A Shelbyville, Indiana,
Friday, January 2, 1931
Miss Lucile Litz, Teacher in Moral Township,
Parents, Notified of Death
The hand of death brought, for the second time in
six weeks, grim tragedy to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Litz
in Indianapolis and to Miss Lucile Litz, teacher of home economics in the Moral township high school, this county, on New Years Day. Two messages, one written by a son of the
Litz' ---Richard, age nineteen, describing his experiences as a Marine in Nicaragua, the other, a radiogram, announcing the death of young Litz and seven other Marines on a skirmish with bandits, were received by Mr. and Mrs. Litz yesterday. Just before Thanksgiving another son, Lowell, of Indianapolis fell from a truck near Elkhart and was killed. Three years ago a daughter Mrs. Roxie Coleman, died. The teacher in the Moral school is sister of the deceased. The letter from Richard Litz mentioned the tragedies that had befallen the family. “Only God knows why,” the letter said. When He chooses one, we must grin and bear it. We know that some day we will join them.
They have completed their work on earth before we have so now we must keep on going our tasks on earth till we complete the work that God has set aside for us.” Besides the parents and the sister already mentioned, Richard is survived by a brother, Leo, assistant publicity director of the American Legion; and another brother Russell of Los Angeles, Calif.
Submitted by Janet Franklin

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