Shelby County Indiana
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday, January 15, 1940
Former Local Newspaperman Who Gained Prominence
in Journalism Dies in Illinois
William Wallace Major, age 51, prominent newspaper man and former resident of this city,
died at 1:30 o'clock Sunday morning at the Edward Hines Jr., Memorial hospital in Broadview, Ill., near Chicago.
Mr. Major had been a patient at the hospital for the past year.
The son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William A. Major, he was born in Washington township on May 22, 1887. He attended the Shelbyville high school and Indiana university. Mr. Major served one year as a lieutenant in the U. S. Army and saw action in France during the World War.
He began his journalistic career as a reporter on the Shelbyville Democrat.
He had worked on newspapers in Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Chicago and in the states of Iowa and Texas. Before he become ill he was city editor of the Chicago Times, which position he had held for several years. He also had a number of articles published in various newspapers and magazines throughout the country.
On August 5, 1913, he was married to Miss Adele Lammereaude, who survives with two sisters and one brother, Mrs. Joseph N. Kirk, of this city; Miss Ethel Major, of Chicago, and Arthur C. Major, of Denver Col. Several other relatives also survive.
Mr. Major was a member of the First Presbyterian church of this city and Victory Post No. 70, American Legion.
The body will arrive here from Chicago at 2:19 p.m. today and will be taken to the Morris H. Sleeth funeral home, where friends may call after 7:00 o'clock this evening. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday monring with Dr. C. A. Bowler, pastor of the First Presbyterian church officiating.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Kokomo Tribune
27, 1929
Page 2
Mrs. Sarah Major Dies
Shelbyville, Ind., Dec 27--- Mrs. Sarah Frances Major, 78, former president of the Indiana Federation of Woman's Club, is dead at her home here. She had been an invalid for twenty-five years. She was the widow of William S. Major. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. S. P. Wadley and Mrs. George W. Stout, both of Indianapolis. Funeral services will be held here tomorrow at 2:30 p.m.
Contributed by Janet McColley Franklin
The Shelbyville Democrat
Thursday, September 1, 1927
Pallbearers for the funeral and burial services of Mrs. Squire L. [Lucinda M. Wilson] Major, who died Sunday night at the William S. Major hospital, were announced today. The funeral will be held at ten o'clock Wednesday morning at the First Presbyterian church, Dr. L. O. Richmond, officiating, and burial will be in the Forest Hill cemetery.
Those selected as casket bearers are W. Eden Thurston, Fred J. Deitzer, Will Stephan, Herbert B. DePrez, C. F. Lemmon, and Ralph Spears. Friends may call at the late home, 112 west Broadway, this evening and Wednesday morning prior to the funeral. Arrangements have been made for cars for all that desire to go to the cemetery, and who do not have means of transportation.
Many beautiful floral pieces at the late home express the high esteem and admiration in which she was held throughout the city and community. She had been active in church, welfare and social circles throughout her life and was considered one of the prominent women of the cummunity.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Thursday Afternoon, February 13, 1913
Page 1, column 3-4
The Great Hoosier Novelist
Was a Sufferer From Liver Trouble --- Funeral Services Will Be Held Saturday Afternoon at 2 O'clock and Will Be Private.
After sinking into unconsciousness for a few hours during the early part of the morning, Charles Major, the famous author, passed away at eight o'clock Thursday morning without regaining consciousness. Surrounding his deathbed were his brother, Edward Major, from Indianapolis; Philip Shaw, a brother-in-law from Indianapolis; his physician, Dr. Thomas C. Green; a close friend, Harry H. Teal, and his nurse. The end came without a struggle, Mr. Major seeming to be in a deep sleep.
The deceased, who had he lived until July 29th, would have been fifty-seven years of age, was probably one of the best known men in literary circles in the country. By his several works he accumulated considerable wealth and this money he invested in real estate, owning between 750 and 1,000 acres of valuable land in Shelby county. While some of the land will not bring $100 to the acre, other land interests will, which will make his land holdings average $100 to the acre.
Mr. Major started in life as a poor boy. His hardships were many and it is known that on numerous occasions he made purchases for the necessities of life and paying for them on the installment plan. While his practice in the local courts was not great, his line of work in court matters was the settling of estates.
Mr. Major has not enjoyed the best of health for many months during the later part of his life. He had liver trouble and other troubles which caused him a great amount of suffering. This, however, was not known generally until the announcement came that he was very ill and his death was liable to occur at any time; that he could live only a few weeks at the most.
July 1, 1912, Mr. Major [???]at up into the northwest, wanting to get away, and believing that he could find some relief for his ills. He spent several weeks on the trip but could get no relief. A year before his visit in the northwest, he, in company with Mrs. Major, boarded a train and before their return to Shelbyville, they had visited the Pacific Coast states. During the early part of last fall, Mrs. and Mrs. Major left the city for the east. They paid a visit to London, England, before their return. It is said while on this visit that Mr. Major became very ill. He hurried home and on his arrival entered his sick room, and he was seen only a few times on the street after his return, his condition gradually growing worse until his death.
Mrs. Major's friends did not think it advisable for her to appear in the sick room during the later hours of his life, and she remained in another part of their home.
In the death of Mr. Major, Shelbyville loses one of her leading citizens. He was a man of high aims and lived a straightforward life. He was kind and considerate to all with whom he came in contact, and Shelbyville will miss him. Mr. Major was a member of the local lodge of Elks.
The funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at his late home in North Harrison street, and will be private. No flowers. The Rev. Mr. Richmond, of Terre Haute, will officiate. The body will be taken to Cincinnati at 3:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon, and it is understood it will be cremated. Besides the widow, a brother, Edward, survives him. D. B. Wilson & Son are in charge of the funeral arrangements.
Facts About Famous Author.
In the summer of 1898, a new book was issued from the press of the Bowen-Merrill Company, at Indianapolis, which gained almost instantaneous notice from the press and public. It proved to be a historical novel under the title "When Knighthood was in Flower." It purported to have been written by Edward Caskoden, but soon rumor prevailed that this was a pseudonym, and search began for the real author. He was soon found in the person of a young lawyer in Shelbyville, as yet unknown to fame, and the gossip growing out of the discovery intensified the desire to see the book. It was soon in univeral demand and its popularity increased with each reading, and it was soon heralded as one of the six best sellers. It deserved all of its reputation, and it was by far the most entertaining romantic novel ever published in Indiana, and one of the best of its class that had appeared in the United States since the Civil War.
The plot dealt with one of the most romantic episodes of English history, and the story was told with a skill that denoted a master of literary craft. Its characteristics were consistent development of characters, cleverness of dialogue, rush and sweep of incident, dramatic handling of the situations, and above all, the forcible distinctness and effective simplicity of the narrative. It brought to its author instantaneous fame and fortune, gave him recognition as one of the successful novelitsts of the day and established his name permanently among the literary lights whose productions have shed such luster upon Indiana letters. As the most distinguished citizen of Shelby county, there was a natural curiosity to hear what manner of man he was and a biography of some length is given of him.
The Major family of English ori-
(Continued on Page 4, Column 3)
gin and the name is very familiar around central Indiana. Stephen Major, father of Charles Major, was a native of Ireland, and he secured his early education in that country, his teaching being under the supervision of Miss Maria Edgeworth, the novelist, and a brother, Dr. Edgeworth. When a young man he studied law for a time under Judge Switzer, of Columbus, Ind., and afterward located at Shelbyville for the practice. Shortly afterward he removed to Indianapolis and met with such success at the bar as to lead to his election as Circuit Judge, a position which he held for a number of years. His circuit covered six counties, including marion and Indianapolis, and he became noted for his legal acumen, his poise and his bright minded methods of administering justice. He was especially popular with younger members of the bar, who sought him for advice, and among his students was the late Thomas A. Hendricks. He returned to Shelbyville in 1870 and resumed practice, but on July 4, 1883, his valuable life came to an end and his remains were interred in Crown Hill cemetery at Indianapolis. He married Phoebe A., daughter of Dr. Gaskill, the latter a pioneer physician of Shelbyville, and a prominent man of his time. He married Jane Allen, related to Ethan Allen, of Revolutionary fame, and the family on both sides were of Virginia stock. Judge and Mrs. Major had three sons --- Stephan F., Charles and Edward Ames.
Charles Major, the second son, was born in Indianapolis, July 25, 1856, in a home that stood where the city library now stands. He was in his fourteenth year when the family removed to Shelbyville. He entered the city schools and graduated in 1872. His hobbies in school were English literature and history. In 1877 he was admitted to the Shelby county bar and paid rather close attention to his practice for some time, vut of late years his entire attention has been given to literary work. His first success was speedily followed by other and numerous fine stories have proceeded from his versatile pen since "When Kighthood Was in Flower" was flashed upon an unexpecting public to fascinate and enthrall millions of readers in all parts of the world.
His second story, "The Bears of Blue River," is regarded as a capital story for boys and assisted by its profuse illustrations, became popular.
"Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall," a strong rival of his first book, has been characterized as a romance brilliant and refined, filled with the passion as old as humanity and appealing with especial fascination to lovers of the "old time entombed." "A Forest Hearth" is more in line with modern times, though it is not lacking in the flavor of genuine romance and has proven quite popular. His "Yolanda" is a story of Burgundy in the sixteenth century. "Uncle Tom Andy Bill," a book for boys, old and young, was published in 1908. "A Gentle Knight of Old Brandenburg," a story of the time of Frederick the Great's boyhood, was also a popular work.
His last work, "A Touch Stone of Fortune," was issued about a year ago. It is an interesting and pleasing book. It contains much of the author's philosophy of life.
Mr. Major developed the literary taste very early, and as far back as his eleventh year we find him indulging in a burlesque of "The Merchant of Venice." He gave an interesting account of the genesis of his first two books. In Guizot's "A History of France" he found a reference to Mary Tudor's marriage o Louis XI of France, and the bare statement that she was at that time in love with Charles Brandon, a handsome favorite of her brother, Henry VIII. In a 1584 edition of Hall's Curious Chronicles,"[sic] he found that after Louis XI's death she wrote to Brandon from Paris intimating that if he wished to marry her it would be better for him to come to Paris without obtaining her brother's consent thatn it would to wait until her brother prohibited the marriage. The romantic situation interested Mr. Major and he began to wonder about the incidents whose sum total went to make up the chief events. History was silent, but the novelist's imagination was equal to the occasion and produced the storms and episodes which lend such romantic charm to "When Knighthood Was in Flower.[sic] The romantic marriage of Dorothy Vernon and John Manners, the son of her father's enemy, was known in outlines, but the filling-in incidents which constitute the chief charm of stories, were entirely absent. It was necessary to reconstruct them, and it was by doing this with such skill that Mr. Major placed the reading world under renewed obligations to his genius. "Knighthood" met with honors seldom bestowed in the most successful novel. It was dramatized for Julia Marlowe, and under the management of the brilliant actress, proved one of the most popular plays of the day. It was also converted into a comic opera set to music, and in that form made a third fortune for the fortunate possessor of the copyright.
Mr. Major on September 27, 1883, married Miss Alice Shaw, a woman of striking personality and pronounced literary tastes. Miss Shaw was the daughter of Daniel J. Shaw, for many years one of Shelbyville's leading merchants. The family moved here from Laurel, Ind., and lived for a number of years on South Harrison street, but later Mr. Shaw built a magnificent brick residence on Miller street, now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Downey. It was named Zion's Hill by Mr. Shaw and it was there Mr. and Mrs. Major were married.
Mr. Major resided in this city in a charming home in North Harrison street and he was always surrounded by a library of choice books, many of them rare and costly, which he had secured through collectors from time to time for years. He was very little interested in politics, but in 1885, was elected city clerk and in the following year was sent to the House of Representatives at Indianapolis. He served through the session of 1886-1887, but one term was sufficient.
In personal appearance Mr. Major was a man of striking physique, with dark gray hair, touched with white, and he had blue eyes. He was a brilliant conversationalist with the affability and genial address that bespeaks the gentleman.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Thursday, August 11, 1910
Page 1, column 2
Body Taken to Indianapolis From Nashville for Funeral
Stephen Frederick Major died Tuesday at Nashville, Tennessee. His body was taken to Indianapolis yesterday. Mr. Major was born August 21st, 1842. He was the son of Judge Stephen M. Major, who for many years lived on Ohio street in the rear of Christ Church, Indianapolis. In his boyhood Mr. Major used to ring the chimes of the church. In recent years he has lived at Westerville and Columbus, Ohio and Nashville, Tennessee. A widow and four children, two sons and two daughters survive. Charles and Edward Major are younger brothers of the deceased, who lived in this city for several
Submitted by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday, August 2, 1904
John L. Major Killed by a Passenger Train
While in World's Fair City
John L. Major, Austin, Indiana, a cousin of Charles Major, author of "When Knighthood Was in Flower," and formerly a resident of Indianapolis, was killed by a Chicago & Alton passenger train on Main street in St. Louis Saturday. The engine and two coaches passed over his body before the engineer could stop the train.
The identification of the man was made by a membership card of the iron moulders' union and his lodge book in Meridian lodge, No. 480, I.O.O.F. Although he had been away for some time he kept his membership in both organizations in this city.
While in Indianapolis he was employed as a molder by the Chandler & Taylor company and other firms. His mother, Mrs. Anna Major, lives at 1051 West Michigan street, and he leaves a widow and three children at Austin. Burial will probably be in this city. --- Indianapolis Star
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday September 29, 1892
Page 3 column 3
Thomas Major, formerly of this county, died at his residence at Indianapolis Friday evening. He had been suffering from the effects of the grippe, which with other complications caused his death. It will be remembered that Mr. Major was a brother of the late William and Stephen Major.
Contributed by Barb Huff for Charles Major
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Saturday, September 24, 1892
Page 4, column 2
Thomas Major formerly of this county died at his residence at Indianapolis yesterday evening. He had been suffering from the effects of the grippe which with other complications caused his death. It will he remembered that Mr. Major was a brother of the late William and Stephen Major.
Submitted by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Tuesday, March 26, 1889
Page 1
An Old and Honored Citizen,
Departed This Life at Four O'clock Yesterday Afternoon.
The Funeral Services Will Be Held
in the Presbyterian Church.
At Two O'clock Thursday Afternoon, Rev. Dr. T. L. Hughes Officiating, and the Interment Will be at Forest Hill Cemetery --- Action of the Shelby County Bar, &c, &c.
After an illness of about seven weeks with typhoid fever Alfred Major departed this life at four o'clock yesterday afternoon, aged sixty one years. The remains will be interred Thursday. The funeral services will be held in the Presybterian[sic] church at two o'clock Thursday afternoon, Rev. Dr. Hughes officiating. The remains may be seen by the friends, at the residence, between the hours of eleven a.m., and two p.m., Thursday afternoon. The casket will not be opened at the church.
In the death of Alfred Major the city of Shelbyville loses one of her most valuable citizens, a man whose life was closely identified with the business and moral interests of the community in which he lived; a man whose influence was always for the right --- that which tended to good morals; a man who obeyed the laws of his country and who lived a quiet, gentle, upright, peaceful life; a man of quiet tastes, devoid of all display, though able to gratify himself in that way had he so desired. His death will be sincerely mourned by many to whom he had been a bulwark of strength in time of financial need. Many a man owes his success in life to Alfred Major, who, in some hour of financial distress, came to his relief and helped him through the crisis in his affairs. He gave largely to charity and has helped largely to build every church, we believe, in this city. His charity was unostentatious, but liberal, and in his death the poor have also lost a friend.
He was unconscious at the time of his death, and had been most of the time since last Sunday.
The following sketch of his life we take from the history of Shelby county:
The Majors originally came from Normandy, France, to England, with William the Conqueror, and the branch from from[sic] which the subject of this sketch descended, settled in Scotland, two brothers of which afterward removed to Ireland and located at Granard, in the county of Longford. Here Alfred's father, Stephen Major, was born and educated, and after reaching manhood purchased a commision[sic] in the British Army; he went with his regiment to the west India Islands, where the unhealthy climate so affected his constitution that he was compelled to retire from the service as a half-pay officer; he settled in Quorndon, Derbyshire, England; close to the city of Derby, where he was married to Miss Hariet Bigsby, of Quorndon, whose family were connections of the noted banking firm of Smith, Payne & Smith, of London, England. The eminent English author, Sydney Smith, being also a member of this family. Of this union were born six children, Alfred being the fifth child in the family, his parents residing at Leamington, at the time of their death. Alfred Major was born at Quorndon, May 8th, 1828, and grew up in his native village, finishing his education at the Isle of Man College, located on the Island of that name; in 1820, his uncle, Arthur Major, had came[sic] out to Indiana and entered a large tract of land on Flat Rock, in Noble township, Shelby county, which fell by heirship to Alfred and his brother Stephen, and in 1846, Alfred Major came out for the purpose of examining, and, if suitable, settling on his property. In 1847 he entered the law office of Thomas A. Hendricks, where he remained studiously applying himself in mastering his chosen profession until admitted to the bar; soon after he formed a law partnership with Eden H. Davis, which continued in a large and successful practice for several years. He was married in Rushville, Ind., May 20, 1851, to Miss Jane Lowrey, daughter of William and Elizabeth Lowrey, natives of Ireland. Mrs. Major was born in Philadelphia, January 1, 1828, and had the following children born to her: William S., Harriet, Elizabeth and Alfred L.
After dissolving partnership with Eden H. Davis, Mr. Major continued alone, and, in 1857 became a partner in the banking firm of Elliott, Hill & Co., which as sold out to Samuel Hamilton January 1, 1858, and in 1859 he and John Elliott established the bank of Elliott & Major, which they operated successfully until January, 1865, at which time they disposed of their bank to Elliott & Co., this finally merging into the First National Bank of Shelbyville in August of that year. In 1867 he became a stockholder in that institution, and Dec. 31, 1868, when the capital stock was increased, he became the largest stockholder, and on Jan. 12 of the following year he was elected Vice President, which position he has filled continuously to the present, with the exception of the year 1875, when he was President of the bank. During all this time he was still actively engaged in the practice of his profession, and in 1869 he entered into a partnership with his cousin, Judge Stephen Major, which constituted a law firm second to none in this part of Indiana. Up to Nov. 4, 1874, nothing occurred to mar the happiness of his successful career, but on that day the devoted, Christian wife, and fond, loving mother died, passing away as she had lived a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church with a strong and abiding faith in a blissful immortality. At the age of 17 she became an active member of the church and for the space of nearly thirty years was a constant attendant upon all the regular services; to the poor in their need she was a warm friend not by word alone, but by substantial help; to every call of benevolence she made some response in her quiet and unostentatious way, using her money freely for the interest of the Gospel, and she went further: she advocated and practiced self denial for the sake of doing good. Mrs. Major was peace-loving in her disposition and prudent to an extraordinary degree, yet she possessed that decision of character and that devotion to her own ideas of right which is one [sic] the noblest characteristics of a true Christian. One interesting peculiarity of her character that shone out conspicuously through her entire sickness, as it had been before an ornament of her life, was her unselfish thoughtfulness of the interest and comforts of others. Her presence of mind and carefulness even about her household, never forsook her. To all her family she gave repeated and most tender administrations and expressions of her wishes and views for them and especially for their Christian hope and welfare.
There is a power in such a character that is really deep and there is a force in its simple truth that is felt and acknowledged far more than the most lofty pretentions.
Mr. Major was again married November 28, 1878, to Miss Helen Thompson a native of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and daughter of the Hon. James Thomson[sic], a prominent citizen of that city. Mrs. Major is a member of the Presbyterian Church, who by her liberality to God's poor and her kindness and benevolence at all times fulfills the true conception of the Gospel.
Mr. Major was a constant attendant of the Presbyterian Church, but was a communicant of the Episcopal Church, to which denomination he was ever adhered with that tenacity of purpose which is one of the strongest characteristics.
As a business man, Alfred Major was a model to be followed. Industrious, careful, painstaking, polite, earnest, unyielding and withal accomodating. His business and social life has been marked with no extravagance, no ostentation, no entanglements[sic], quietly, smoothly his fortune and reputation have grown to proportions attained by few. Since the formation of his first political ideas he was a cordial supporter of the Democratic party, and, though a man of great earnestness and clearly defined ideas of political questions, he was devoid of politics. He was a man of extreme, retiring modesty. Largely conservative in his views on every subject, a man of undoubted integrity in all the relations of life, and imbued with that spirit of liberality and progressiveness which, coupled with his cultivated and genial disposition, won him hosts of the warmest friends through Shelby county.
The members of the Shelby County Bar, of which deceased was an old and honored member, met at the court house this morning, Judge Hackney presiding and A. F. Wray acting as Secretary. Eloquent tributes were paid to the memory of deceased by Attorneys B. F. Love, James B. McFadden, T. B. Adams, K. M. Hord and E. P. Ferris, and it was resolved that the Bar attend the funeral in a body, meeting for that purpose at the law office of David L. Wilson, promptly at half past one o'clock Thursday afternoon.
On motion, a committee, consisting of B. F. Love, James B. McFadden, T. B. Adams, K. M. Hord and O. J. Glessner, were appointed by Judge Hackney, to draw up suitable resolutions, and report same in open court Friday morning.
On motion Judge Hackney appointed the following members of the Bar to act as pall bearers: B. F. Love, E. P. Ferris, James B. McFadden, T. B. Adams, K. M. Hord, O. J. Glessner and H. H. Daugherty, to which Judge Hackney was added on action of the Bar.
On motion the Bar extended an invitation to the county officials, the city officials and the business men of the city to attend the funeral and requested Mayor Vannoy to supplement their request by one of his own to the city officials and business men to honor the distinguished dead. On motion Sheriff McDougal was appointed Marshal of the Bar on the occasion.
The city of Shelbyville having, in the death of Alfred Major, lost one of her most prominent and esteemed citizens, one whose life was intimately identified with the interests of our city, and whose memory is therefore worthy of our respect and honor, now, therefore, I, John W. Vannoy, Major of the city of Shelbyville, do hereby request the business men of this city to close their business houses so far as possible, on Thursday, March 28th, during the funeral services, and, with the city officials, attend the obsequies individually or in a body as may be elected.
Mayor of Shelbyville.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Democrat
W. S. RAY, Editor and Proprietor.
Shelbyville, Indiana, July 6, 1882.
Indianapolis Sentinel July 5.
The Sentinel of Monday morning contained a brief notice of the illness of Judge Major, of Shelbyville. He died last night at 10 o'clock, at the residence of his son, S. F. Major, on Park avenue.
Judge Major was born in Longford County, Ireland, in March, 1811. He left that country for America at the age of eighteen. He came to this State soon after his arrival, and began the study and practice of the law. He was elected Judge of the Courts of Shelby and Marion counties over twenty years ago, under the law providing for separate Probate Courts. For fifty years he was a practitioner in this State, one of the ablest jurists the State has ever known. He removed from Shelbyville after several years' practice in that county, to this city, and about fourteen years since he returned to Shelbyville. His wife died in that city eight years ago.
Judge Major's favorite practice was in relation to probate and civil cases, but especially the former. He rarely took part in criminal cases, they not being at all to his taste. He was more than an ordinary probate lawyer. He thought and moved upon the highest places of honor and integrity in the settlement of the estates of decedents. When thoroughly aroused Judge Major was an eloquent pleader, and his utterances almost always carried the jury for they knew the high principle which governed and actuated him. He would stoop to no dishonorable practices to win a case.
The death of Judge Major was caused by internal disorders. He was not sick until Saturday night, but from that time until the hour of his death he suffered excruciating pain. He was attended by Drs. Bigelow and Newcomer, who did all they could to relieve him, but they anticipated from the first that this malady would end his life. During the illness of the distinguished jurist, there were friends at his bedside from his Shelbyville home, who, by their unceasing devotion, made him to feel even in the agonies of death the firm hold he had upon their affections. Not only to Shelby county and to Marion county, but to nearly every county in the state was Judge Major known, and by the state will his loss be mourned, as that of a lawyer whose actions were governed by the noblest and highest principles of honor and integrity. Of him it may be said that many an orphan and widow will gladly attest the nobleness of his character as learned by them when they saw his honorable conduct in th settlement of the estates left to them by the father or husband.
The question as to the time of the funeral was not considered up to the hour of going to press. It is understood that the funeral will occur at Shelbyville. Due notice of the time of the sad rites will be given in these columns as soon as decided upon.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville
Weekly Volunteer
Thursday, November 12, 1874
Page 3, column 6
MAJOR -- Died November 4th, in this city, after a protracted illness, Mrs. Jane Major, wife of Mr. Alfred Major, in the forty-seventh year of her age. Her funeral took place from her late residence on Friday the 6th, and was largely attended. Deceased was born in Philadelphia January 1st, 1828; married in Rushville March 20th, 1851; and lived in Shelbyville ever since November 1851. A memorial sermon concerning the life and character of the estimable lady will be preached in the First Presbyterian Church, November 29 by the Rev. Mr. Sluter.
Submitted by Barb Huff

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