Shelby County Indiana
The Shelbyville News
Tuesday, June 12, 2001
Mary M. Mann
Age 75, died 10 Jun 2001, Plainfield.
Born 10 Feb 1926, daughter of James and Stella (Smith) Chumbley; married Hershell E. Mann, survives.
Other survivors: son, David Mann; daughter, Lisa Mann; three grandchildren.
Paul Harris Stores, ITT Tech Instit, retired 1981.
Chapel Rock Christian Ch, Indianapolis.
Buried Floral Park West Cem, Indianapolis
Summarized by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville News
Monday, May 18, 1998
Mabel Ernestine Mann, 93, Greenfield, died Sunday, Greenfield.
Shelby County resident until 1993.
Born on Nov. 2, 1904, in Shelbyville, d/o Albert and Mary Etta (Anderson)
Married Lester Smith, who preceded her in death.
Married Harley Mann, who died on Sept. 29, 1963.
Worked at the Farm Bureau Co-op Machinery, Shelbyville, and the Indiana State Highway Department, Indianapolis.
Member of the Shelbyville First Church of the Nazarene.----------
Survivors: one daughter, Mrs. William (Donna) Comerford, Witt, Ill.; and one sister,
Eugenia Frogge, Glendora, Calif.
Two sisters preceded her in death.
Carmony-Ewing Broadway Funeral Home, Rev. E. Stanley Baker, her nephew, officiating.
Burial: Forest Hill Cemetery.
Summarized by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville News
January 8, 1966
County Traffic
Toll 4 in Week
A car-train crash near Fairland late this morning which claimed the lives of a father and son, and a one-car crash shortly after midnight in Jackson Township in which a county man will killed brought Shelby County's traffic death toll to four already for 1966.
George David Mann, 21, Jackson Township and R.R. 2, Edinburg, died shortly after his car careened out of control on State Road 252, 2-1/2 miles east of Edinburg at 12:05 a.m., and landed in a ditch.
A passenger in Mann's car, Kenneth Gwin, 26, R.R. 4, was hospitalized with wreck injuries. Gwin crawled from the wrackage and staggered to a farm house some two hours later to seek help.
Mann apparently was killed instantly when his car became airborne after going over the crest of a small hill on Road 252 at a county road intersection. Sheriff officers said the Mann car "flew" over a fence and crashed into a ditch. The car traveled approximately 200 feet in the air. Authorities said the 1954 model auto was taveling[sic] at a high rate of speed, and there was evidence that the victim and Gwin had been drinking.
Gwin apparently was knocked unconscious and he didn't wake up for about two hours. He made his way to the Ernest Isley home nearby, told the Isleys of the wreck and said he couldn't get Mann "to wake up." The Isley residence was located a short distance from the crash but it was down an embankment and not visible from the road.
Gwin was admitted to Major Hospital with lacerations of the hands, arms and chest and possible head injuries. The Mann car was called a total loss with damage set at $125.
Mr. Mann was born in Shelby County, Oct. 21, 1944, the son of Clinton and Hazel (Smothers) Mann, and he was married Feb. 4, 1965, to Teresa Ann Karlock at Brownsville, Pa. An employe of Gen Pro, Inc., of Shelbyville at the time of his death, he had served with the U.S. Army and was stationed on duty at the grave of the late President John F. Kennedy prior to his discharge last Oct. 21 at Fort Myers, Va., with the rank of E-4.
He is survived by his wife and parents, also of R.R. 2, Edinburg; his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Smothers of Shelbyville, two sisters, and two brothers, Mrs. Barbara Jo Shutt of Shelbyville; Sharon Lee Mann, at home; Marion Mann, R.R. 2, Edinburg, and Paul Mann of Cleveland, O.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. at the Murphy Mortuary with the Rev. William Eaton officiating. Burial will be in the Flat Rock Cemetery. Friends may call at the mortuary after 5:00 p.m. Sunday.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville News
Mon. Jan. 19, 1959
Death Claims Mrs. Mann, 42
County Woman's Rites Will
Be Held Tuesday
Mrs. Mildred Marie Mann, 42, wife of Charles Mann of Hendricks township, died at Robert Long Hospital in Indianapolis, Saturday. She had been in failing health for some time and death followed surgery.
Mrs. Mann was born in Shelby county September 10, 1916, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Perkins who reside at Edinburg. Her marriage to Mr. Mann took place November 13, 1933, and surviving with him are five of seven children born to the union. The children are Ruth Ann and Shirley Jean at home; Mrs. Janet Marie Gray of this city; James R. of Franklin and Mrs. Sue Carol Ashman of North Vernon. Also surviving is the grandfather, George Hart of Edinburg.
Funeral services will be held at the Flinn and Maguire Funeral Home in Franklin Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. (DST). Friends may call at the funeral home.
Contributed by Carolyn Hoffman
The Shelbyville Republican
Friday, April 13, 1951
Mrs. Betty Mann,
age 74, died at 6:30 o'clock this morning at her home in Johnson county just
over the Shelby-Johnson county line. She had been ill for the last two
months as the result of a paralytic stroke.
Born in Taylor county,
Ky., on January 3, 1877, she was the daughter of Austin and
Martha Gibbons, and her husband, Milton Mann, to whom she was married
in 1899, died one year ago today.
Mrs. Mann was a member of
the First Baptist Church in Mansville, Ky.
She is survived by a
daughter and son, Tina Mann and Kelly Mann, both at home, and
several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be
held at the Murphy Mortuary Monday at 10:30 a.m. with Rev. A. M. Hamilton
officiating. Interment will be at Forest Hill cemetery. Friends may
call at the mortuary after 4:00 p.m. Saturday.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Thursday February 13, 1936
Page 1 column 1
Mrs. Lunnie Bell Mann, Sister of Oliver Wells,
Passes Away
Mrs. Lunnie Bell Mann, sixty-two years old, wife of Edgar Mann, Sr., and sister of Oliver Wells of this city, died at the home of her son, Edgar Mann Jr., in Beech Grove at 6 o’clock Wednesday morning following an illness of several months.
The deceased, who was a former resident of this city, was the daughter of Samuel and Martha Wells and was born in Shelby County. For the past fifteen years she had lived in Beech Grove.
Surviving are the husband, the son, two daughters, two brothers, Oliver Wells, of Shelbyville, and Morgan Wells, of Dayton, Ohio. Several grandchildren survive. She is also survived by several nieces and nephews who reside here.
Funeral services will be conducted at the son’s home, 249 West Sixth Avenue, in Beech Grove at 2:00 o’clock Friday afternoon.
Contributed by Barb Huff for Dave Wells*
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday October 14, 1929
Page 1 column 6
Shelbyville Resident Passes Away
While Seated In Rocking Chair
Andrew J. Mann, 72 years old, died at his home at 601 South Miller Street Sunday morning at 7:40 o’clock while sitting in a rocking chair. He had been ill for a year and bedfast for the last three weeks.
Mr. Mann was born April 28, 1857, in Shelby county, Ohio. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mann. He was married to Miss Jennie Hines in 1863, and to their union three children were born; Mrs. John [Luta Esther] Huhnke, of Hamlet, Indiana; John Mann of this city and Stanley Mann, at home. Besides these children and three grandchildren, Mr. Mann leaves two brothers; I. O. Mann, of Shelbyville, and Charles Mann,
of Toledo, Ohio. He retired from active life about ten years ago.
He was a member of the Brandywine M. E. church. The body has been taken to the home of John Mann, 620 Dunn Avenue, where funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock, Rev. R. R. Cross, of West Street M. E. church officiating. Morris Sleeth is the funeral director in charge.
[Buried Forest Hill Cemetery]
Contributed by Barb Huff for Suzy Wertz*
A Shelbyville Newspaper
Wednesday, September 12, 1928
Death of Well-Known Shelbyille
Woman Occurred At
Home of Daughter
The death of Mrs. Viola Mann, age 73, widow of the late Shelby Mann of this city, occurred at the home of her brother, Frank Hulsopple, 639 Middle Drive, Woodruff Place, Indianapolis, at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Death was due to pheumonia. Mrs. Mann had been in failing health for several months before contracting the disease.
Mrs. Mann, who was better known as "Aunt Ola," was born in Shelby county, July 27, 1865 and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hulsopple. She had lived in this community until recently going to the home of her brother. She was an admirable woman and was loved by all who knew her.
Surviving Mrs. Mann are one step-son, Edward Mann of Beech Grove, and two brothers, Frank Hulsopple, at whose home she died and Curtis Hulsopple, of Shelbyville, Ill. Mrs. Mann was a member of the First M. E. church of this city.
The body will be brought to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Griffith on East Mechanic street, Thursday morning where funeral services will be held at one-thirty o'clock Friday afternoon, with the Rev. L. T. Freeland, pastor of the First M. E. church officiating. Burial will be at Forest Hill cemetery in charge of Charles M. Ewing.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday July 26,1920
Page 1 column 3
Funeral Services Were Conducted At Home
at Two O’clock Monday
Funeral services were held this afternoon at two o’clock at the home for Mrs. Sarah J. Mann, wife of Andrew Mann, who died Saturday afternoon at 12:30 o’clock at her home, No. 601 South Miller street. The Rev. E. A. Dougherty, pastor of the West Street M.E. church officiated at the services. Burial was made in Forest Hill cemetery, Morris H. Sleeth in charge.
Mrs. Mann’s death was caused by leakage of the heart. She had been sick for several weeks. She was a native of Shelby county, having been born in Marion township on January 17, 1857. She was sixty-three years old at the time of her death. Mrs. Mann was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hines, pioneer residents of the county.
For twenty-five years Mrs. Mann had lived in Shelbyville. She had been a member of the West Street M.E. church for 17 years. Mr. and Mrs. Mann were married February 22, 1883. Six children were born to them, three of whom are living. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Luta Esther Mann, at home, two sons, John H. Mann and Stanley Mann, at home; and one sister, Mrs. Elbert Kaster, of Marion township.
Mrs. Mann was a member of Wheat Sheaf Council, Degree of Pocahontas, and of
the Protected Home Circle.
Contributed by Barb Huff for Suzy Wertz*
The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday, May 11, 1920
Page 8 Column 1
Mrs. Ora Mann Died After Tak-
ing Quantity of Concen-
trated Lye.
Taking a quantity of concentrated lye proved to be fatal to Mrs. Eva Mann, wife of Ora Mann, of Blue Ridge and she passed away at the Deaconess Hospital in Indianapolis late yesterday evening.
Mrs. Mann has been in failing health for several weeks and she had become very despondent and on Sunday, while her husband had gone on an errand to a nearby store. Mrs. Mann prepared a quantity of lye and took it before her husband returned. When he did come home he found her suffering with intense agony. Dr. G. I. Inlow, of Blue Ridge was called but he could do nothing and she was immediately taken to the Deaconness hospital in hopes of saving her life. After a day of great suffering the beloved matron passed away.
Surviving besides the grief stricken husband she leaves one daughter, Carmen, aged 12 years; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gahimer; one brother, Love Gahimer; one sister, Mrs. Conrad Kuhn; a half-brother, Herschel Gahimer and a step-brother, Rell Philips.
The deceased was a member of the Blue Ridge Christian Union church and until her health became poor she was always one of the leading workers in the congregation and by her pleasant disposition and obliging manner had won a host of friends, who are left to mourn her death.
Fluneral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Christian Union church in Blue Ridge. Burial will be made in Froest Hill cemetery, Stewart & Fix in charge.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday February 17, 1913
Page 2 column 2
Mrs. George W. Mann [Dora] died at her home, No. 212 West Colescott street, Monday morning at 10 o’clock. Death resulted from heart trouble caused by an illness of several weeks of pneumonia. At the time of her death Mrs. Mann was thirty-nine years of age. She enjoyed a large acquaintance in this city and county. Mrs. Mann was always interested in the affairs of the neighborhood and was always an active worker in all matters that she was called upon to assist.
She is survived by her husband, one son, Horace, one daughter, Goldie, two brothers, Martin and Ora Spurlin of Lewis Creek, and three sisters, Mrs. Flora Fately of Lewis Creek, Mrs. Amanda McCalip of this city and Mrs. Sina Jackson of this city.
The funeral services will be held at the late home Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, the Rev. Billheimer, of Lewis Creek officiating. Interment will be made in Forest Hill cemetery in charge of Stewart & Fix.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Republican
Saturday, December 14, 1912
Mrs. Hannah Mann died at the home of her daughter, Miss Olga Mann, on Boggstown pike, Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. At the time of her death she was eighty years and twenty-six days of age, having been born in Fleming county, Ohio November 17th, 1824. Mrs. Mann had been a resident of this county since 1865. She was a member of the Center M. E. Church and was one of the active workers while her strength permitted it. Mrs. Mann was well known over the county by the older residents. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Henry McCalip, of Hendricks township, three sons, Levi Mann, of Brandywine township, John Mann, of this city and Charles Mann, of VanBuren township. She is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Ella Zemer, of near Gwynneville, and Mrs. Martha Penrod, of Ohio. The funeral services will be held Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock, the Rev. A. W. Conn officiating. Interment will be made in Forest Hill in charge of Stewart & Fix.
Submitted by Barb Huff

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