Ohio cavalry. About fifteen years ago he removed to St. Paul.
He has been married twice. The second wife and two children by the first wife, a son and daughter, survive. Interment will take place Thursday at an hour to be determined. The remains will be buried at the Lawrenceburg cemetery in what is known as "The Old Soldier's Circle."
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Republican
Page 2, column 1
Matilda Kelley died at 6 p.m. February 14th in Shelby township, aged eighty-four years, of heart trouble. The remains were buried at Pleasant Grove graveyard at 3 p.m. February 15th. D. B. Wilson & Son, funeral directors.
Submitted by Barb Huff
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, May 2, 1889
Page 3, column 1
Marion Kelly died at his home in Noble township Sunday night of pneumonia.
Submitted by Barb Huff for Connie O'Haver

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