Shelby County Indiana
The Shelbyville News
Wednesday, November 12, 1958
Rites for Manilla Man To Be Held Friday A. M.
Conrad F. Kney, 81, retired farmer, died at his home, one and one-fourth miles southeast of Manilla; coronary occlusion.
Born in Walker township, Rush county, July 1, 1877, s/o Henry and Mary (Hertzel) Kney ; entire life in Walker township. Married Emma McDaniel on September 1, 1901; she died December 29, 1923. Member Manilla Methodist Church.
Survivors include a son, Maurice Kney, who resides near Manilla, a granddaughter, Mrs. Martha Jean Taylor, four great-grandchildren, four sisters, Mrs. Emma Hungerford and Mrs. Addie Harcourt, Mrs. Elizabeth Gahimer and Mrs. Flora Meal. Three sisters and two brothers preceded in death.
Burial will be in Forest Hill Cemetery.
Submitted by Rochelle Riordan, 1906 E. Sharon Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85022.
Summarized by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
December 27, 1945
Waldron Farmer and Garage Owner Dies
Edward Kney, farmer and garage owner of Waldron, died at 11:30 a.m., Wednesday at the Major hospital, where he had been taken Saturday. He had been ill for two and one-half weeks, and death was due to complications following influenza.
The son of Henry and Mary Herthel Kney, he was born on December 18, 1883, in Orange township, Rush county. On January 10, 1912, he was married to Miss Bessie Sliger, who survives. To this union two children were born, Miss Charlotte Kney, who lives at home, and William Kney, who died in childhood. Other survivors are one brother, Conrad Kney, of near Manilla, and six sisters, Mrs. Jacob Gahimer, of Rush county, Mrs. Leslie Hungerford and Mrs. R. A. Harcourt, of near Milroy, Mrs. Gar Meal, of near St. Paul, and Misses Minnie and Julia Kney, of Waldron.
Mr. Kney had operated a garage in Waldron since 1914. He was a member of the Waldron Methodist Church and the Waldron I.O.O.F. Funeral services will be held at 1:30.... [The article continues, but my copy ends here.-PMF]
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Thursday, January 13, 1944
Rites to Be Held Tuesday
Morning for Jacob
Herbert Kney, Age 79.
Jacob Herbert Kney, 79, retired farmer, died at his home east of Manilla at 1:30 p.m. Saturday after an illness from influenza. He had been ill since Dec. 26. Born June 19, 1864 near Manilla, he was the son of Michael and Margaret Wissing Kney. His marriage to Eliza J. Branson took place Sept. 27, 1888. Mr. Knew was a member of the Manilla Christian Church.
Surviving are the widow, two children, Earl R. Kney, Manilla, Mrs. Virgil Brown, Union township; one granddaughter, Mrs. Ella Catherine Kuhn, Greenfield; two sisters, Mrs. Emma Carr, of Union township, and Mrs. Rosa Willey, of Manilla.
Funeral services will be held at the D. E. Carmony funeral home in Manilla at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. Burial will be made in the Manilla cemetery. The Rev. Bank, pastor of the Manilla Christian church, will officiate. Friends may call at the funeral home at any time.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday December 30, 1924
Page 1 column 1
Mrs. Ermina Kney, of Near Manilla,
Died at Major Hospital Early Today
Gun in Hands of Son Was Discharged Christmas Day
—Funeral Thursday
Mrs. Ermina Kney, wife of Conrad Kney, of near Manilla, died at the W. S. Major hospital here at a little after two o’clock this morning from the effects of a gunshot would in the abdomen, accidentally received on Christmas evening.
The shot was fired from a gun, which was in the hands of her son,
Maurice Kney. The mother and son were alone in the house at the time.
Maurice Kney was preparing to go for a short hunting trip. He had placed a bullet in his .22 caliber rifle and was leaving the house when in some manner his glove caught on the hammer of the rifle, causing it to be exploded.
The shot struck his mother in the abdomen.
Mr. Kney was called from the field near the house, where he had been at work, by his son.
They found Mrs. Kney walking about on the veranda at the front of their home.
She was attended by Dr. Barnett, of Homer, and then was brought to the local hospital, where an operation was performed by the Drs. Inlow, in a effort to save her life.
She was the daughter of Charles and Belle [Ensminger] McDaniel
and was born near Blue Ridge, in Shelby county, on December 29, 1882, being just a little past forty-two years of age at the time of her death.
She was married to Conrad Kney on September 12, 1902, and was the mother of one son,
Maurice Kney, who is about seventeen years of age. With her husband she had resided o the farm where she received her injury since her marriage and the couple had been prosperous and they were regarded as good and useful citizens of the Manilla Community.
The son, Maurice Kney, is in the second year of the Manilla high school and is a splendid young man.
Her father, Charles McDaniel, died last April.
Besides the husband and son she leaves to mourn her loss and aged and respected mother, Mrs. Belle McDaniel, and three brothers,
Roy McDaniel, Ernest McDaniel and Harry McDaniel.
She also leaves two uncles, William H. Ensminger and Erastus W.
The body was immediately removed by the undertakers in charge, Carmony Brothers, of Manilla, to the C. F. Fix morgue, of this city, where it was prepared for burial, and was taken this afternoon to her home near Manilla.
The funeral will be held at the Christian Union church in Blue Ridge at 10:30 o’clock Thursday morning and the interment will be in the Forest Hill cemetery, this city.
Mrs. Kney had been for several years a member of the Christian Union church, of Blue Ridge.
Contributed by Barb Huff for Bob McKenzie
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, December 2, 1897
Page 3, column 2
The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Kney occurred at her home in Rush county at an early hour Friday morning. Deceased was aged seventy-five years. The funeral will occur from the German church in Union township, Sunday morning at ten o'clock, Dr. G.G. Winter officiating.
Submitted by Barb Huff for Jann DeMeire
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, May 27, 1897
Page 3, column 3
Jacob Kney, Sr. of Orange township, Rush county, died Thursday at half past five o'clock, age seventy-six years. The funeral took place Saturday morning at ten o'clock, Rev. G. G. Winter officiating. Interment in the German cemetery in Union township. Mr. Kney was one of the highly respected and wealthy farmers of that locality.
Submitted by Barb Huff for Jann DeMeire

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